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Elaileran, the State Magisters of Haelun'or, 2A


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Elaileran -- State Magisters of Haelun’or


The understanding and utilisation of the void is at the very core of the Mali’thill race. We are borne of its affectations, and are naturally inclined towards and talented in its practice. The era of the arcane being admonished is a marring on the pursuit of elmaehr’sae, and a result of a pervasive scientific misunderstanding. With the contemporary return to philosophical tradition it is likewise necessary that we take up the ancient calling of our kin, the magical research championed by Larihei that has begotten our physical and intellectual supremacy. The institution of Elaileran, the Order of State Magisters, is henceforth created to further the arcane and philosophical interests of our blessed people, inspired by Elilumiran of old.


The void is an infinite sea of power. Those of weaker minds would call it incomprehensible, but it is rather that it has yet to be fully comprehended. One thus must maintain a strong philosophical will to anchor themselves in its quixotic expanse, lest their mind is to collapse into insanity. Beyond being practitioners of the voidal arts, State Magisters are scholars and executors of philosophy. Likewise expected to learn alchemy and herbalism beyond voidal magics, they are apolitical protectors of knowledge, and are overseen by the office of the Maheral to that end. As an institution of the Haelun’orian state itself, Aileran are privy to the most advanced scientific and magical resources the country has to offer, a privilege afforded to only those that can demonstrate their merit, and bound by five tenets beyond internal regulations.


I. Obey elmaehr'sae hiylun'ehya.

II. Progress must be grounded in tradition.

III. The practice of the dark or deific arts is forbidden.

IV. Experimentation on Mali’thill is forbidden.

V. The destruction of knowledge is forbidden.


To be selected as a State Magister, the prospect must first undergo arcane theory education at the Eternal College, complete a written exam on the field in which they aspire to practice, and undergo an aptitude evaluation to determine they have suitable magic potential and philosophical soundness.




A battle mage fights alongside the Weeping Blades in the War of the Two Emperors.


Becoming a full-fledged State Magister is an achievement in its own right. As aforementioned, one is welcomed into the institution of Elaileran only after theory education, a written examination, and a mana potential and psychological evaluation. The complete process can be broken into three parts: prerequisites for joining Elaileran, the apprenticeship period therein, and ascendance to a recognised State Magister. Those who are already advanced in the practice of voidal magic will undergo a separate, case-by-case process.


Entrance requirements: 

- The aspirant must attend a general voidal theory lecture, and a theory lecture on at least one specific magic they would hope to pursue upon being accepted as an apprentice of the order. ((Lectures are ran weekly and scheduled on both the forum and discord calendars; attendance records are kept))

- A written essay demonstrating their reasoning for applying, academic personality, and knowledge of the void gained from the above. No shorter than seven pages. ((submitted in the labeled chest outside the library))

- On the first page of your book give your name, age, and citizenship status before beginning your essay. Non-mali’thill need not apply.

- Following the completion of the above, the aspirant will undergo an evaluation of philosophical soundness and arcane potential in the form of an interview. If proved satisfactory, the aspirant is now accepted into the institution of Elaileran as an apprentice.


Apprenticeship period:

- The accepted apprentice will be connected to the void in a formal ceremony.

- They will then be assigned to apprentice under a specific State Magister, largely dependent on their pursuit of study.

- Their training will consist of both personal study with their specific master, as well as general study among their contemporary cohort of apprentices on matters magical, alchemical, and philosophical. 

- Upon reaching the third tier of the magic or magics they are studying they will be eligible for becoming a fully recognised State Magister, subject to approval from their master and a council of other Aileran. Apprentices are also expected to learn alchemy and herbalism.


State Magister:

- The apprentice is now recognised as a State Magister, and is granted access to the state’s most advanced arcane and scientific research, joining an elite cohort of magi.

- They now have a variety of specialties open; becoming a war magister serving alongside the Sillumiran, a research magister conducting cutting edge experiments, or an educator of the arcane and philosophy in the Eternal College.

- State Magisters are ranked based upon their arcane affinity, progressing from third to first class as they rise to practicing a greater quantity of magics in a high tier. At the second class, achieved through reaching the highest tier of at least one magic, they are eligible to take on an apprentice ((provided their TA is accepted)).


Elaileran Command Hierarchy:


Maheral - The cultural leader of Haelun’or, the Maheral presides as the head of the Elaileran, ensuring the institution maintains its high standard of philosophy, achieving scientific progress grounded in elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya.

- Aileran serving as war magisters in the Sillumiran are further under command of the Okarir’tir and subject to standard military protocol.

Maelunir - As the knower the Maelunir is the Maheral’s aide and the next highest cultural authority, capable of speaking for the Maheral in event of their absence. This role likewise carries into Elaileran, acting as a functional second-in-command.

Aileran, First Class - A recognised State Magister that has achieved the highest tier in at least three voidal magics. Exceptionally knowledgeable and talented magi, first class magisters form the leadership core of the institution.

Aileran, Second Class - A recognised State Magister that has achieved the highest tier in one voidal magic. A skilled mage, second class magisters are capable of taking on apprentices in their specialty. They form the core of the institution and are essential in ensuring the next generation of magi are suitably trained.

Aileran, Third Class - A recognised State Magister that is still yet to achieve arcane mastery, these mages are those that have passed their apprenticeship and reached the third tier of a given voidal magic, as well as completed studies in alchemy and herbalism.

Apprentice - An individual that has fulfilled the entrance requirements and subsequently been awakened to the void and assigned tutelage under an Aileran of the first or second class. These aspiring mages and alchemists form the next generation of the institution.


((Contact cody#0002 or Johann#9574 if you are interested in joining or have any questions!))


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