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Pontifical Letter - On the Matters of Oren and Sedan


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"What!" says Holy Sir Armand, incredibly confused.

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Pretty Princess Helen signs the lorraine over her budding chest.


"What great tragedy befalls these men that I knew as brothers? What fell fate looms over our shared Empire? Can we not all live in peace?" she asks her fat retainer, who simply nods in response - for he is, at the moment, carting about a bear in a cage.

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"It seems that both the Hangman and Pontiff have pockets deep with Providences gold." -RdS

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"Noooo!" Cr. Pelagius would shout within the walls of an Imperial Estate, completely shattered by the news on the dissolution Sedan's oaths.

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"It seems that my aedinpader and cozars have caused a uproar, they can't hide behind the church anymore" he'd sigh reading the letter " I pray that they shall find their right path and bring peace to themselves and the lands" the Hieromonk would sign the hussayrian before folding the letter back into its envelope

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A certain man, Joaquin from Osanora, sat in the garden of the Basilica of the Ascent, reading the letter. When he was done, he stood and addressed some of the people who had come to hear him speak. "Truly today, I say to you that a man may dress in clerical robes and speak the scriptures, but turns his back on GOD. I say to you always to avoid the ways of the sword and the club, for it was the ruin of Owyn. But still, those who live by the sword may still become righteous through the ablution of their sins."


He looked up at the Basilica. "A man dedicating the coming end of his life to GOD can be more righteous than one who dedicates the rest of his long life to Him Above. For the dying man knows he will see God's glory soon, and the living man will see the temptation of the secular pull him away from GOD for many years to come."


Then, he looked back to the few who listened to him. "Do not stray into secularism. And do not lift up the secular as more righteous than the pious. If you condemn the pious for fear of the secular man's wrath, truly I say to you, you will be turned away from the Skies. The Aengul Aeriel will tell you, as she leads you onto your eternal life after death that since you did not know GOD, He does not know you."

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reading the Pontifical Letter Johan would give a slight nod while thinking to himself “Taking in another Charter under the Order was sadly an mistake in the first place.. their numbers must first grow strong and their brotherhood stronger... the order must be ran with and fair mind but iron fist, adding another Chapter before it’s fully stabilized and fully at peace and in control was and is an mistake... I would only have wished they had asked for my advice on what path to take of the order I aided my father is founding..”  the Knight-Regent emeritus would then look over to the old painting of himself and his men from his time as the Knight-Regent with a slight smile as mine would be uneasy

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