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A letter for my kin, the Mali’fenn.


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A letter for my kin, the Mali’fenn.


13th of Snow’s Maiden,

Year 4 of the Second Age.


“I am writing this letter to those who share my blood. To those who regard themselves as Mali’fenn. If this reaches you, then know that I rejoice in the fact my kin are not extinct. I have spoken face to face with some of you, but to my understanding I have not exchanged words with all of you. Furthermore, I have likely not formally met those remnants. 


To introduce myself to you, I am Aesilnoth Tundrak. Formerly the Commander and later Grand Marshal of the Ivae’fenn, High Justiciar of Tahu’lareh, and protector of Hesin’fin. Since my birth in the Citadel of Acael, I had long served our blessed Princedom under the rule of my greatest friend, Aelthir Tundrak II. And later under my nephew, one whom I had helped raise, Aelthos Tundrak III.


 Never had I believed to find myself anywhere, but Fenn. However, a great many events occurred just after the construction of Tahu’lareh. My own Haelun’s sister, Sulien Annungilben, was gravely wounded patrolling the northern roads. I carried what remained of her to our clinic, where she subsequently died in my arms. Her remains were encased in ice and sat in the crypt as all honorable Fenn would be. 


Very quickly however, her death was overshadowed by the passing of Aelthir Tundrak II the Grand Prince. Who unfortunately passed after the conclusion to the War of Two Emperors. To this day his death weighs heavy on my mind. I only wish those of you who hadn’t, could have met him. His remains had not been recovered, for had they been, I would have seen to it that they were placed next to his late wife and the former Grand Princess Arahaelth Aureon. The Sparrow Druid. 


During my nephew Aelthos’ reign, I ascended to the title of Grand Marshal of the Ivae’fenn. A position in which I claimed several victories for our blessed Princedom. It was during this time that I was severely undermined by the Grand Chancellor of the time. A severe blow to my pride as the Lord Commander, despite my victories I had not garnered their faith. Soon after we rid the plaguelands of Llyria from the grasp of the dark and demented. Yet, my nephew Aelthos forced me to relinquish the title of Grand Marshal until further notice. Even then, I complied and returned to my post as Valkyr. A heated argument between Aelthos and I ended with my resignation from the Valkyrim. I then left the Princedom as my faith in Aelthos diminished. Soon after a truly dark period for Fenn ensued. 


The Ascension of Aldred Tundrak “The Unworthy” was one of uncertainty. For how long Aelthir had led, it was strange to have another change to the crown so soon. And unfortunately this change was for the worst. After my exodus from the Princedom, I returned sometime later to ease my homesickness. Only to find that dark mages were being allowed entry. A horrendous sight, one I sought to end. Knowing in my heart that true Mali’fenn would see this as a great error on Aldred’s behalf, but my intuition had failed me that day. Aldred ordered the Ivae’fenn and threatened the neighboring ally Irrinor to arrest me under attempted regicide. A crime of which I was innocent. I was thrown into a cell after being beaten and left to await for my trial. Or so I had thought.


Aldred had forgone all the laws of our nation. Laws of which I helped write as the High Justiciar. My very rights and honor were stripped by my nephew, who sentenced me to severe punishment. The Grand Marshal Aroiia Drakon entered into my cell alongside a Valkyr. Both of which were former subordinates of mine. They then proceeded to beat me further, an unarmed prisoner in chains. I screamed at the top of my lungs for them to stop. Grasping at any sliver of hope that they would see the error in their ways, but they refused. It was then that a warhammer was equipped and used in an attempt to cripple me for life. After my limbs sustained heavy damages, I was then left in a cell to die. No final words and no goodbyes. 


The world around me began to fade. Slipping in and out of consciousness from the pain I felt. Had my daughter Rhaella Tathvir not found me in that cell, I would be dead. She smuggled me out of the city and brought me to the Prince Feanor of Aegrothond, our Princedoms once great ally and closest friends. It was there that Feanor saved my life. And it was then, that I found a home within Elvenesse. My days slowly dragged on as I rehabilitated my body. Only a mere blink of an eye for our lifespans. I could finally breathe again, but my mind still swirled at the thought of what had occurred over the previous decades. 


That was when I was yet again insulted by my motherland. A proclamation from my nephew Akkar Tundrak, deeming that my name should be stripped and I not recognized as ‘Fenn because I did not live within the walls of Tahu’lareh. The anger I felt at that moment was indescribable. Needless to say, I did not take this slight easily and in the end my name remained. Once again, I continued to live my life. Aelthos Tundrak III would return later on to reclaim the throne. Akkar’s rule was soiled by that of a false Vigilant. Prophetic ramblings of Wyrvun and “his six.”, a poison that would soon lead to our blessed Princedoms' destruction. 


For all true Mali’fenn, it is known that we are bound in the Wyrvunic contract. The Aengul Wyrvun, Lord of the deep cold is our savior and deity. Our very existence is owed to him, as he saved our ancestors from madness. And thus you see that there is no room for “Six.” there is only “One.”. To dedicate time to worship of anything other than Wyrvun is an insult, one that had come to fruition during the waning years of the Princedom. Soon Aelthos would return and reclaim the throne from his son. And for the first time, I had made my peace with my nephew. Merely a few years later, he would pay me a visit. Offered me the Crowns of both Grand Prince and Princess, before he set off into the world. And to my knowledge, no one has heard or seen of him since. Should he have passed on into Wyrvun’s eternal hall of Aira’fin, then may he Rest in Peace. And thus began the crumble of our Princedom. As the war against the Inferi raged, on a particularly somber day, two great flashes appeared. The first, a dragon of the Druidic grove descended into the mortal plane once more. And the second, was the sudden and unexpected cataclysm of Tahu’lareh and the lone mountain. One, that after speaking with Velatha Sylric at length, I have learned destroyed our history, our culture, and our memories. The remains of the first Snow Elves. My aunt Sulien, many ‘fenn I would have died for. Gone in an instant, never to be recovered. Our written history and records turned into ash. 


Thus I offer this lesson in history to you all. And it is for you ‘fenn and you alone to decide your thoughts on it. For freedom of thought has always been a facet of our race, to never be squandered or censored. And it is this freedom, which always allows the truth to come to light. Believe in your hearts and you shall never stray from a noble path. 


Have faith, my kin. Faith in yourselves and faith in Wyrvun our savior. And always remember this. Wyrvun’s mortal realm, Hesin’fin, is not always a frigid wasteland. Many make the mistake believing that Wyrvun’s domain is always a physical place. But it is not. For his domain resides wherever the hearts of Mali’fenn reside. Whether we be a flotilla among an open sea, or within the deep roads under a mountain, Hesin’fin is us


I understand there are those among you who have cast out the name Tundrak. For it is your belief that they abandoned you. This sentiment is one that I understand. So, on behalf of my bloodline: I apologize for my nephew Aldred’s madness, I apologize for my nephew Akkar’s idleness, and I apologize for my nephew Aelthos’ rule in absentia. And I offer my own sincere apology, for not being present when perhaps I was needed the most. 


I invite any and all of you to an open correspondence with myself, for I would like to exchange words with you. Even take a step further if you wish, pay me a visit within the lands of Elvenesse as Velatha Sylric has. Meet with me face to face, one ‘fenn to another.

I look forward to hearing from my kin.”



Signed with regards,

Aesilnoth Tundrak.

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Aymer Annungiblen would pick up his pen to respond,


It has long since I heard from you Aesilnoth, yet I am glad you are alive. After my wife's death and the complete lack of respect shown to her in death, I left Fenn for good, living out my life in the wilderness where Sulien and I worked most frequently. You, however, have nothing to apologize about. These individuals commanded outside of your watch, and even then, you do not fully share blood with them, you share blood with myself as well. You hold inside you the blood of the aggressors and the defenders, yet you chose to stick with the latter, something which I applaud you for. I am hesitant, however, to fully show myself in Elvenesse - a handful of the individuals there called citizens and friends were apart of those who attempted our genocide many years ago. That is something I cannot forgive them for, yet I shall meet with you regardless. Exepect my call, Nephew.


~ Aymer Annungilben

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Accompanied by Aymer in the realm of frosted oceans and icy Tundras, Lydienne, daughter of Aelthir the Second, smiled, recalling what once was; inspired by what will be.

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From deep within the Lands of Providence, a certain mali'fenn hummed as a copy of the missive was brought to her attention. At first, she scoffed, but then memories of her more recent times in Fenn came flooding back to her. She missed her kin dearly, as much as she hated to admit it, and it brought her sorrow to see her brethren scattered to the winds..


And thus, she began to write.




I would meet with you when possible, though not within the lands of Elevenesse as leaving the lands I now call home brings me stress. I would like to reminisce about old times, time since past, and discuss what is to come, potentially. Should you still wish to talk with a misunderstood old ally, then send a bird to Providence, and from there the letter shall find me.



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"You are not a Tundrak" says Varan, casually walking by.

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