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Thesis of Javier Fransisco-Altaminaro


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Thesis of Javier Fransisco, The Judgment of Man


            Life, this beautiful gift, arguably the most beautiful gift given to us by the grace of God. All living things have a purpose, and all who are given the breath of life have a plan that God has given them. A purpose, a meaning, I was so fortunate to be called to be a servant of God and preach his word. My life was going down a dark road, my path was uncertain, my home was lost. With the help of Bishop Fransisco Altamirano I was shown the light, the joy of service and dedication to the word of God, our creator, and our giver of life. I was fortunate in being saved, that someone reached out their hand when they could have turned away, and much too often people do turn away. Leaving poor lost souls to wander the pathways of life, unguided, suffering, such suffering I have felt, it consumes the soul drains the spirit, and breaks one down. Too often souls are left wandering, judgment already passed by others, leaving a lost soul to become unvirtuous. We as children of God are tasked with bringing these souls back into the light, restore their dignity and bring love where there is hate. Too often we fall short of these most holy missions because we pass judgment on others, but the one who has the total authority to pass judgment is God, and God alone, we are merely his instruments of peace.


            On the path to virtue one will stumble, fall astray, sin, it happens all to often. But we as children of God must not approach these people with judgment and punishment, rather we must show them love and compassion help guide them to the light. I was one of those unfortunate souls, gone astray from virtue, fallen out of grace, banished from my home. In the face of such darkness, such despair a man of God, Bishop Fransisco Altamirano of Hyspia showed me the light. Showed me love where so many others showed me hate, showed me to a new family and restored the light of God within me. And because of his compassion and his love I found my purpose, my meaning in life, the plan God had for me. To show such love that Fransisco showed me to others. The world is a dark place, full of sin and hate and lost, suffering souls. We need more people like Bishop Fransisco to show lost souls the light and bring them back on the path with God.


            In conclusion my brothers and sisters, the laws that we abide by are but laws of God. Who are we to judge others when the judging should be done by God? We are but his children, instruments of his peace and love. God has nothing but love for us and as his servants, we must show nothing but love for his creations, so that we may save lost souls and bring humanity closer to God and fulfill his vision for us all. I thank you for your time my Brothers and Sisters and Peace be with you always.


Edited by bugbytes21
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Reading this thesis, Carlos would spit out his Spirits, almost throwing up after reading it

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Bishop Otho of Valwyck read the thesis and mumbled to himself "Not good enough..."

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