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The Golden Crow Chronicles, Vol. I: Ed. I-XXII


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((Inspired by @yopplwasupxxx's 'Crow Chronicles Compilation'))

3rd of Wzuvar and Byvca, 355 E.S.

New Reza, Haense, c. 1759

The Haeseni working class wandering the muddied streets of New Reza.



The Golden Crow Chronicles is an annual newspaper publication about the ongoings of the Royal Duma, upcoming events, interviews, political views of the nature of the state, as well as business advertisements. In addition, this paper includes a well-detailed ‘Historical Person of the Year’; that lists the accolades and biography of an individual who contributed to our nation greatly ranging from kings, statesman to military generals the like of; Leopold Stafyr (I), Henrik Bihar (V), Robert Sigismund (X) and Jan Kovachev (XV).


The state-funded newspaper that is the Golden Crow Chronicles came into existence after Lord Sigmar Baruch and Lord Viktor Kortrevich introduced the The Royal Newspaper Act of 1755 in the Royal Duma. Subsequently, the act was passed unanimously and granted royal assent by King Sigismund II.


After much inspiration from the the previous, ‘The New Reza Chronicles’ written by Lord Amadeus of Reza, both Lord Baruch and Lord Kortrevich saw the necessity to obtain patent of the general formatting and general layout to hopefully use in their rendition of the Kingdom’s newly established newspaper. Despite refusal at first the two companies came together and agreed for the GCC to succeed the widely successful NRC from 1759 to 1770, 1772, 1786 to 1788 and 1796. Ultimately publishing seventeen editions being sold to over 600,000 individuals [608,603] from Haense while receiving praise from the likes of Imperial Archchancellor Simon Basrid.




“The most trusted name in news.” -Senator, Sir Terrence May, c. 314 E.S. (Edition III) 


“Ah, a true testament of journalism. I cannot wait for the next edition!” -Tarcharman, Otto Barrow, c. 315 E.S. (Edition IV)


“The best paper in the whole Empire!” -Secretary of Civil Affairs, Edward Napier, c. 315 E.S. (Edition IV)


“The grandest example of journalism I’ve ever seen!” -Former Palatine, Sir Konrad Stafyr, c. 315 E.S. (Edition IV)


"The finest paper in all of Oren." -King Sigismund II, c. 320 E.S. (Edition IX)


“The most amazing paper of all Haense!” -Theodosiya Vyronov, c. 339 E.S. (Edition XV)























































* = Special Edition
** = Exclusive Edition


EDITION I:  15th of Tov and Yermey, 312 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 42,244


EDITION II:  22nd of Tov and Yermey, 313 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 36,954


EDITION III:  29th of Tov and Yeremy, 314 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 37,766


EDITION IV:  6th of Msitza and Dargund, 315 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 38,236


EDITION V:  12th of Tov and Yeremy, 316 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 39,112


EDITION VI:  19th of Tov and Yeremy, 317 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 36,887


EDITION VII:  26th of Tov and Yeremy, 318 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 37,545


EDITION VIII:  3rd of Tov and Yeremy, 319 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 38,332


EDITION IX:  10th of Tov and Yeremy, 320 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 39,015


*EDITION X:  17th of Tov and Yeremy, 321 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 35,276


EDITION XI:  24th of Tov and Yeremy, 322 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 32,784


EDITION XII:  31st of Tov and Yeremy, 323 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 32,054


EDITION XIII:  14th of Tov and Yeremy, 325 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 33,998


**EDITION XIV:  16th of Wzuvar and Byvca, 338 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 35,628


**EDITION XV:  20th of Tov and Yeremy, 339 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 40,991


**EDITION XVI:  27th of Tov and Yeremy, 340 E.S. ((Posted by @Drew2_dude))
Copies Sold: 30,224


EDITION XVII:  28th of Vzmey and Hyff, 349 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 21,557


OP-ED PIECE I:  14th of Wzuvar and Byvca, 357 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 28,692


EDITION XIX:  4th of Vzmey and Hyff, 372 E.S. ((Posted by @Pureimp10))
Copies Sold: 39,996


EDITION XX:  3rd of Msitza and Dargund, 373 E.S. ((Posted by @Pureimp10))
Copies Sold: 34,164


EDITION XXI:  3rd of Tov and Yermey, 374 E.S. ((Posted by @Pureimp10))
Copies Sold: 39,479


EDITION XXII:  4th of Gronna and Droba, 375 E.S. ((Posted by @Zanthuz))
Copies Sold: 32,241

Edited by Zanthuz
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