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First Homily of Jorenus - 1803, 356 ES


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By Sanctitas Pontifex Maximus 






Dear Royal Majesty King Josef ‘the Liberator’; 
The most esteemed houses of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska;
& my beloved Haeseni colleagues from Jorenus, Heinrikev and Valwyck. 


As St. Henry Otto Barbanov once built Alban from the snowy wastelands of Tahn, so did the vigilant houses of Hanseti-Ruska construct Karosgrad. A shining beacon that represents the perfect way for a human: free from the brick lemon crates modernists call ‘a home’, yet tastefully  innovated from the olde settlement of Reza & New Reza respectively. 


It is GOD’s great benevolence that we stand in a metropolis on top of frosty wastelands, housing the largest congregation of His Institution, where a man of GOD feels right at home. Many houses, from Amador to Barclay, Barbanov to Vanir, have been invaluable to the expansion of our faith in this Highland nation. But it is not them alone that we value.


For it is the common man that attends every sermon, speaks to our clergy & acts as a good Canonist that makes our Faith strong. It is the diligent doctor in the Royal Clinic, patching up the wounded. It is the soldier, once a proud bannerman of St. Karl, that defends his family at home. Modernists may mock you, and claim that your society is simplistic. Yet even if such is a case, it is your society that reigns the most serene from all: standing as a bulwark of morality and our faith in times of rampant decadence & secularism.


It is important to not take your moral bounty for granted, as not all of mankind’s realm knows the warmth of brotherhood & family as you do. Not all Sovereigns, commanders & representatives can count on the loyalty and involvement of their jurisdictions, like those in Haense can. GOD rewards these blessings to societies architected to be pious and puritan. It is not a coincidence, but a divinely natural order of things, that societies of tradition find their roots deeper and their happiness more profound.


Only GOD is eternal. To worship anything temporal is to gamble the existence of your nation and people on something that is fleeting, temporary & subject to decay. For our chronicles have not forgotten the gravestones of peoples that had abandoned GOD, such as the Lotharingians and Owynists before us. Believe only in the strength of GOD and the traditions you cultivated beneath him, and you shall avoid a similar fate.


You, pious citizens of Haense, uphold the spirit of St. Henry to this very day. And as long as you allow GOD to rest in your hearts, and see your righteous Crown as kindred of my own, shall your future remain promising and bountiful: like the fields of wheat he gave to those that starved before him, like the nation he helped his cousin King Stephan maintain. 


Although GOD wept when our united Humanity split into two, he can at least find solace in the purity of your aspirations as a distinct Highlander people. It was never your destiny to be stripped from your roots, as it was never GOD’s plan with an united Humanity to make them one identity. Your divine right to live as a self determined people is sealed by the Crown His Holiness James II granted your sovereign, and your forefathers, many of which bestowed with Sainthood, who gave life and limb for the survival of your kinfolk.


When you find your way of life threatened once more: look up to the Crosses that decorate your chapels and living rooms, remain unwavering in your pride and faith. Remind yourself of the likes of St. Henry, Karl & Kristoff: who each gave their own ultimate sacrifice to preserve something greater than themselves: the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.



Te Deum. 




Sanctitas Pontifex Maximus
Owyn III




[!] A seal displaying Ex. Owyn & Ex. Sigismund 
seals this Homily.




Edited by Draeris
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"Perhaps he could not hear from within the Church, but he had not the support of the people of Haense - had he faced that crowd, he would have known better." Said Cardinal St. Publius to his peers, themselves all weary from the protests, trial, and ensuing drama. "Had his head popped out the door, perhaps he would have shared the fate of his kinsman who assailed his own daughter in the square - the most violent act of the day. What shame! His men ought to be honest with him, this missive seems to come from a place of delusion."

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Beatrice Virosi held up her palms skyward as she shouted to the crowd - mixed of both Haense and Oren citizens - both united as Children of GOD against the Pretender High Pontiff Owyn the Jackass. "Children of GOD, Voices of the Virtuous, Let us remain united as one! Heed no violence but rather let us use our word as GOD has intended us to do; for our voice is stronger than the blade which the corrupted hold at these doors; shutting us out from the home of GOD himself!"

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After recovering from a fatal illness, it was time for Bishop Alfred to return to a normal course of life. It hadn’t been long since his last interaction with the church-related drama, so that wasn’t the case now either. The letter reached him, and as soon as he saw it, he knew it very well. "Godani jest wielki .." he first said after reading the text, sitting down on a nearby armchair "Und throughout history, our people have been great und powerful. Words of praise from His Holiness have encouraged me much, so much that ich am proud of mein origin, and he must have left the same impression on others, ich am sure of it as long as faith flows through my veins.. " the aged bishop said with a wearly smile, rising to look at the city from the balcony of the bishop's room, now with a more serious face upon facing the sky. "The schismatics will pay ... but we will nicht be the ones to decide their final fate. God's court will be the final court und only He will be able to punish them fur their sins, and we ... it is up to us to make sure they do nicht sin again, which we will do..ich am sure of that as long as God ist with us. " Having said this, Alfred crossed himself calmly before leaving the room, with various thoughts wandering in his head .. 

"Stay strong, Your Holiness - Godani jest wielki."

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