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Illegal Fees Act of 355ES


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Illegal Fees Act of 355 ES
Introduced in the Duma


An act that incriminates the charging of fees that contradicts the laws of the Haural Caezk.



This bill shall create a new section under ‘The Law of Crime’ and would incriminate those who would unlawfully place fees upon the Haeseni people.


I. Necessary Definitions


A new section under Chapter four of the Haural Caezk ‘The Law of Crime’ shall be titled ‘430: Illegal Fees’

“Illegal Fees” shall be defined as any fees that have been placed upon an individual without proper authority or without permission from the crown.

“Collection of Resources” shall be defined as the harvesting, mining, or hunting of a natural resource.

II. Additions

430: Illegal Fees

430.01: The crime of illegally placing a tax on an individual shall be considered as a middling offense;

430.02: The crime of a soldier unlawfully placing a fine on an individual shall be considered a minor offense;

428.03: If the soldier placed this fine under the orders of an officer, the crime shall therefore be placed on the officer in question


430.03: The crime of a noble lord or peer charging a citizen for the collection of resources within their land shall be considered as a middling offense;

430.04: The crime of placing additional fees that were not agreed to in a contract after that contract had been fulfilled by the opposite party shall be considered as a minor offense.

    Introduced in Duma by Tribune Igor Kort, Tribune Fyodor Erhdart, Alderman Viktor Barclay, Alderwoman Tarathiel Asul’onn of the Lily, on the 21st of Tov and Yermey 355ES


His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev


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