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Koenas Curation Edition 5


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[!] An illustration of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Isabel circa 354ES 



The Fifth Edition

A Report by the Queen of Hanseti-Ruska, Isabel of Valwyck on the happenings of the Royal family, Court, and Culture in Haense.

Vzmey and Hynk 355 ES



Table of Contents

I. Important Announcements

II. Royal and Court Announcements

III. Upcoming Events

IV. Military Updates

V. Updates in the Royal Duma



I. Important Announcements


Incident at the Docks

Several members of the HRA, as well as bystanding citizens, witnessed three overgrown crabs nestled within our port on Jula and Piov 354 ES. Sergeant Joshua Sirsk with Armsman Hubert Porcher and Armsman Friedrich Barclay were a few of the Haeseni that took charge in removing the crabs from blocking our port. Minor damages were done to the dock and ships, but repairs are already underway.



II. Royal and Court Announcements


Betrothal of The Grand Prinzen of Kusoraev

It is with great excitement to announce the official betrothal between my eldest son and heir to the Kingdom, Prinzen Henrik Karl, and Lady Mariya Antoniya Amador. The wedding shall take place in seven years, after the bride turns 16. Lady Amador will continue her wardship under me while also participating in the Cadets of St. Karl with the Grand Prinzen.  


Wedding of Prinzen Franz 

On Vzmey and Hynk 355 ES, Prinzen Franz Barbanov married Lorena of Woldzmir, the ceremony took place in the beautiful  public gardens located behind the Nikirala Prikaz with a feast following within the palace feast hall where guests were welcomed to give the royal couple well wishes and gifts. We wish them a long and joyous marriage.


The Passing of Karl Amador

Karl Amador unfortunately passed on the 3rd Gronna and Droba 354 ES

 due to natural causes. People across Almaris will remember him for his years in the House of Commons, contributions to the Royal Duma, three terms as Maer and time on the Queen’s Council serving as the Secretary to the Queen. His dedication to his work will be remembered by all for decades. 



III. Upcoming Events in Karosgrad


The Silver Jubilee

On Wzuvar and Byvca 355 ES, a celebration is in place for Koeng Josef I in honor of his twenty five year successful reign. Various games and activities will be set up in the square to kick off the event.Guests may also indulge in the Koeng’s favorite pastime, drinking, seeing as the Tavern will be fully stocked and ready for the occasion. The Kingdom is forever thankful for your leadership, Koeng Josef 


Grand Opening of the NGS

The Northern Geographical Society is having its grand opening on Vzmey and Hynk 355 ES. It is now located along Wailer’s Way across from the hospital. Their two featured exhibits that will be available for the public eye are the Natural History and Great Women of Human History exhibits. Be sure to stop by to participate in the various activities and games that will be held in celebration of its opening.   



IV. Military Updates


Oaths and Promotions

Those Oathed into the Haense Royal Army and Promoted before 355 ES


The Promotions

Brandt Barclay to Sergeant 

Friedrich Barclay to Armsman

Hubert Porcher to Armsman

Jackson Porter to Armsman

Nadya Ivankov to Armsman


We keep the friends and families of Ser Ivan Kortrevich and Astoro Jovanovsk in our hearts. The Kingdom will forever be thankful for their service. 



V. Updates in the Royal Duma


Nominations for the 354 ES Election


Alric Ruthern 

Nicolas Barclay

 Sergey Kovachev 


Igor Kort 

Aleksandr Jazloviecki 

Fyodor Erhdhart 

Vasiley Reznikov 

Hildebrand Mondblume 

Valerie d’Airelle 


Franz Barbanov 

Tarathiel Asul’onn


Citizens will be able to vote starting on Gronna and Droba 355 ES

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"Wow... haven't seen one of these in a while" said Ser Brandt Barclay with a smile, the middle aged man feeling some sort of nostalgia.

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"How blessed for a sovereign to interact in such a fashion with her subjects."  High Pontiff Owyn III would comment, reading the report after the royal wedding " Hopefully a trendsetter, and something I could perhaps learn from?"  he turns to his Monsignor Robert de Bourdon @Tiresiamand nudges him to hand him his paper. 

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