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Lauritsens Bid for Tribune, 358 ES


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Konrad Lauritsens' Bid for Tribune.

9th of Joma and Umund, 358ES


Fellow Haeseni. Look how far we’ve come. Since the days of Marius the First has our kingdom had to fight for our very existence within the annals of human history. Now we are the sturdy bedrock for which the great aspects of humanity and common decency rest. The land of the Black and Golden Crow.


We’ve fought wars and bled. The War of the Two Emperors almost had our national identity wiped clean. The Rubern War was long and unforgiving for the common man travelling the roads. We can still see the scars in paintings and old texts caused by the burning of St. Karlsburg by Courland. Scars that we look upon with pride as we gaze out over our roaring landscapes. As the Haeseni proverb goes. I would have perished had I not persisted.


But is this enough? Should we be satisfied with our achievements. To that I say no. Was King Andrik the Third pleased with his reign ushering Haense through The Troubles or was our founding father King Petyr the First content with his birthright as Duke? No. These were men with ambitions who would stop for nothing to achieve greatness for the people they loved. The Haeseni people. Haensemen. So I say to you fellow Haeseni. We shall never be content just like those before us. Ambition is in our blood.


To this end I, Konrad Terrence Lauritsen son of Lauritz Christiansen have thrown my bid into the electoral season of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. Many of you may not know me. A dusty fingerprint upon an abandoned handrail soon forgotten in history but then I looked upon those great Haeseni men that came before and realised there is much work still to do to achieve their ambitions and ensure that Haense continues to thrive as the great nation we are in this era of Independence brought forth by King Josef and the persistent nature of the Haeseni people.


If you my great Haeseni brothers and sisters elect me to serve YOU in the Duma I shall not be content with anything brought in front of me. I will always work as hard as I possibly could to achieve greatness for this nation and to serve the interests of all men, women and children living within the borders of our Great Kingdom.


I shall work alongside the other Aldermen and Tribunes to ensure that the Haeseni people all get the chance to rise to soaring heights. I shall compromise nothing that can endanger the good of Haense. Poor, rich, young, old. You are all Haeseni and deserve proper representation in the Royal Duma. To this I promise all of you, that a VOTE for Konrad Lauritsen is a vote for ambition, strength and a voice for all of you.


I invite you all that have any questions, any to ask, any to bid. Approach me wherever you wish about whatever you wish. My ears are open for all of you.


I am a son of Haense, a son of ambition and pride. An adopted crow for the love of this nation I call home. 





Tribune-Candidate, Konrad Terrence Lauritsen




guess im doing this stuff again.


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