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A Prospector at East-Fleet


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Year 13 2A:

Several travelers arrive to East-Fleet in preparation for a longer journey, lead by a man who calls himself a Prospector, a native to Almaris' underground depths.



The warm seabreeze of East-Fleet amused an old miner who walked along the crusted docks. He had a moment alone, enough to drink down something amber he bought at the tavern at Southbridge. He rubbed a flat thumb over the cheap label of 'Oaken Nectar', and let the empty bottle plop into the rising & falling tide. The bottle was pulled away by wave and wind, floating towards the horizon as puffs of ocean wind blew out a melody on the empty jug's lid. The men & woman Nale travelled with were still at South-Bridge, many of them seeking medical care for burns. 


"The surfacelands are crowded with all manner of new folk," Nale mused to some nameless dock-hand. He bartered for an hour or two, before securing a pier at the docks to use as a storage-point for the charted expedition. The prospector sat down in the new quarters which were tight and ramshackle. Filling out some papers, Nale made his plans to ship supplies from Haense to East-Fleet, and then to caravan them inland to the first quarry. Nale worked while he chattered to the dockhand, a rather gossipy boy. The young lad would be sure to tell others of this strange Prospector of the underworld.


Those who strolled by Eastfleet would see a young dock-hand tending the ****-caked piers, a newly constructed storage site, busied cartographers, and an old Prospector who would introduce himself by the name of Nale o'Merphex. Nale says he is offering a job to those helping unload packages from Haense.


[To interact with Nale, the Dock-Hand, or the storage, comment here or message me in-game if you are at East-fleet.]

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"Ah, glad to see you've gotten everything sorted out at Eastfleet, Mister Merphex." Says a particular Adunian scholar,  "Lets hope the rest of the journey has... less explosions."

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Vása Feliska signs up to help, finding nothing else to do and being mildly fit to make a few extra coins.

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Rylanor Goldhand hums, looking about the peer as his metal form ticks away "Well.....This is new.....Curious. I shall investigate"


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Aeonn would happily sign up himself and his guild to assist unloading the cargo, mostly to ensure he and his group can make sure such is protected.


(Probably 2-4 people)

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After catching some dwedmar gossip about the Prospectors in the Main Square of Kal'Darakaan, she'd packed her satchel and donned on her armor and made her way to the Eastfleet. She takes few deep breath of the typical bustling habor before roaming around to find the old storage. She assists unloading cargos here and there but she takes more interest in watching and observing. 

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Cale Read through the paper,  Skimming past most of the words before Putting his name down on the paper. Talking to him self he said. "Hope I'm not late.."

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