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Thesis : The Defending of the Faith


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A depiction of the slaughtering of Canonist in the city of Gamesh 


The topic of war and battle is often debated in the different clerical sects and even dioceses. Many men of the faith will find themselves seeking for any chance of peace in which they can amount for with any given conflict. As of current it is often said that the clergy does not participate in wars that are of political origin. However the question often arises of the participation of the clergy within the defensive stance within wars, especially the wars of past and present. This mindset however, has a counteractive piece of scripture in the Book of Owyn.

Many clergy of the Flamenist belief are well versed in the Book of Owyn. In this story it is depicted that Owyn, Son of Godwin was a well trained student in the art of combat. In this book it is told that as he succeeded the throne of Gamesh, the city was plagued with heathens and barbarians who brought slaughter and sin upon the  people of the faith. It was however in these dark times that GOD spoke to Owyn. GOD had gifted him a sword, a means of defending his people and to enforce the wrath of holiness upon those who sin. (Gospel 4:24).  
Should the men of the FAITH not enact such things with the gifts they have been given from the Creator of all things? GOD had gifted Owyn a sword to protect his people from the heathens and the sinners. Should the men of the faith not be able take up such actions if they are available?

Taking a further look into that of the Flamenist traditions, I also urge that we take in more aspects of Flamenist views. Within this new continent of lands provided by the creator, we are surrounded by species and cities of many people. With every given settlement and culture there will always be conflict, however
conflict will always find itself against the faith. It is these very Flamenist traditions that we need to encourage and bring more light to that will protect the faith from the outside world that seeks to encroach it's wrath upon it. Some Flamenist we can look up towards with these ideologies are Commodus Marna, or Ludolf Cardinal Pruvia who was the main advisor to Adrian de Sarkozy in the war upon Lorraine in the Time of Troubles. It is Flamenist clergymen like these who will protect our faith. It is strong, and defensive values that will guide the faith onto the souls of man, and strike fear into the hearts of all those who reject the light of GOD.

Owyn, in the Book of Owyn, is mortal and flesh just as we are. He was stricken in the side by the swords and daggers of the unfaithful, and through prayer and blessing he was granted a sword from the Creator. We have been gifted a weapon from GOD himself, the sword, to enforce religious law on the heathens that seek to rain sin and slaughter on those of the Faith, and it will be of no use if not enforced as it was in scripture.


~  Acolyte Tobias Sarkozic



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"Always a warrior, my good son. He has his uncle's spirit in him!" Franz remarks.

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Javier Fransisco-Altamirano, signs the Loraine upon reading the thesis, "Amen"  He nods in agreement. "By far one of the greatest thesis's I have read" 

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The Prelate wearly nods in approval of the thesis, gesturing from his bed for his cousin to put the seal of Jorenus on the document.

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