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H.A.G. Job for Eradus


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*Alad sends a message directly to Eradus to confirm the job as well as posts the job on the guild message board.*

*A message is attached to Eradus's document.*



Dear Eradus,


I must say that you are our first customer and that I am delighted to pass this job down to my employees.

It was very unfortunate that Zelios' idiocy lead to the trial over him thinking that the 10% coupons for our first few jobs were me trying to lure or pay High elves out of state.

Though I can not say for sure why droves of individuals have left the city, I fear that the acid bathers and other hatred still flows within our kin.

To think that they call themselves peaceful and learned, to act with such hostility.


Our people may stagnate in that city which prevents High Elves from taking jobs outside of the city, yet my ambition to protect the realm from the evils that lurk in this realm stays solid.

I will try my best to find you that teacher, though there may be some complications upon me entering into the city. I have made note that no high elf is to work the job.

May peoples one day live in peace and may someone always be there to protect others from harm.


You have shown yourself to be an honorable man, thank you again for standing up for me in the court so that I can try to benefit the realm with this guild.


Arch Scrivener, Alad Vel'Telos Celia'thilln






H.AG. Job Request Form


[Personal] [ x]

[Business] [ ]

[State] [ ]

Requester’s Name:


Requester’s Address:


Representative Entity: (If applicable)


Representative Entity’s Address: (If applicable)


In case of rumor or Emergency Quest the Arch Scrivener will fill out this line instead of issuing a Job Request form.

 approved as this was an on site approval.


(Confirmation Seal if applicable)





Location(s) Requested for H.A.G. to Conduct work:

 Across the realm


Requested Work Type



[ ] Mercenary

[ ] Exploratory

[ X ] Educational

[ X ] Fetch

[ ] Trade Escort

[ ] Bodyguard

[ ] Territory Recovery

[ ] Scouting

[ ] Investigation

[ ] Testing

[ ] Monster Hunting

[ ] Capture

[ ] Fortify

[ ] Exorcism

[ ] Blockade

[ ] Hazardous Substance Removal

[ ] Pest Removal

[ ] Artifact Disposal

[ ] Distraction

[ ] Champion Stand In

[ ] Debt Collection

[ ] Curse Breaking

[ ] Infiltration

[ ] Mapping

[ ] Ritual Performance

[ ] Place a Land Claim

[ ] Raze

[ ] Rescue

[ ] Research

[ ] Security Testing

[ ] Search

[ ] Smuggle

[ ] Stop Ritual

[ ] Other:












Price Modifiers:

·        Unannounced Hazard (Willing) +50 mina (Unknown) +5 mina

·        Anonymity +20 mina

·        Bad Weather +2 mina

·        Urgency +30 mina

·        Hostile Territory +10 mina

·        Quiet Job +40 mina

·        Pressed to failure +300 mina

·        Undamaged Target +15 mina

Note: Insurance may be purchased, contact the Arch Scrivener

Note: Protocol of a Bad Will customer may define a no refund policy at the Scrivener’s discretion.

Payment Options

[  X ] 100% upfront

[ ] 50% down

[ ] 0% down (Requires Arch Scrivener’s approval)

[ ] Payment Instalments (Requires Arch Scrivener’s approval)

Requester’s Signature:

 na rumor

Arch Scrivener’s Signature:



Job Board

[ ] Anonymity

[ X ] General Board

Lvl Request (0-7):


[ ] Party Request

If Party Request, List:



Job Description:

 Find a Transfiguration teacher for Eradus and get them in contact with one another. Payment 4 mina. For the employment of a non High elf outside of Haelun'or.


Job Hazards:



Requester’s Timeline:

 If possible, less than a year.

Visit Requester?:

 Yes/ No

H.A.G. Stamp

(Insert Stamp Here)



H.A.G. Estimated time of completion:

 1 year

Notes/ Complications:

 Entry to the city may prove barred as a business, letter to gate guards will have to be approved through the proper channels.










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