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Knightly Orders of Hanseti-Ruska

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Issued by the


On this 7th of Tov and Yermey of 354ES




"Ea szalmar ter mzider."


For generations, knighthood in the Kingdom of Haense has served as a badge for not just a warrior, but a paragon Haeseni.


While they number as some of the best warriors in all of the Descendant lands, Knights go beyond mere skill in arms. Those named Knight by the Crown live for the betterment of others, and espouse unquestionable chivalry, loyalty and virtue. The Knightly Orders of Hanseti-Ruska have seen a great deal of change over the centuries as Kings and Knight Paramounts have changed, but the modern Knights of Hanseti-Ruska come in the form of three orders: the Order of the Crow, the traditional, chivalric knights; the Marian Retinue, the King's personal protectors; and the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily, the highest civilian honor for non-military achievements. This missive, published by the Knight Paramount following the Edict of Knightly Orders of 343ES that saw the proper revival of Knighthood in Haense, explains each Order and their components.


I: General:

  • Table of Contents
  • Code of Chivalry
  • The Knight Paramount
  • The Knight's Table

II: The Order of the Crow

  • Structure
  • Duties
  • Becoming a Squire
  • Knightly Trials
  • Dubbing

III: The Marian Retinue

IV: The Order of Queen Maya and the Lily






"Dlum Jove ag Kongzem."


All Knights of Haense, be they newly-dubbed squire or grizzled veteran, must comport themselves as paragons of honour and virtue befitting of their station. 

The Code of Chivalry thus binds all Knights, irrespective of their Order, to:


I: To live not for oneself, but for Godan, King and Kingdom;

II: To stand stalwart in the light of Godan and the teachings of His Church;

III: To protect the Crown;

IV: To protect and serve the weak and defenseless from evil;

V: To guard not only the flesh and blood of the Crown, but their name and honor alike;

VI: To never refuse a challenge from an equal, and to never fight dishonorably;

VII: To treat others always with kindness, respect and chivalry;

VIII: To travel the Kingdom questing in aid of her people;

IX: To always be loyal, to brother, sister, King and Kingdom.





"Tiz Jove ag Lendyyo."


The Knight Paramount is the foremost Knight of the Kingdom, charged with maintaining the Knights beneath him.


The Knight Paramount, selected by the Crown, is responsible for ensuring the protection of the Crown, the activity of the rest of the Knights, overseeing the training of Squires, assessing candidates to become Squires and Knights through the Knightly Trials and advising the Crown on all matters of their personal safety and Knighthood. The Knight Paramount may, with the consent of the Crown, revoke knighthood from an individual who has, through some great dishonor, violated the Code of Chivalry and disgraced their title. Ceremoniously, the Knight Paramount is considered the Crown's closest defender and honored with a seat on the dais of the throne room during Court.


The Knight Paramounts are celebrated in Haeseni history for their station and, as of 354ES, the lives of the Knight Paramounts are recorded in this chronicle [link]





"Dlum Koeng ag Kongzem."


The Meyster Knight is a prestigious role in the Order, that holds the mantle in case of absence, and heeds the Knight Paramount wherever possible.


The Meyster Knight is selected by the Knight Paramount himself, and they are often determined on the basis of either combat prowess, or sagacity. This is due to their important role within the order, for if the Knight Paramount was to either be in absence, they would be responsible to take charge. In which, all of the Paramount’s duties would fall upon them, until they return or another Paramount is selected by the Crown. Otherwise, they act as a second in command to the Paramount, being distinctly useful during times of prosperity and activity within both Orders. The Meyster Knight can either be a Marian or Crow Knight, and their active duties are not listed, as they are typically discussed with their current Knight Paramount.





"Krusae ve Krawn."


The Knight's Table is an official meeting of the Kingdom's military Knights and Squires, chaired by the Knight Paragon.


The Knight's Table requires some degree of ceremony; those who attend are required to unsheathe their weapons and lay them on the table before sitting, though Squires must remain standing for the duration of the meeting behind their mentor Knight. During the Table, Knights provide updates on any quests they have undertaken alongside the training of their Squires, while also holding votes on whether to accept new Squires and whether Squires are ready to undertake their Final Quest to prove themselves worthy of Knighthood. The Table may also contemplate matters of discipline, and discuss any events or threats both at home or abroad that Knights may undertake to solve or investigate as Quests.


Those considered active Knights of the Kingdom, who consistently fulfil their duties, shall be deemed Seated Knights. Knights who, whether due to age, injury or other reasons, are no longer in active serve are deemed retired Unseated Knights, who may bear the title of Ser as an honorific.







"Krusae ve mitel ag kursainlesz nod aiiel."


Championing the spirit of traditional knighthood and chivalry are the Crow Knights, chosen from the strongest, most leal and honorable warriors of the Haeseni Royal Army to bear the mantle of Knight in defense of the Kingdom, her peoples, and ideals.


The Order of the Crow's principles originate as far back as Axios in the 16th Century, where King Andrik II first founded the Order of the Golden Gryphon in the City of St. Karlsburg, which was later reformed by King Otto II in Alban and eventually molded into the first rendition of the Order of the Crow by King Andrik III. Today, the modern Order of the Crow, built upon this rich history of knighthood, is composed of devout soldiers who are not only adept at arms, but also as the model Haeseni who always comport themselves with honor and excellence through their military service and chivalry.



Order of the Crow:



"Kursain karos ag sangkruv."


The Order of the Crow is composed of no more than twelve individuals who bear the title of 'Ser' or 'Dame' in recognition of their esteemed station.


Crow Knights


Crow Knights are warriors and, with a view to keeping the Haeseni military centralised, must be enlisted in the Haeseni Royal Army and attain the rank of Footman prior to seeking training as a Squire. During training as a Squire and once knighted, Crow Knights shall remain in their standard military unit and adhere to standard hierarchy while also assuming their separate duties of a Crow Knight. A Crow Knight is also expected to remain active in the Haeseni Royal Army to retain their Seat, and a Squire will not qualify for knighthood without sufficient participation in the Army. Once knighted, a Crow Knight shall hold their title until death, even once retired from active military service, though may be relegated to Unseated Knights if they cannot carry out their knightly duties actively. 


Seated Crow Knights shall wear the below armor as a badge of their prestigious station:






Golden Hussars

Golden Hussars, or Hussar Knights are the experienced heavy cavalry force serving under the Order of the Crow. The Golden Hussars are chosen by the discretion of the Knight Paramount from the toughest, most devoted Crow Knights. Unlike previously on the history of Haense’s Knightly Orders, Golden Hussars are not an independent Knightly Order, but instead belong under the Order of the Crow as some of the most senior and experienced Knights of Haense. Adding to their responsibilities of acting as the heavy cavalry, Hussar Knights are the only Knights that have the right to take a squire under their wing, and act as Mentors.

To become a Golden Hussar, a Crow Knight, who’s served actively and valiantly for at least five years, must be summoned before the Knight Paramount, The Meyster Knight and other Hussar Knights, who shall then vote on whether or not the Crow Knight deserves to be promoted to the rank of Hussar Knight.

Upon becoming a Golden Hussar, the knight must take the following creed before his fellow knights, and the Knight Paramount;

    At this moment, my vigil begins.

    When the night grows dark and fears spreads through the camp,

    I swear to be steadfast.

    When the enemy comes in number towards our gates,

    I swear to hold my ground.

    When the King of Haense rides out to battle,

    I swear to be first at his side.

    And if the cost be my life itself,

    I shall bring victory.


Seated Hussar Knights shall wear the below armor as a badge of their prestigious station:

[Armor currently in the making]




Order of the Crow:



"Niedy pucz dona nod ain fitsk."


The duties of the Crow Knights are many and fluid.


Upon completion of their rigorous training, Crow Knigths are expected to both use their skill of arms to defend those in need, and promote betterment in the world through exhibition of valor and chivalry. While bound by the Code of Chivalry, there exists duties and obligations of Crow Knights outside of the Code and standard military service, which generally includes:

  • To undertake quests to ensure the Kingdom's safety, such as investigating threats or slaying beasts;
  • To mentor Squires to enable them to succeed in their Knightly Trials to become Crow Knights themselves;
  • To guard and escort those in need irrespective of station;
  • To champion the weak and defenseless, and ensure they are not exploited;
  • To participate in tournaments across Descendant lands for the prestige of Haense;
  • To be assigned and protect members of the royal family.


Order of the Crow:

Becoming a Knight


"Arraz vanyd tiz caezk, reziaerr ag hiavsaz."


Soldiers of the Haeseni Royal Army, upon reaching the rank of at least Footman, may be recognized as aspirants for the Order of the Crow by petitioning the Knight Paramount

Before a soldier can be submitted to a vote to become a Squire by the Knight's Table, they must first satisfy one of two criteria to become a squire.


The first way to become a Squire is by birth. Those born of noble blood - with some reasonable leeway for those born of a family that was once noble - shall, by virtue of their esteemed birth, be eligible to become a Squire. Those of noble birth are still required to serve in the Haeseni Royal Army and must reach the rank of at least Footman before they can be considered to become a Squire.


The second way to become a Squire is by heroism. Those of common blood serving within the Haeseni Royal Army may, at the discretion of the Knight Paramount, be deemed eligible to become a Squire if they accomplish some exceptional deed through their service that goes above and beyond the skill and honor of common soldiers.


Once either category is met, a Squire may be presented to the Knight's Table, where they will be questioned on their personal ideals and motives by Seated Crow Knights to ascertain their suitability to become a Knight. After questioning, the Crow Knights will vote on whether to admit the aspirant to the Order of the Crow as a Squire. If accepted, the Squire will be assigned a Knight who will act as their mentor to prepare them for their Knightly Trials. 




Order of the Crow:

Knightly Trials


"Tsaivaz ve lund ag kar osobaoz."


Once accepted by the Knight's Table, a Squire has a period of five years to complete their Knightly Trials.

These Trials are four tests a Squire must complete to demonstrate that they possess the necessary body, mind and heart necessary to become a Crow, and must be completed in order.


I: The Trial of Chivalry

A Knight must be a warrior of unquestionable honor whose chivalry does not discriminate, and thus a Squire must undertake the Trial of Chivalry. For this Trial, a Squire must travel across Descendant lands to five other cities, and perform a task in aid of each city or its people. This task must be assigned by a leader (whether in a council of the state, or other equivalent) of each city, and must demonstrate some kind of valor, honor or significant effort on behalf of the Squire. Within their five years, the Squire must gather these five signatures on a document alongisde a description of the deed done which the Knight Paramount will then judge based on their difficulty, time investment, energy investment and chivalry, before accepting or denying them. If signatures are presented to the Knight Paramount within five years and one or more signature is rejected, the Squire may attempt again so long as they do not exceed their five years.


II: The Trial of Wisdom

A Knight must be wise in the ways of Haeseni culture and history, and thus a Squire must undertake the Trial of Wisdom. This Trial shall consist of three components:

  • Knowledge: The Squire shall be questioned by the Knight Paramount on Haeseni history and customs, and must adequately demonstrate their knowledge.
  • Etiquette: The Squire shall be assessed on the proper etiquette expected of a Knight, such as courtly customs and titles.
  • Value: The Squire must put forth, the values and lessons they have learned, during their trials. They will do so by composing a short story. While not having to be perfectly written, it must have the foundations of Knightly values, and or virtues. Proving they have been learning not just from books of old, but their own experiences.


III: The Trial of Strength

A Knight must be skilled in arms to defend the Kingdom of Haense and per people, and thus a Squire must undertake the Trial of Strength. This trial shall consist of two components:

  • Duels: The Squire shall be tested in their skill through two duels against a Knight.
  • Horsemanship: The squire shall be tested in their skill through a joust against a seated knight, in addition, the squire must demonstrate their general knowledge about horsemanship.

IV: The Trial of Piety

A Knight’s duty is not only for the Crown and the people, but for Godani himself, and thus a Squire must undertake the Trial of Piety. This trial shall consist of one component;

  •  Pilgrimage: The squire shall, together with his Mentor knight and other possible squires, embark on a holy pilgrimage upon a certain target; Be it either a holy place on other, foreign lands or a shrine of a Saint. There, the squire shall learn the life and history of one Saint, and upon his return share his knowledge with his fellow squires, and the Knight Paramount


V: The Knight's Quest

Once a Squire has completed the Trials of Chivalry, Wisdom and Strength, they may progress to their final challenge - the Knight's Quest. This Quest shall be assigned by the Knight Paramount, in which the Squire is sent on a journey to put their training to the test by completing some deed of great significance. The Knight's Quest can be anything, and will often include tasks such as slaying a great beast, retrieving a fabled treasure, or travelling to an uncharted land. The Squire must return to Haense with a trophy of their exploits to complete this final test. 


On the eve that a Squire is sent on their Quest, it is custom that a small feast is held in their honor to both wish them well, and as a final memory in the event that the Squire perishes. Once a Squire has completed the Knight's Quest and all their Trials, they are eligible for knighthood, and shall be dubbed as a Crow Knight by the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska before the citizenry.


[The Knight's Quest will always mean you have to fight a viably strong beast, carrying the risk of death. If you do die, due to you not preparing and or going in blind, you are expected to PK. Becoming a Knight poses a risk, you must be willing to take. This is not required, but if you wish to live through realistic and fun roleplay, please do so.]




Order of the Crow:



"Va vanyd oe karosza."


Upon completion of their Knight's Quest, a Squire shall be worthy of being dubbed a Crow Knight.


At the next sitting of the Royal Court following the Quest, the Crown shall call the Squire to come before them. Prior to this, the Squire must spend the night before Court in the Church in prayer. Before they are dubbed, a Squire must have also informed the Knight Paramount of the moniker they wish to take, who they patron saint is to be, and they give must give the Knight Paramount their weapon, to be bestowed upon them by the Crown once they are Knighted.


At Court, the Squire shall kneel before the Crown, and take the following vow:


"Do you, [Name], swear now upon the blade of Gaius Marius, the first Hochmeister of our earliest order, that all you say now is true, and that you have come to receive your knighthood?"

Response: It is.

"The truth is the burden of all Knights, one that only the diligent can bear. Will you be true in all things, even if it may lead to your demise?"

Response: I will.

"To bear this burden, a Knight must be strong. Will you be strong of spirit, and resilient to all forms of temptation?"

Response: I will.

"In order to be strong, a Knight must be brave. Will you be courageous against your enemies, and to defend the helpless even if it may cost your life?"

Response: I will.

"In order to be brave, a Knight must have honor and loyalty lest he fall to sin. The Knight must be above reproach, his/her honor and allegiance unquestioned. Will you be honorable and loyal to your king, your people and, above else, to Godan?"

Response: I will.

"When you take this oath, you will no longer be a man/woman. You will be a Knight, invested with holy responsibility by Godan Himself. Do you accept this burden that Godan has placed upon you?"

Response: I do.

"Do you swear to be brave, strongs and true, as all Knights must be?"

Response: I so swear.

"Do you swear to be honorable and loyal, to never forsake your vows nor your allegiance?"

Response: I so swear.

"Finally, do you swear to uphold all which is holy and good, and to honor Godan in all your actions?"

Response: I so swear.

"Then I seal you to your oath, and if you should part with it, may you part with your life. I name you Ser/Dame [Name] [Moniker] of the Order of the Crow/Marian Retinue. May God keep you and uphold you. Rise now, as a Knight of Haense."






"Lanzsk ter dlum teazem."


Founded under King Marius II, the Marian Retinue forms the personal guard of the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska.


The Marian Knights, numbering between three and five, are personally selected by the Crown as their personal protectors and, as such, their characteristics lie in mastery of arms but also unquestionable discretion and loyalty to the Crown. They are charged with their lives to protect the Crown at all costs, from the open field of battle to the confines of the Royal Palace. Marian Knights are selected at the absolute discretion of the Crown, though it would be highly unusual for someone who was not a Crow Knight before to be made a Marian Knight. Even in the event that a non-Knight is selected, for whatever reason, to become a Marian Knight, they must undertake the Knightly Trials as a Squire.


Once appointed as to the Retinue, a Marian Knight's sole obligation is, at all times and all occasions, to protect the Crown. They are no longer obligated to take Squires, participate in the Haeseni Royal Army or undertake quests, but they are welcome to do so if they wish. The Knight Paramount, as foremost Knight of Haense, is considered 'captain' of the Marian Retinue and the Crown's primary protector. Knights of the Marian Retinue shall don the below armor as a badge to mark their station:








"Va czak komyn ag bodr."


Created by King Sisigmund II in New Reza, the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily was founded in the honor of Queen Maya of Muldav, who sponsored knowledge and learning throughout her life, and is a non-military civilian order.


The Knights of the Lily are non-militant civilians, honored for their contributions to Haeseni society through sciences, politics, theology, academics and art. Such contributions must be significant to merit this highest civilian honor, such as decades of service as a politician or several major historical publications. There are three categories of honor for those inducted into the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily:


  • Valtakossar, the highest possible civilian honor in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, for unmatched achievement, who may use the moniker VKML.
  • Hauchkossar, for significant achievements the likes of which most people never reach, who may use the moniker HKML.
  • Kossar, for remarkable achievements in pursuit of the betterment of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, who may use the moniker KML.


Those accepted into the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily shall be known as Knights of the Lily, or any of the above titles. Knights of the Lily may not take the title 'Ser' or 'Dame', though they may take the title 'Sir' or the moniker 'of the Lily'. They are not charged with militant duties akin to those of the Order of the Crow or the Marian Retinue, but are expected to conduct themselves with the dignity and honor that their prestigious title demands, and represents the best of the non-militant Haeseni population.


There is, naturally, no Squiring required to be Knighted into the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily. Rather, the Crown or Knight Paramount shall publish a missive naming those who have earned the honor of becoming a Knight of the Lily, and shall be invited to take the following oath before the Crown at the next Royal Court:


"I, [Name], hereby swear my service to the Crown and Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, in obedience to law and the dignity of the nation, as well as to the benefit of the Haeseni people. I swear to protect Jeremic Rights of Life, Liberty, Bearing Arms, Privacy, and Property through righteous action and pious defense, holding true in life and in deed the sanctity of my person and the Kingdom. With Godan as my witness, I do swear."



Edited by Knights of Haense
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