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The Ferrets Journey [PK]

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Vex looked up to eternally day sky on the back of a large train sized ferret and sighed..she had made her mistakes but thankfully spared the others their lives. she only prayed her message to her daughter when through with the dragaar. she had lived from her youth as a dedicant to a fully realized druid. she has regrets but who doesnt? she only hopes those who were with her could forgive her foolishness and move forward with the example she laid in her path. well besides the hubris parts.

the Giant Sprinkle (ferret) moves her head to the goblin and nuzzles to comfort the fallen druid. "well... your right, time for the prank war to begin!" tales would hopefully be told of the weasle mani wetting themselves as they slept due to a goblin putting their paw in a large cup of water or the giant wooden woopie cussion that bolmorra might have sat on only time will tell and Vex has plenty of it now. "How many pranks and cannons can i make in a eternity?" she asked as the buisness of ferrets of all sizes, giant to small roamed dayward.


Urza upon Reciving something from Taynei:


With feelings of immense pride and love almost overwhelming go through the object and into the young Uruk the voice of the goblin came through as well
"Urza I'm sorry that I have to leave like this...but you will be fine without me...and I know you will be a greater druid than I ever could be. I cannot even put into words how happy i was when you told me you wanted to become a Dedicant of the order...I love you always and I will never be far from your heart and I'm always in the forest waiting for you when it's your time...Please take care of the ferrets.

I'm leaving you and sirounn the house and everything inside it. please stay safe and I love you so much! also I met a giant sprinkle heh....and hugged Cerridwen finally...don't sleep near plants that make you sleepy..It's time for me to go now though...give the world your best oemii." with the item is her staff as well



Druids Stay tunned for my next one, i aint leaving the grove quite yet :D

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The Fox Druid’s knees buckled as she felt the wave of sorrow and heard the message; tears immediately staining her face. Flashbacks to when they were both dedicants, Vex’s attunement, and all the conversations afterwards flooded her mind as all she could do was curl into a ball and sob. Vex was one of her first friends in the Grove, she has been there through it all, and now she was gone. Sonna remained in that ball for hours as she mourned, unable to comprehend how her friend had fallen.

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Urza would sit at the kitchen table surrounded by ferrets, hearing this telepathic message she has one comment,  "Thah ferretz whill be zafe mi haelun. Ahll zee you zomedeh ihn thah forezt" her face as steely as ever, the young orc would be all the more filled with passion and drive. Having already cried all her tears she balls her fists, glancing down at the wood and thinking hard.

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Minto would be shifting through documents in Talon's Port as the vision came to him. A furrowed brow and gritted teeth would ensue, leading him to toss the documents across the ground in a mixture of shocked anger. A deep breath would follow "T'ank yeh fer everyt'in, Vex" he'd state solemnly as he went to grab his staff and promptly head off to the grove.

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The riptide druid stood alone, her gaze holding a distanced cold look... the 'ames mind filled with thoughts sorrow and pain as she kneeled down, trembling a bit. She was with the other druid throughout the trial that caused her death, and watched from a position of helplessness, "I'm sorry" was all she could make out in words before falling to the silence once again.

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An old elf lets out a soft, shaky breath when he feels the wave of sorrow washes over nature. His ear flicks oddly at the additional voice, bringing tears to his eyes before he scrubs them away.


"Blessed be, Sister Ferret."

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Siruonn's form shrunk into itself as the sorrow surged through them, the loss hit them, their teacher, their housemate and their best friend didn't share the same sky as them anymore, they cried, head buried in their knees as wave after wave of sobbing rippled through their being picking up in intensity as the time went. "bastards... all of them" they hissed out under their breath, their sorrow being stampeded into something else, a seething flame under their skin.

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Using her crutches to take her purposely towards the Father Grove, Nenar suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. Stumbling and slipping to a heap on the ground as she was hit by the unexpected wave of emotion and the young goblin’s voice. Fingers clutching at the dirt beneath her, she drew several shuddering breaths, breathing out a whispered “Blessed be, lari’onn.” Gritting her teeth, she got the crutches beneath her once more and set off, a fire burning in her eyes behind the unshed tears. “Not in vain. Never in vain.”

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The Hummingbird Druid slammed down his hammer as he flattened and shaped a new blade, forging a simple sword upon his private forge. Though, as nature's sweet melody came to a halt and shifted to something much more gloomy, he noticed that another Druid as fallen. He stopped his work as he placed down the hammer, lifting his gaze from the forge as he stared off to the side "Has another Druid already fallen so soon?... My Aspects, what is going on, why must there always be such sadness in these times..." And with that, he continued his work, not fully understanding who passed until he received a swift letter via messenger dove. He'd take the letter from the dove before unrolling and looking over it. After a brief pause, he let out a gasp "N-No... I-It can't be true, n-no... W-Why... Why must it always be one of the good ones..." He'd lower his head at that, his eyes filling with tears as they streamed down his face. "B-Blessed be, Sister Ferret... M-May the Mani and Aspects guide you to the next realm and may Syllia see you once more- Please keep her company..." 

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As nature's song dropped to a sombre melody, Niv took a steady breath and let it crash over her. Gleaming eyes closed gently as they glistened with welling tears and she released a sigh from her nose, "A death already.. how many more will there be?" her voice hardly more than a whisper.


After some time she bows her head in a far corner of the Grove, "Blessed be, Sister Ferret."

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