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The First Crusade - 1805, 358 ES


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Nicolas Barclay strapped his helm in place and tested both his warhammer and mace. GOD was calling men of Faith to arms and the Holy Knight was prepared to answer. 

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         Wilheim gave an audible 'huh'. "Well, at least they realized it was the Xannites behind the whole thing and not the Qalasheen!" The old, aged, bruised man said to himself, alone in his attic, so that he could not hear the voice of Basil suddenly appear from nowhere. The old man tucked the missive away and stared out the window, shuddering at the cold, cold breeze. "...Are we all puppets?"

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Francisco chuckles after looking at Padre Javier's eagerness, then becomes somber once more, "These men have tried the church's hand, they must be put down, DIOS VULT" Francisco would then pick up his sword from his table, signing the lorraine with it.

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Aer'dir tired sat, slumping low against the end of his chair, a warm breeze coming through his window from the seaside - taking a deep sigh as he read through the man's degree. He lowered his gaze as took a small sip of tea, before quietly uttering, not wanting to disturb the other occupant of his home. "- Why." The Commander, completely awestruck threw the paper to his side, gliding down to the floor. "- this is pointless for all of us. You've simpy aggravated a pointless conflict - based on a misunderstanding of something you don't understand.."

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"The paladins literally saved your asses from the Inferi, get a grip!" muses a malcontented druid. "You people are barbarians, absolute cavemen."

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"The name First Crusade implies the future arrival of a Second Crusade."

Edited by Shorsand
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A certain pink-haired dark elf sees the missive hanging on the noticeboard in Haense. She unpins it carefully from the noticeboard, folds it neatly, and tucks it into her purse. She hurries home to present the missive to her husband, who is definitely not a Xannic paladin.

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"Godan wills!" cried Aleksandra Ludovar upon her hearing word of the Pontiff's declaration.

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The auditor of the tribunal sleeps soundly, dreaming of crashing waves rocking a clipper as it traverses the oceans unknown. He did not fear the waves as they buffeted the ship to and fro. God is in control and God is good.

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Father James Charles receives the message as he wakes up in his families keep of Otistadt. He simply sighs as he puts the missive down on his desk. Next to his desk was a dagger that he had since he was a child. James was not the strong warrior nor was he the great commander that his father was, but he was an obedient servant of Godan. Despite preaching for peace and despite preaching for tranquility, he would answer this call from the Vicar of Godan. He grabbed his dagger, blessed it, and then prepared himself for the inevitable crusade.

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A certain one-armed, scarred Paladin spots the missive from afar, hanging on the notice board of Haense. He blinks, and laughs. The 'thill laughs.. and laughs, until tears wet his cheeks from mirth. He plucks it up, and takes it home, pinning it above his desk on the 'wall of incredibly stupid things'. 


From there he stands back, hands on his hips, and just stares.


"Well ****."

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"Whatever the mood of the masses at large the mood of the music is the only thing I guard." de Bourdon offers, readily picking up a pitchfork to go slaughter some gnostic heretics to some vining tunes.

Edited by Tiresiam
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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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