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The Barrel Court


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The Barrel Court

By the Barrel King




    The Barrel Court resides in the heart of Norland, often taken as a jest made in the taverns throughout. Those who are unlucky enough to find themselves within the contempt of the people or breaking the just laws dictated by his his beloved Fatherland, however… They would find themselves dragged by the courtiers of retribution and brought before the Barrel King. They will be brought to his court - not like the filthy squalor of the Norlandic sewers, but rather a clean and well-kept alley stocked with booze, foodstuffs, warm fires and beds plenty for the weary travelers and loving members of his council. It is in these alleyways that they will find their fate decided.


The Barrel King is a monarchal title originally intended to be an insult to the chieftain of the Faretto clan, for he cared not for the so-called comfort that came with cities and taxation, choosing instead to reserve himself to backalleys and rough living in the wild. Being a chieftain, a Keeper, and taking the title as a badge of honor, he has the distinct pleasure of conducting a number of official tasks while fashioning himself the Barrel King. These would include visiting and receiving foreign diplomats, conducting trials for the accused, performing marriages and executions, and sitting councils to decide on major political decisions. Over time, his title became one of great importance of the people of Norland as synonymous with a man who knew not only the callous, reptilian laws and customs of Norland, but also the red-blooded sensibilities of practicality as well as a firm belief in his convictions.


Today, the Barrel King is passed down from generation to generation to the members of the Faretto clan, and the Farettos to bear the title of Barrel King are tasked with the distinct responsibility to uphold and enforce not necessarily the laws of Norland, but to teach, uphold and reinforce the ethics of the nation to his faithful subjects. Their Court’s jurisdiction is vague and undefined, but can be roughly equated to Norland’s borders and wherever the Barrel King will frequent. Executing the whims and fancies of the Barrel King is considered the moral responsibility of every Father-fearing, red-blooded Norlandic patriot.

The courtiers of this council do not carry titles and do not wield official authority, as the title of Barrel King has transformed to be a title that mocks and falsifies any other title and undermines authority as a rule. They know in their hearts, however, that their Barrel King loves them, and that they are always welcome in his court.


Yours sincerely,




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The High Keeper read over the missive silently, taking a long moment to consider its contents. After she decided she'd thought about it long enough, she sighed and mumbled a complaint to herself about her son's sanity.

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