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A Guide to the Royal Duma

Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska

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Issued by the


On this Msitza and Dargund of 353ES





Introduction: What is the Royal Duma?

The Lord Speaker: Role & Duties

Noble Peers: Role & Responsibility

Elected officials: Role & Duties

Lord Palatine: Representing the Crown

Legislative Bills: What makes a good bill & Duma Protocol

Advisory Resolutions: What’s the purpose?

Getting Involved: How to get started?




What is the Royal Duma?


The Royal Duma is one of the most important institutions of the Kingdom of Haense. While it has had many definitions and different roles over the span of its existence, the most basic definition of it is this; the Royal Duma is a general assembly made up of nobility and elected representatives to advise the Crown on kingdom affairs and create laws or legislation that affect the ruling of the kingdom and address issues within the law codex of Haense. While the duties of the Duma can be quite vast, the broad definition above captures the essence of its role within Haense.


The Royal Duma’s role within Haense has changed over its lifespan. Its powers have considerably expanded from its original foundation under the first Duke of Haense, Karl Barbanov. From a small group of veteran soldiers and knights, to a congregation made up of Haeseni peerage as an advisory body, now to its existing formation; a legislative and advisory body of noble peers and elected officials that way everyone can participate in the rule of government. Duma is one of the greatest ways to get involved in the government of Haense, and is one of the most prominent and visible parts of the Haeseni government.



Role & Duties


Seal of the Herzen of the Duma


The Royal Herzen, colloquially known as the Lord / Lady Speaker, is the chief officer and presiding government official over the Royal Duma. The Speaker is generally chosen from sitting members of the Royal Duma by the Crown and is responsible for the overall intricacies of the body. The Speaker calls forth each session of the Royal Duma and is in charge of facilitating deliberation and debate during each sitting. The Speaker must also deliver legislation passed by majority in the Duma to the Crown for royal assent or veto. Once the Speaker takes their position, they are sworn to impartiality by the Crown and are forbidden from taking any political positions or ideologies, in other words, the Lord Speaker must be unbiased and neutral during his tenure in the chair.


The Role of the Lord Speaker is simple, they oversee the Royal Duma in place of the Crown. In the Duma chambers, the Speaker wields the supreme authority in absence of the Crown. The Speaker moderates debate, sets Duma rules & etiquette, calls sessions, and removes unruly members from the Duma Hall (including spectators). In the Speaker’s capacity as an Aulic Councillor, they bring approved bills to the Crown to advise on the assent or veto of a passed bill. The main role of the Speaker outside of the Duma hall is to advise the Crown on Duma and peer related matters. The Speaker plays an integral role in Government-Peer relations and helps harbor fruitful conversation and lively debate over policies and the future of the Kingdom. This makes the Speaker a vital part of the government. Furthermore, they are to serve as acting palatine when the current is incapacitated or incapable of fulfilling the duties of office as of the Haurul Caezk 204.024. 



Role & Responsibility 


The Herzenav, colloquially known as the Lord Peers, serve as one of the main groups involved within the Royal Duma. Traditionally, the body of the Duma was solely made up of Nobility, and while today that is not the case, Nobility still holds significant sway over the body. A seat in the Duma is considered a right of the Feudal Lords while also being considered a responsibility by the Crown, House Patriarchs and peers of Haense are charged with serving the Crown in the Duma through any method befitting of both parties. While normally Noble Patriarchs serve directly in each session, it is not unusual for Patriarchs to send a member of their own family, or an unrelated representative they trust to represent their values. Culturally, Nobility is still a large part of the Kingdom which is why their representation within the government is so high, however peerage only comprise half of the current representation in the Royal Duma.



Role & Duties


Alderman and Tribune are the elected representatives of the electorate. Both Alderman and Tribune are elected for four year terms, their duty is to serve their constituents. The position of Alderman can be taken both by a member of a noble family or a commoner, while Tribune can only be won by a commoner. These positions were added to give a voice to the common Haeseni and fair representation for all people. A large part of the role in these elected positions is representing the electorate well enough to receive another elected term. Reaching out to the people of Hanseti-Ruska is vital for all elected officials to be mindful of to garner the general opinion of the populace. Listening to your constituents opinions and wants, opposing legislation that does not favor them, supporting legislation that does, and writing legislation that's meaningful and helpful to the. These are all the duties of the elected representatives.


Campaigning is a large part of an Alderman and Tribune’s career. To be elected in the first place, elected representatives must win over the people of Haense, both common and noble. Three Sectors are important to a campaign, the nobility, the commoners, and the military. Candidates must make a platform broad enough to win the support of each group, while also being specific enough to prove your campaign is not superficial. Substance and popularity can be equally as important. Conversing and winning over support of each group is very important for having a successful campaign, and writing a missive explaining your platform can be the turning point in an election. While tearing down your opponent can be a useful method of campaigning, the no-nonsense Haeseni can usually see through cheap political tactics such as mudslinging. Candidates can prove their worth on the campaign trail through common conversations, past experience, platform missives, and through candidacy debates which can also help sway the electorate to vote for you. 



Representing the Crown


Seal of the Lord Palatine


The Royal Duma is split into 3 groups: the noble peers, the elected representatives, and lastly the Lord Palatine. While nobility represents aristocratic interests and elected officials represent their electorate, both common and noble, the Lord Palatine is the representative of the Crown and his Government within Duma debate and deliberations. The Lord Palatine’s role is pertinent to the body as it gives yet another perspective  and voice to deliberations of the Duma. In close votes, the Lord Palatine can be the deciding vote and voice of the government. While the Government holds only one direct seat, he can hold much sway over the success or failure of Duma legislation.



What Makes a Good Bill & Duma Protocol


Legislative bills are the biggest topic in the Royal Duma, often bills have to do with a wide range of topics. Often in the past, Duma has gotten oversaturated with decadent bills that don’t address real issues that are pertinent to the kingdom. Some categories that can help legislators who are looking to create good bills are the following; Finding and amending loopholes within the Legal Codex, funding measures for much needed institutions, addressing popular cultural issues that trouble Kingdom affairs, updating previous legislation to make them more fitting for modern, contemporary concerns, creating stimulus or subsidy programs,  and addressing major political issues like infrastructure, economy, and education.


When writing or sponsoring legislation, there is a proper legislation formatting to follow in order to me record keeping and possible laws and legislation uniformed. This is the current bill formatting for any legislation brought to the Duma. When writing a bill, one can write alone or co-sponsor one with a colleague or fellow Duma member.


A large part of Duma is the learning the lexicon and protocols that are needed when navigating the body. The Following will explain some of the Lexicon or protocol used within the Royal Duma;


Roll Call - simply stated, every session of Duma begins with the calling of Roll, during which each present member must make known they are there.

Point of Order - a question directed at the Speaker over the agenda of the day or possible things that the Duma may address.

Motion to Table - a motion to table a bill is used when a member of Duma does not believe the bill is ready for a vote, or a vote should not occur this instant. Tabling a bill suspends a bill from current consideration and moves on to the next topic of the session. (a second motion is needed for the motion to be accepted by the Speaker.)

Motion to Vote - after a debate has gone on for quite some time, a member of the Duma must call for a motion to vote on the current pending legislation. (a second motion is needed for the motion to be accepted by the Speaker.)

Debate Protocol - when debating, one should always address the Speaker rather than the other members of the Duma. Members should also always consider when tensions rise during a debate, members should address their problems cordially and respectfully, as to show respect to the integrity of the  august body.

Moderated Debate - during moderated debate, members of the Duma must ask for permission from the Speaker to address the Duma during debate.

Unmoderated Debate -  during unmoderated debate, members of the Duma can speak freely during the debate, not needing permission from the Speaker to address the Duma.

Voting Protocol - When voting on a bill, one should use the traditional New Marian; Da, niet, or abstain.

Removal from session - If a member is acting unruly, they may be asked to leave. To show respect to the body, a member asked to leave should always agree to the Speakers request and address the issue after the Duma session with the Speaker. 

Vote of No Confidence - in unusual situations, votes of no confidence can be called against members of the Aulic Government, included but not limited to the Lord Speaker. Any member can call a Vote of No Confidence, but the member must have a valid reason for calling the vote, as the vote is not taken lightly. The vote does not require response from the Crown, although if the overwhelming majority of the Duma does not have faith in a position such as the Speaker, they may see their hasty removal from the position.



What’s the Purpose?


Traditionally, the Royal Duma has served in an advisory capacity, however since the days of Marus II, the Duma has possessed legislative powers. Since then, the advisory part of the duma has fallen much to the wayside, often not being observed by the Royal Duma. Now, with Advisory Resolutions, legislative bills that do not meet standards or categories for certain bills, can be addressed with advisory resolutions. Advisory resolutions address affairs of state such as sentiments involving war, justice, and cultural values. While Advisory Resolutions hold no binding legal power, they do serve an important role in allowing the majority of the Duma to publicly address and make known their sentiments on current issues. While advisory resolutions do not require Crown assent or address, the Crown can ask for an Advisory Resolution which can publicly state the majority opinion of the Crown’s legislative assembly.




The Royal Duma has many opportunities for Haeseni who wish to get involved that are not privy to a seat such as the Noble Peers. People interested in getting involved can seek a job under the Lord Speaker such as a clerk. A Duma clerk gets plenty of experience in the Duma and is able to observe the intricacies of the body itself, however they spend much time writing transcripts and other missives which the Speaker requires. They also are assigned to projects requested by the Speaker to help them get involved in the kingdom. Clerks can request lessons from the Speaker, but most lessons are reserved for people who seek to be wards under the Speaker. A recently new addition to the Duma is the “Adjudicator” role, which serves as someone to hold debates in the duma hall outside of Duma itself. 


Another way to get involved is to run for an elected position as mentioned above in the elected representative section. If you are worried that your lack of name recognition renders you likely to lose the election, reach out to the Noble Patriarchs of Haense and ask if they wish to be represented in the Royal Duma, this is how the Great Statesman Terrence May started! A humble representative from Ayr turned Haeseni political statesman renowned and respected in his work in government. If you are too young to have a seat within the Duma, you can always seek out the Speaker and ask to be their ward, you can learn much from being a ward of the Speaker and get to observe the Royal Duma at work. There are many ways to get involved in the Royal Duma, don’t be afraid to get involved!


[ If your interested in getting involved in the Royal Duma, reach out to eryane#7445 ]

[ Written by @Drew2_dude ]


Her Excellency Irena Ruthern

Lady Speaker of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


Edited by Kingdom of Haense
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