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A Passing Spectre

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7th of the Deep Cold, 6 SA


Even the curious eye had known Dele’s presence was a peculiar one. Her early days marked by the Diarchy’s empowerment, and her later ones cloaked in mystery as to where she’d been. The sunny days of the mali’thill’s era in Laureh’thilln were ones of adventure, strife, and isolation. It seemed that this was much the same fate when she set foot in Karinah’siol.


Her heart knew passing tides, fleeting and fractured by time spent under the heel of watchful eyes and knives in every corner.  It yearned for freedom untouched in near a century, yearned for a time when cares were to be found in the gentle breezes and the sweeping valleys of far off lands.


And so, as if a specter, the good Laurir Seregon seemed to vanish overnight. Her apartment was empty, devoid of a speck of dirt or dust, her beloved storefront quiet and unlit. It seemed as if she’d put her life in her bags and without a trace, had gone with the winds.


There were a few letters delivered, by way of a flock of spritely pigeons.


To My Oem’iian


My darling children, my whole wide world. I have accepted that you all do not feel at home here, and have gone wayward in search of where you might feel that way. I, too, seem to have made this decision and I hope to reunite with all three of you whenever we can. Faustien, you best hurry home if you get this letter. I’ve quite a bit of nagging on you to do as my eldest.  Alyssa, darling, keep on with your work with the NGS, I know you’ll do wonderfully. Marette, my youngest, you know best to find me when you are ready to do so. I’ll be waiting for all of you.


To Lorelei, Aestenia, and Maeve


My daughters, not of my own blood but of my own bond, I am so proud of you all. When you all were younger then you are now, I was wary in times such as those. I didn’t know who could be trusted and who would be resilient enough to keep learning. Thus, you have given me the strength to learn what I need.


To Anethra


The only mali aside from Mayan I have ever come to adore and praise as my lari’onn. I want you to know something, so deeply important, well a few things actually. They’re all pretty important. If you seek me, you will find me, no matter how far I will go from you, you need only call for me and I will be there. Secondly, my dear Ane, you must know: there is only so much you can bleed before you cannot keep bleeding. Remember that, if you would?


To Aiera


Perhaps you do not expect letters from an ‘ata like myself, as you all seemed keen to believe this much about me. I wish we’d been able to be friends, and I perhaps largely regret ever regarding you with the gaze of childish hope that perhaps I had found an older mali upon which I could rely for the advice I needed. I apologize, truthfully, for whenever it is I made you uneasy with my seeming unkindness and bite… Even in my greatest ire, my teeth would never turn upon you.


To Ikur


You did almost drive me out a few times, frankly, my good cousin. You would demean me over little things, insult my intelligence, insult my personality. I’m sorry I wasn’t everything you wanted for your next Laurir. Enjoy your retirement and understand I haven’t ever truly forgiven you.


To Muja


My vhneat, as you call me, I needn’t say very much to you, do I? We had our discussion, and you know where to seek me out. Perhaps we may have those pina coladas you talked about. I always enjoy them a lot more when they’re drunk with a friend.


To Khaeryr and Maenor


You boys best keep your best heads on your shoulders. Aiera relies on you alot more than she lets everyone notice. I’ll make a habit of sending some brews your way whenever I can, and maybe interesting taxidermy if I can gather more. Best of luck, and I’m sorry I won’t be finishing out the coursework in Maeve’s stead.


To the Clinic…


There is a certain ache that comes with leaving you and my legacy behind here within these silver walls. I built you from nothingness, I kept you running even when I was alone. I do not believe I would’ve lived as long as I have without you, and the legacy of which I leave behind with you. My students, as you may find this letter, please. Letter me and I’ll make a small return here and there to fulfill your questions and lessons. Whenever you want me to, wherever you will meet me.


[[OOC: Hey folks, I’ve been a part of this community for… a good bit now, did my time as an Okariran and honestly? I reckon it’s time for me to go, as Dele just isn’t that fun to RP in Haelun’or anymore. So long, and thanks for all the memories in the cities, present and past. I’ll be ‘round OOCly and I will still be doing steward things until the seat is filled. If you need me, you can DM me.]]


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"Finally Haelun will come over to Karosgrad!" Alyssa Seregon smiled as they would start to mediate peacefully within the member's lodge for the NGS's museum. 

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Maenor proceeded to read this newest addition to a recently ever growing list of resignations and departures. This one, however, simply rendered him lost for words. It was this fateful piece of paper that brought forth a reality that not even his imagination could foresee. And so it was that the Tilruir'naelu, sipping some bitter tea as he watched the morning settle over the city from the College's balcony, pondered heavily on the fate of the Hiylun course and on how it came to pass that the most skilled physicians all left. He sighed ruefully, the painful memory of the recent promises of unity, made by politicians he supported, striking at his heart, now more potent than ever. Alas, but he was weary too. All he could do was gaze at the distant horizon and wonder: Why nothing is being done? Who will be next? 

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