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Issued as of 5th of The Deep Cold, 4 SA


A request of review for Okarir’tir & Elheial’thilln,


Below this are listed laws that are believed broken by the Archdrakaar,  azdrazi as well as their sympathizers. We humbly request the future Okarir’tir alongside the most respected Silver Council summon a Silver Tribunal. 

May only the Pariran’tir judge the personnel whom are accused of breaking the laws mentioned below:  


ARTICLE 6.   The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate the purity of their citizens purposely tarnished out of hedonistic glee. Purity is not in the eyes of the beholder.                               It is in the venerated manners of our Mali’thill ancestors where we find guidance in purity. It is not enough that one’s heart is pure--for only when one’s mind and blood remains unmuddied can true purity be gained.


  • The Azdrazi as well as the worshippers of the Archdrakaar are accused of tarnishing purity of their own as well as those around them in order to receive power, for hedonistic glee. 


ARTICLE 8.   The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate purposeful mutilation of oneself. 

                                           To ensure the purity of body of all residents of the State, the mutilation of one’s body for reasons aesthetic is hereby banned. Medical licensing and governmental approval can be acquired by those with individual needs, but the harming of one’s own body through piercing and other means is, as is necessary for soundness of mind, to be rejected. This extends to the dyeing of one’s hair.


  • The Azdrazi as well as others worshipping the Archdrakaar are accused of mutilating one’s body by the means of tattoos. Some are accused of even fully destroying their Mali’thill body in order to descend as an Azdrazi. 


ARTICLE 11.   The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate any attempts at the conversion of Mali’thill to religious or otherwise impure beliefs. 

                                         To assault the mental purity of the Mali’thill through attempting to sway them to religious belief is a deed most unbecoming. No preachers or missionaries will be permitted to spread their beliefs or ideals within The Silver State.


  • The Archdrakaar Azdromoth the First-Born, as well as his subjects and other followers are accused of religious/impure conversion of Mali’thill. Too many Mali’thill have forsaken the teachings of Larihei & Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, under the influence of the dragon kin. 


ARTICLE 4.   The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or shall not participate in fraternization of any intimate sort with impures, or other races. 

                                       Preservation of life itself resides in the idea of purity. To lay waste to one’s untainted mali’aheral blood is a crime no less potent than murder of another citizen.


  • To fraternize with an Azdrazi who has forsaken their Mali’thill body is impure, as they are no longer Mali’thill. Such is in violation of our laws and must be judged as per our laws state. 


Nuala Telperion

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In a cold and quiet morning, as Maenor walked around the city, trudging through the snow in an attempt to return to San’evarir, he would’ve stumbled across this curious piece of paper. After a quick glance he would’ve inspected it with more care, checking it for anything that could’ve confirmed his initial assumption that this was nothing more than a comedic leaflet. To his surprise he couldn’t, starting to go over it again, this time more thoroughly, muttering faintly at the same time “Let’s see, then…” he sighed “The lizard and his minions are all lessers, therefore article 6 doesn’t apply to them.” He pointed out to no one in particular “Same goes for article 8. If the aspiring gecko was initially a Mali’thill then this matter was discussed before, the Maheral will conjure some twisted excuse and compare the tattoos themselves with voidal weakness and the trading of more progress in exchange for health... As for the rest, the Maheral will quickly dismiss them as false or simply use his absolutist powers granted to him by the Constitution to pardon whoever, should the need arise, as it often happens in lovely republics.” He ended with an indifferent shrug, casting the paper aside and continuing his trip without giving the contents of the request any more thought as if it simply was not worth it. 

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Ikur, who would be standing conveniently next to Maenor, shoots off an affected sigh. "If you are going to take such issue with my methods, just challenge me instead of spewing this passive-aggressive nonsense. It is unproductive and churlish."

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18 hours ago, Magicpastry said:

Ikur, who would be standing conveniently next to Maenor, shoots off an affected sigh. "If you are going to take such issue with my methods, just challenge me instead of spewing this passive-aggressive nonsense. It is unproductive and churlish."


Valorin, standing inconveniently close behind Ikur and Maenor, releases a blast of air from his nostrils. "Perhaps we should begin a series of challenges against the impure Councillors. Ahernan for the thought, Maheral."

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1 hour ago, Vael said:


Valorin, standing inconveniently close behind Ikur and Maenor, releases a blast of air from his nostrils. "Perhaps we should begin a series of challenges against the impure Councillors. Ahernan for the thought, Maheral."

Silvyr, standing conveniently close behind Valorin, Ikur, and Meanor, muttered something directed at Valorin. "How can you challenge the Maheral if you cannot win an election?"

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4 hours ago, Keldrith said:

Silvyr, standing conveniently close behind Valorin, Ikur, and Meanor, muttered something directed at Valorin. "How can you challenge the Maheral if you cannot win an election?"

Upon witnessing the odd scene play out somewhere on the streets of Karinah'siol, the moony librarian decided to stay out of sight and beyond earshot of the group. He could barely stifle a hiccup when the fourth person jumped the previous three from behind.


Before retreating deep into the bowels of San'evarir, Mr. Leverys muttered something barely coherent under his rimy breath. The mumbling sounded somewhat like "What a perfect day to lock oneself up somewhere far from here."

Then again, maybe it could've been deciphered as "Imagine if they had knives and no regard for the law."


It's hard to tell for sure.

Edited by KronugiN
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On 12/30/2020 at 9:34 AM, Vael said:


Valorin, standing inconveniently close behind Ikur and Maenor, releases a blast of air from his nostrils. "Perhaps we should begin a series of challenges against the impure Councilors. Ahernan for the thought, Maheral."


Having overheard the conversation hearsay from the Azdrazi, Alad would try to speak his brother.

"Brother, I know I dislike the Azdrazi continuously poking the nest of politics that would be the wood elves, but this is not the way."

"Their religion is odd, but they have been reborn, they explained that it is but a new soul. It is as if they are a new youngling with the memory of another."

"We seek to advance ourselves, to progress and develop. We can't just keep bickering with others."

"If I knew that you held such views, I would have cast away a vote for my only brother to calmer minds. thank goodness my voice was irrelevant."

"It is thoughts like this that lead to Lizrith's reign. I will not have us be driven back into a needless war with Elveness. Though I will not shield the Azdrazi if they dare threaten Elveness alone as if under Haelun'or's banner."


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