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A Krugsmas Gift to the Rex


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Bjorn perked his head up from the stage boat, "Yer gift fer Krugmas is war." Muttered the ever short Dwarf.

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Vykk sit before the altar in the square of Varhelm, praying to his paragon before standing up, adjusting his axe at his waist. "I've nay fought the uruk for quite some time, perhaps I shall receive a trophy this time..." he muses "regardles, IRON FROM ICE!" he belts out

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The High Keeper stamped her seal on her copy of the document before filing it away into the records of the Norlandic Archive. "To battle we go, then. Iron from Ice."

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Murdok'Lak chomped the bit of his pipe, shaped in the form of Laklul's tongue that came with the staff of Laklul lovingly made by a very old human friend. He muttered and snorted as he smoked his pipe and read the missive that had fallen onto his well-kempt hair out in the back swampy creeks of the Krugmari lands, where he sat, building himself and his life mate and cubs a shack to raise toalaks, praise the spirits, and generally relax from his rather war torn life "Hrm.......Well diz nub bode well at all.......Nubhozh indeed....." He patted his now aged and color dulling toalak mount, Grumbo, on its slimy hind leg before scrambling onto its back, beginning to ride to somewhere....

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Fiil'Yar groans and hides away in her hermit hut.


"As long as nobody's trying to genocide my people, maybe I can just avoid this situation."

Edited by Gallic
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The Snagagoth of Krugmar perks a large brow of word of enslavement is Norlandic people, he never approved this he never branded anyone? Who dare do his job for him! Whoever it was he just caused the nation a load of trouble Al-Uk simply sighs as he smokes from his old oak pipe trying to decide if he should fight against kin he rather calls friends "Diz ez zum zkahed ub zkah... Krug guyde mi..." 



Drekür'Ungri for the first time doesn't desire the ultimate demise of those who challange Enrohks wrath instead he frowns as he will have to fight against those who he just delivered Krugzmazz presents to the large Santa dressed olog takes his beard off and yanks his large warstaff out "DEN KONFLIKT ZHALL BI KAUZED LUP'ENROHK!" he roars out the titan though not wishing to kill those who accepted him despite being an Olog shall do so as it will please Enrohk though of course conflict is not her guaranteed 

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Aroiia Elena Tundrak would smile, as she heard news of the letter sent by the King of Norland. The Snow Elven woman would then think to herself: 


"Ah so it's finally time for Norland to take up Arms against this bold move made by the Rex of Krugmar. Let us see if your actions have inspired your followers enough to fight your battles."


The Mali'fenn would then continue on her way, presumably to go sharpen her sword before saying aloud,


"Iron from Ice"

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The weary dwarf would approach the gate of his empty hall, receiving the missive from the courier through the iron bars that bore between them.  Returning to his study with the parchment clenched in his hand he'd settle himself onto a split log, before momentarily sliding a blade through the seal.  As he thoroghly examined the details he'd let a hefty huff through his beard "Krug 'as ah debt dat goes unpaid."

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Ancelie would solemnly peer over Halvar's shoulder at the array of stamped missives and nods once, heaving a heavy sigh as she declared: "Iron from Ice."

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Tavish would return from his monthly hunting trip, sweat heavy from his brow despite the freezing cold. His armor was heavy, his pack laden with the pelts, meats and fish he had caught in the week. He'd find the missive stabbed into the Barrel Throne. much to his surprise and dismay. After a quick read-through, he'd let out a sigh. "Iron from Ice. Looks like I'll take my armor off some other time."

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Einar smiles, sharpening his Longsword. "Iron from Ice."

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"AHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAH RUFF-RUFF, DOGS." Vilko Eiriksson shouts in a drunken rage. The elderly man painted his chest and face blue, preparing for battle.




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Ugrad lets out a wicked cowl as he hears of such things, "Eht peepz like everytik mi flatz zomeazh they always get themzelvez in even worze trouble!" From there he would wonder a bit as he calls out to all norlanders near, "Zorry mi attacked latz once, mi whil help latz en latz endeavorz againzt this rex to mayke up for it!"

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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