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The Last Will and Testament of Theodora Angelica Ashford de Falstaff


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To whoever this last will and testament found itself to, a small, bat-sealed letter would arrive, containing the will of Theodora.



To my cousin, and future empress, Wilhelmina.

I will always cherish the time we spent together in Kaedrin. From the Sutican war to your wedding to John, till my last moments in Whitcombe. I leave you my rat, Hubert, and my left molar. What you do with these, I do not know, but I do know that my heart and soul will be with you. I shall be watching you, from wherever I end up.


To my dear friend, Henrietta.

I met you through my dear cousin, Wilhelmina. You married an imperial prince- something I only wish I could’ve achieved within my life. You never ceased to amaze me, with your wit, style, and hair. I’d like to offer you my ferret, Edward. I also wish you and your children great success in the future.


To my dear friend, Blanche.

It’s a blur, how we met. But we shared multiple interests, fashion, gossip, and courtly life. You, Wilhelmina, and Henrietta were my greatest confidantes. I’ll forever cherish you for that. We weren’t the same, for I was much more odd- but you, and your mother, had inspired me to go outside my comfort range in the arts and fashion. I’d like to offer you my fashion collection, and whatever you see fit to do with it.


To my sister, currently gone- Lorena.

I’ll never know if you died or not, but I’ve always missed your presence. You were one of my greatest confidantes, before you left without a word. We were partners in crime, so to say. I’ll miss you when I’m gone- or perhaps I’ll see you, wherever I go to in my after life. I’ll leave you with my admiration for you and my Jewels, and any trousers I own.


To my kids,

My prized possessions. My proudest moments in life, Cosette, Emil-Dardot, Conrad, and Renèe. I loved you all, and although your Mama has to say goodbye, I won’t be gone forever, I shall be in your souls, your hearts, your minds. One never forgets their mama’s visage. Cossie, I leave you my sewing machine. Emil-Dardot, I leave you with my undying protection for you, Conrad, I leave you with destiny for greatness, and Renèe, I leave you with your mind and soul, along with my personal diary.



Theodora Angelica.



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Blanche Thérèse stood to the side of her apartments in the Augustine as a parade of servants carted in numerous dress boxes as Theodora's collection arrived. Each one was handled with care and filed neatly into the Dowager-Duchesses extensive closet. With Margaux at her side, she spoke in a somber tone. "Theodora was one of my dearest friends. Her memory will live on through all of us, and through her sense of grace and style."

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