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An ancient letter


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[!] Dust seems to decorate the ancient parchment. The corners of the paper have but crumbled. It is clear this letter is old, at least a couple centuries, perhaps even more. 


To the beloved daughter, 


It was a beautiful day. 


Choirs consisting of different birds, all singing in tune. 


The sun and the moon facing each other, how magical it felt. 


It was right then when Gwynaeth took a look at me, her face filling with joy as you were delivered into this world. 


Nuala, we decided to call you. For the never ending respect for Gwynaeth’s beloved llir. 


A child, born under the darkening sun. You are meant for greatness. Your life will be filled with ups and downs, however Uradir blood runs through your veins; that purity shall always guide you forward. Nothing and no one can ever deny your birthright. 


If it is ever that we may not meet again, never forget that your haelun and maln loves you, Nuala of Uradir. 





Moederai Uradir, a proud father



Permission received from the creator of the Uradir family to post this. 


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