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Letter to the Aulic Court, 353 E.S.


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Letter to the Aulic Court, 353 E.S




Issued By


On the 14th of Tov & Yermey, 353 E.S.



Va ve Jovenaar i Haense,


A multitude of acts are rejected at the behest of the Duma vote, as has been seen in recent years. The Josefian reforms have also brought a period of great change to the procedure of the Duma. However, as the Duma cannot legislate on itself (see Aulic Court Review: Relationship Between the Royal Duma and the Aulic Government), this request for review must be issued.


As a sitting member of the Duma, and peer of the realm, the Duke of Valwyck sees fit to defer to the Aulic Court for a legal opinion on the following:


The Haurul Caezk states that a bill of the Royal Duma must be passed by majority vote and may become law with the confirmation of the Koeng following its majority vote, implicating that it is failed when said bill does not reach these requisites:


  • 212.01: Members of the Duma may submit bills to the Royal Duma that must be passed by majority vote;
  • 212.042: Once passed with a majority vote, a legislative bill shall require assent from the Crown to become binding law;


The question that should be raised is whether or not a bill that has failed to reach these requisites after being introduced in the Duma should have the ability to be reintroduced, unaltered, in the Duma sessions following its failure, including the cohort contrary to the one it was first presented in. 


The Aulic Court is thus requested to publish a legal opinion on this matter of Duma procedure.


His Grace, Matyas, Duke of Valwyck

Edited by hippo
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"An interesting question. I look forward to debating this with my fellow Jovenaar's," commented Lukas Rakoczy!

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