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The Spirit of the Depths


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As the silhouette of land grew distant behind me, I closed my eyes and fell deep into meditation. The sounds of the waves dragging my vessel closer to the edge of the earth intensified; in a calming way, like the rhythm of a beating heart. I wept, unsure if I would get to see you again - if last time would be the last time. Then, your cacophony of whispers at last came into my ears, but it was music to me. I could feel your chilling touch upon my skin, and the sharp taste of salt in my throat.


You, who has no face and no voice.


You, who reminds me of memories that are not mine.


You, who lives only in my dreams to subjects me to madness.


You, who’s piercing gaze is black and strikes me with the most unholy of feelings.


You who resides within the dark recessions of the mind, where no light can reach, not even the rays of GOD himself dare shine.


The Spirit of the Deep.


You wish for me to call unto you.


To bestow you with energy.


To make way for your long awaited awakening.


But I will do no such thing.


I henceforth do not summon you.


Your skin-as-tough-as-iron will be torn. And your meat consumed, your black ichor drank.


Then, there was a shift, the dark wake suddenly calmed and the ocean opened up into an endless plain of eventualities.


Though in my deprived nights, where my last waking conscious struggles - I see you not as some great devourer of worlds… but as a brother. You emerge from the depths as myself, except with eyes forged from the abyss, and a heart that pounds louder than the earth’s own resonance. Tell me, what have you ridden my mind with? I beseech you! Why must you plague my only moments of solitude with despair? Release me from your wretched grip, I will do whatever it takes. In your tenebrous clutches, my redemption will be found.



trying to improve my writing and what-not.


Edited by Nozoa
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