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Written by HE Irene Cecilya Sarkozy, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma, and TH Igor Kort, Lord Handler and Tribune of the Royal Duma

362 E.S., 11th i Vzmey ag Hyff


O U T L I N E 

T H E   B L A C K   B U L A V A

R O L L   C A L L


        Peer Representation

D U M A   S E S S I O N S 


        Subject Petition 

       Presentation of Bills



        Point of Order 

A U L I C   S U M M O N I N G



THE BLACK BULAVA, 1st & 4th Session of the Royal Duma

In a study done by TH Sir Otto the Tarcharman and HH Prince Georg Alimar in 234 ES, the Black Bulava is defined as follows; “... the ceremonial mace of the Royal Duma, which is required to be present in all sittings of the Duma. The bulava represents the Duma as a constituent branch under the legitimacy of the Crown and is carried by the Lord Handler of the Bulava during the opening sessions of the Duma term. Sittings of the Duma in the absence of the bulava are considered legally unconstitutional.”


At the commencement of the 1st session of the term, the Lord or Lady Speaker shall enter the duma hall with the Lord or Lady Handler in tow– who wields the Black Bulava high in the air. All members of the duma must rise, only to be seated when the Handler places the Black Bulava in its mount. The mount must remain in a location where the Black Bulava shall be visible to all duma members, if not higher than those present. The Lord Speaker and Lord Handler must bow their heads to one another, then once the pair is seated the members may be seated. If there is no Lord Handler, then the Lord Speaker may choose another peer to do so. 


Upon the adjournment of the 4th session of the term, all duma members must remain seated. The Lord Speaker and Lord Handler will rise, and stand at either side of the Black Bulava. Both shall nod to each other, a bow of the head in respect. The Lord Speaker shall remove the Black Bulava from its mount and proffer it to the Lord Handler, who will place it in safe confinement elsewhere. If there is no Lord Handler, then the Lord Speaker may choose another peer to do so. 


Duma sessions without this process and presentation of the Black Bulava are considered unconstitutional and henceforth illegal. The Black Bulava must remain in its mount throughout the term of four years, until the adjournment of the 4th session. 



Once the Lord Speaker has tapped their gavel upon the bench, no peer or elected official shall speak until roll call has been completed. Doing so may result in a removal from the hall or other sanctions. Note: For purposes of this documentation, the Speaker shall be addressed solely as "Lord Speaker" but can interchangeably be "Lord" or "Lady" Speaker. 


Addressment (in roll call)

The order of roll call shall be as follows: Peers (by order of rank), Aldermen, Tribunes, Maer, and Lord Palatine. Roll call, when called upon, shall be responded with “Present”. 


➛ Peers must be addressed by the Naumariav translation for Lord, being “Herzen” and either their surname or highest title. This format of "Herzen [SURNAME] for all peers may only be used for roll call, as Herzen interchangeably means "Duke". An example is as follows: “Herzen Valwyck” or “Herzen Baruch” for the Duke of Valwyck, of House Baruch. “Duke Valwyck”, or furthermore the usage of the common tongue in addressing a peer, shall not be acceptable. 


House Barclay: “Herzen Reinmar” or “Herzen Barclay” / “Herzen Barclay”

House Baruch: “Herzen Valwyck” or “Herzen Baruch” / “Herzen Baruch”

House Ruthern: “Margravir Greyspine” or “Margravir Ruthern” / “Herzen Ruthern”

House Ludovar: “Komit Otistadt” or “Komit Ludovar” / “Herzen Ludovar”

House Vanir: “Vikomit Varna” or “Vikomit Vanir” / “Herzen Vanir”

House Kortrevich: “Vikomit Krusev” or “Vikomit Kortrevich” / “Herzen Kortrevich”

House Amador: “Vikomit Aurveldt” or “Vikomit Amador” / “Herzen Amador”

House Vyronov: “Bossir Astfield” or “Bossir Vyronov” / “Herzen Vyronov”


➛ Aldermen must be addressed as “Alderman [SURNAME]” or “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”. If an alderman is the son or daughter of a Duke, Margrave, or Count, they may be addressed as Lord or Lady [SURNAME]. Sons and daughters of noble birth to a Viscount or Baron shall be addressed as “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”.


➛ Tribunes must be addressed as “Tribune [SURNAME]” or “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”. 


➛ The Grand Maer must be addressed as “Lord or Lady Maer” or “Maer [SURNAME]”. 


➛ The Lord Palatine must be addressed as “Lord or Lady Palatine” or “Palatine [SURNAME]”. 


Peer Representation

To note, NO elected official may have a representative in their place. They have ONE month of absentee voting, and shall be marked as absent from the session nonetheless. Attendance is crucial as the legislative body of the government. Penalties still apply even in absentee voting unless significant cause is brought directly to the Lord Speaker.


Furthermore, for peers of the realm, representatives must be of their house and not of marriage into another. Spouses, however, may represent a house (e.g. consorts) but not their original family. They may be any member of the peer’s house, so long as they are of noble and legitimate birth from said noble house, and of the age of majority (as according to the laws of Hanseti-Ruska, that being 14). Representatives exterior to these ideals are considered unacceptable and they may be removed from the duma hall as a result.


Representatives of peers shall respond to roll calls by stating “Representing” or “[FIRST AND SURNAME], Representing” (e.g. “Irene Ruthern, Representing”)  rather than “Present” as a regular member of the Royal Duma would do.  



Once the Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma has called the Royal Duma into session and completed roll call (reaching quorum, that being 8 members present as of 361 ES duma composition), duma may officially commence and is done through the direction of the Lord Speaker. A regular duma session will go as follows;


1 - Royal Duma is commenced upon reaching quorum (362 ES: 8 members = quorum)

- Petitions, Aulic Summonings, and other speeches of note from the Speaker shall be handled after the official commencement of Duma. 

3 - Lord Speaker announces a bill and the presenter.

- The presenter of the bill is called upon to give opening remarks.

5 - Bill is passed around to members of the duma and opening remarks are given.

6 - Debate, moderated or unmoderated, ensues after the speaker allows for so.

7 - A member motions to vote, the vote is seconded.

- Voting ensues to decide whether the bill is passed or denied.

9 - Repeat 2-7 with other bills.


There are exceptions to this layout that are not unusual to see occur, all of which are to be addressed and how to properly handle them through the duma’s proper etiquette. For petitions, Aulic summonings, speeches or else, they must be addressed before the presentation of bills in the following recommended order: However, it must be remembered that at all times are the duma members to await for the direction of the Lord Speaker. The Lord Speaker MUST announce that there is to be moderated or unmoderated debate before it can begin after opening remarks are given by the presenter. 


Addressment (in session)

Cordial manners are requested when addressing other members of the Royal Duma. While debate is highly encouraged and recommended, members of the Royal Duma must uphold the integrity of their position as officials elected to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska or as peers of the nation. Thus, although debate may result in heated exchanges of disagreeance, the occurrences in the Royal Duma are asked to be left therein and too for all members to address each other properly according to their position, or as follows;


 The Lord Speaker must be addressed as "Your Excellency", "Lord / Lady Speaker", or "Speaker [SURNAME]". If the Lord Handler is seated in place of the Lord Speaker, they must be addressed as "Lord / Lady Handler" or "Lord / Lady [SURNAME]". 


 Peers must be addressed as “Herzen [TITLE]” or “Herzen [SURNAME].” Female alternatives shall be used if the peer is headed by such. As of 361, the addressments of peers in the Royal Duma is as follows:


House Barclay: “Herzen Reinmar” or “Herzen Barclay”

House Baruch: “Herzen Valwyck” or “Herzen Baruch”

House Ruthern: “Margravir Greyspine or “Margravir Ruthern”

House Ludovar: “Komit Otistadt” or “Komit Ludovar”

House Vanir: “Vikomit Varna” or “Vikomit Vanir”

House Kortrevich: “Vikomit Krusev” or “Vikomit Kortrevich”

House Amador: “Vikomit Aurveldt” or “Vikomit Amador”

House Vyronov: “Bossir Astfield” or “Bossir Vyronov”


➛ If someone is representing the peer, the representative may be addressed as Lord or Lady [SURNAME], or Representative [SURNAME]. 


➛ Aldermen must be addressed as “Alderman [SURNAME]” or “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”. If an alderman is the son or daughter of a Duke, Margrave, or Count, they may be addressed as Lord or Lady [SURNAME]. Sons and daughters of noble birth to a Viscount or Baron shall be addressed as “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”.


➛ Tribunes must be addressed as “Tribune [SURNAME]” or “Mister or Miss [SURNAME]”. 


➛ The Grand Maer must be addressed as “Lord or Lady Maer” or “Maer [SURNAME]”. 


 The Lord Palatine must be addressed as “Lord or Lady Palatine” or “Palatine [SURNAME]”. 


Subject Petition

Any subject of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, or otherwise permitted by the Lord Speaker, may request to petition the Royal Duma and its members. Permission to address the duma is only for that of the following session and no other. Another request must be made within the following year if another petition is to be made. This must be done formally through letter or in-person meeting with the Lord Speaker themselves, or through their Lord Handler with later confirmation from the Lord Speaker nonetheless. It is to note that petitioners must follow the guidelines of the aforementioned addressment towards members of the Royal Duma. Petitions may not be an introduced bill, advisory or regular, by any means- unless it is to be endorsed by a member of the Royal Duma, in which case it may only be presented by a member of the Royal Duma through normal process of bills. Petitions may include, but are not limited to: advise, words of concern, bill recommendations, or other concerns wished to be heard by the will of the petitioners. Note: A petitioner shall be removed from the duma hall by the Duma Guard or other members of the HRA if being of disrespectful mannerisms as deemed by the Lord Speaker, or straying from the petition confirmed by the Lord Speaker.


Petitions, in short, shall be handled as follows;

1 - Petitioner contacts the Lord Speaker through letter, in-person, or through the Lord Handler (or Duma Clerk).

- Approval from the Lord Speaker is bestowed upon the petitioner to attend the following duma.

- Petitioner shall attend the upcoming duma session. Upon entering the room, they will nod, curtsy, or bow to the Black Bulava then may proceed to the front of the room before the Lord Speaker's desk. 

- Petition shall address the Royal Duma within the perimeters agreed upon by the petitioner and the Lord Speaker.

5 - Duma members may request by the raising of one's hand to question the petitioner. If no questions, skip to 7.

- Lord Speaker shall seek approval from the petitioner for questioning to begin. If approved, questions will be addressed in moderated-debate format. 

- Petitioner is dismissed by the Lord Speaker and must nod, curtsy, or bow to the Black Bulava before departing. 


Presentation of Bills

If there are no petitions, speeches, or summonings at the commencement of the duma, the Lord Speaker shall go through the bills sent in the time following the last duma session, or the previously tabled bills. The order of the bills is at the behest of the Lord Speaker. Upon the Lord Speaker stating, "We shall now be discussing the [ACT] of [YEAR] ES, written by [NAME]", and furthermore "The chair now calls upon [PRESENTER] to give his/her opening remarks" the presenter called upon shall arise from their bench and approach the front of the duma hall. This must be done before the Black Bulava and the Lord Speaker, at the front of the Lord Speaker's desk. Only there may the peer or elected official presenting give their opening remarks. Presenters must indicate they are finished with a nod of their head or verbal conclusion to the Lord Speaker. Upon the conclusion of voting, presenters may be seated. 



As stated in Addressment (in session), "Cordial manners are requested when addressing other members of the Royal Duma. While debate is highly encouraged and recommended, members of the Royal Duma must uphold the integrity of their position as officials elected to represent the people of Hanseti-Ruska or as peers of the nation." Debate may only ensue after the Lord Speaker as stated so, and otherwise doing so may be reprimanded. Addressment (in session) applies to the entirety of the duma whilst in session, furthermore including that of debate. Please refer to the aforementioned section of the etiquette pamphlet for further information. Debate may occur after the Lord Speaker has announced as follows, "The chair now opens the floor for [unmoderated or moderated] debate." 


Moderated Debate

Moderated debate, if specified by the Lord Speaker, shall occur in the context that all members must raise their hand and be specifically called upon by the Lord Speaker to be able to speak their question to the presenter. Those who are able to speak shall be addressed upon a basis of whoever raises their hand first, second, etcetera. At the behest of the Lord Speaker, questioners in moderated debate may ask one question (recommended amount) with a singular response from the presenter in return. Both the questioner and the presenter must inform the Lord Speaker as to when they have completed their question and response. Those who have raised their hand to be addressed do not solely have to ask questions, but may offer criticisms, amendments, or other statements of their preference. During moderated debate, those who are called upon after raising their hands are requested to rise from their bench but not to approach the front of the room.


Unmoderated Debate

The recommended way of debate, where all members are free to speak, question, etcetera toward the presenter in any capacity. Such way of debate must have been directly stated by the Lord Speaker to ensue, and has the opportunity to switch to moderated debate if duma members are unable to maintain cordiality or if the presenter is far too bombarded by criticisms to be able to respond. Any member of the duma, including the presenter, may request to switch to moderated debate by addressing the Lord Speaker for such.



Voting will ensue after a member of the duma has "motioned for a vote", or furthermore as directly stated "I motion for a vote". The Lord Speaker shall call out for this motion to be seconded; and, if so, voting will ensue. Those motioning to vote should avoid doing so in the midst of a duma member speaking. Motions to vote may not be objected or delayed, and shall immediately led to the voting process to begin. The Lord Speaker shall then go down the roster of those present, calling upon them for their vote in similar manner to roll call in the order as follows: Peers (by order of rank), Aldermen, Tribunes, Maer, and Lord Palatine.


Three responses may be given and must be given in Naumariav (Common: New Marian)– the national language of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, that being "Da" (Yes), "Nie" (No), or "Verzicht" (Abstain). For matters of simplicity, Abstain may be used over Verzicht, though the Naumariav alternative is recommended and may be enforced at the will of the Lord Speaker. In all instances, it is highly recommended that members of the Royal Duma avoid abstaining unless of absolute necessary need. As aforementioned in the section Presentation of Bills, the presenter is permitted to be seated once the Lord Speaker has announced the result of the bill's voting. 



Tabling a bill is done is similar fashion to that of voting. A member of the duma must "motion to table", furthermore stating "I motion for this bill to be tabled" or "I motion for tabling". If the motion is seconded, a vote in the same way as stated in section Voting will occur. If the majority present votes for the tabling of a bill, the bill shall be tabled until the following duma session. If the majority does not vote for the bill to be tabled, debate will continue until a vote is motioned and seconded. To note, tabling must have sufficient reasoning in doing so, and can be denied at the will of the Lord Speaker if they deem it necessary. 


Point of Order 

Point of Order, or in simpler terms the manner in which a duma member asks the Lord Speaker about formalities / running of the duma, can be put into place at any point after the commencement of Royal Duma achieving quorum. This shall be done by the raising of a duma member's hand until they are called upon by the Lord Speaker. There, they must rise from their spot upon the bench and ask the Lord Speaker by stating "Point of Order - [question]". After their question has been addressed, they may be seated once more. 



As stated by the Haurul Caezk in section 212.06, 'Summoning Aulic Councillors', "The Royal Duma may summon Aulic Councillors and question them on the conduct of their respective Office." Requests to summon an Aulic Councillor must be done at the beginning of a session after official commencement. The member(s) requesting for the Aulic Councillor to be summoned must raise their hand and be called upon by the Lord Speaker. They shall request the ability to address the duma by presenting evidence that an Aulic Councillor must be summoned to be questioned. If they receive the consent of the Lord Speaker, the member(s) may approach the front of the duma hall after bowing, curtsying, or nodding to the Black Bulava. The member(s) shall present the evidence they have acquired and, after the presentation, must inform the Lord Speaker they have concluded by nod of the head or otherwise verbal statement. The Lord Speaker may then open the floor for debate in a style of moderated or unmoderated debate, depending on their preference. A vote shall ensue once a member has stated "I motion to vote" and it has been seconded, and shall follow the basis of regular voting as one would on bills. If reaching majority of the duma and thus its approval, the Lord Speaker shall inform the Aulic Councillor to attend the following duma session. If not reaching majority, the duma shall continue onwards with other matters to be addressed per its regular order. A specific charge can and may be written (but must be sent to the Crown after receiving majority vote from the duma), or it can be a spoken debate or questioning of the councillor on the conduct of their office.


At the following duma session, if majority has been reached, the Aulic Councillor shall attend at the beginning of the Royal Duma, standing before the Lord Speaker and the Black Bulava after being called upon by the Lord Speaker to approach from the spectator stands. Only at the word of the Lord Speaker, they may be questioned in the form of moderated debate and allowed one response per question, and one question per hand risen (member must raise their hand again and rejoin the order of questions). A vote may ensue only if the duma is to charge the Aulic Councillor with a vote of no confidence, and shall follow regular voting proceedings. Any charges or votes of no confidence that reach majority of the Royal Duma must receive the assent of the Crown and are advisory. At the conclusion, the Aulic Councillor must nod, bow, or curtsy to the Black Bulava and depart once such has been allowed by the Lord Speaker. 



Adjournment is the conclusion of the duma, and shall be done only at the behest of the Lord Speaker. Adjournments can not be motioned by members of the Royal Duma without it first being brought up by word of the Lord Speaker. The Lord Speaker shall state "Is there a motion to adjourn?" and, if there is a motion, the Lord Speaker shall further state "This sitting of His Royal Majesty's Royal Duma is now adjourned." Adjournments cannot be objected by any member of the Royal Duma, but motions to adjourn can be seconded. After this is stated, the Lord Speaker shall rise and, following the Lord Speaker, then the rest of the Royal Duma may rise ensuite. 

Edited by Eryane
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