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Submission for Foxglove


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Name of your plant/reagent:




Water, Air



Endurance x3 
Chaos x6 
Swiftness x4



A tall, bright green stalk with spade shaped leaves and conical groups of downturned, bell-shaped flowers that can come in violet or white. The inside of the bell-flowers are speckled with dark purple splotches


Fields and sparse forests, found in the shade of deciduous trees or long grasses, sheltered from rain and direct sunlight in a temperate climate. It’s rare and exceedingly difficult to find.

Raw effect(s) of the plant/reagent:

Otherwise known as dead man's bells and witch's gloves, Foxglove is a potently poisonous plant. 


Symptoms of this plant include irregular pulse, brachycardia, tachycardia, seizures, visual hallucinations, delirium and death depending upon amount ingested, or introduced to the vascular system. 


Inhaling Foxglove pollen will yield the same symptoms above, alongside shortness of breath and profuse coughing. 

Diluted doses of tincture made from the root of Foxglove can give one a burst of energy, and aid in preventing cardiovascular illnesses. 


The entire plant is rife with alchemical properties and can be harvested whole. A delicate plant, it’s usually found in the shade of deciduous trees. Its toxicity can be a hazard to the harvester if introduced to bare skin or a cut. Breathing in the plant’s pollen is similarly toxic. Gloves and a mask are required to safely harvest this botanical reagent. 


Introduction of Foxglove sap to skin will result in a vibrant green stain that lasts for 1-3 IC months, or 1 OOC day.

Foxglove cannot be farmed.

Red Lines:

-All Reagents must be gathered through RP and represented by ST approved items.


-When processed for it’s Symbols, this Reagent will lose all of its raw effects and harvesting capabilities.


-Foxglove can not be farmed thanks to its delicate nature, as no seed will sprout outside of its natural habitat, and plants that are pulled from the soil will always perish before it can be transplanted. 


-One Foxglove plant will result in one quarter measure of reagent or tincture. 


-More than two measures of Foxglove will prove a fatal dose.


-Processed Foxglove is a distinctive green in colour that cannot be entirely concealed, even when added to stronger tinctures or reagents. 


-Foxglove pollen is toxic for as long as the plant is living. Once it’s pulled from the ground, the pollen is rendered inert.



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