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Naval Properties Act


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Naval Properties Act


In the authority of the GRAND COUNCIL and its authority over the lands and by extension the ports of Urguan, this extension of the Land Leasing Regulatory Act is created for the standardization of having a boat docked, known as the Naval Properties Regulatory Act. This duty execution of this act shall fall under the regulatory jurisdiction of the GRAND KING and its offices, to ensure swift negotiations and transactions so that the purpose of this act may endure true. 



Section I - Pre-existing Docked Ships


1. All currently pre-existing docked ships, of which there are 9 in total, will either be claimed by the kingdom or sorted into the following tiers to pay the yearly docking fee.


a. If the ships are already docked, the upfront price does not need to be paid. 


b. If the ships serve the navy, they do not need to pay the docking fee.


Section II - Ship Sizes


Tier I - Fishing Boat


Total pricing of the property deed itself being around 150 minas. Yearly docking upkeep fee of 10 minas. Core building of the property is generally not to exceed 5x10 meters




Tier II - Sloop


Total pricing of the property deed itself being around 500 minas. Yearly docking upkeep fee of 30 minas.Core building of the property is generally not to exceed 10x30 meters.




Tier III - Galleon


Total pricing of the property deed itself being around 1000 minas. Yearly docking upkeep fee of 50 minas. Core building of the property is generally not to exceed 15x50 meters


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Vereh fockin expensive...

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