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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Lightning Evocation, Masters of Chaos

Mr. Etan

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If Lightning Evo honestly had some sort of out-of-combat use besides "conjure sparks" then I'd be much more liberal towards the Magic coming back, but it's always been a bland combat Magic, and I don't think that it ever will be anything more than a bland combat magic.


That and the fact that understanding the physics of lightning is like quantum mechanics for the average LotCer's brain to process.

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No. Literally every single spell is still over-powered. You literally just gave more spells, and more redlines without fixing the main problem, which is how stupidly broken the magic is.

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This is less fleshed out than the full rewrite posted a year ago for this magic. It also makes little sense to have metal armor act as faraday cages when someone isn’t just grounded since they’re wearing armor. Other than that this rewrite feels rushed, if we want lightning evo it’s gonna need to be better than this.

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1 hour ago, Isaacc said:

If Lightning Evo honestly had some sort of out-of-combat use besides "conjure sparks" then I'd be much more liberal towards the Magic coming back, but it's always been a bland combat Magic, and I don't think that it ever will be anything more than a bland combat magic.


That and the fact that understanding the physics of lightning is like quantum mechanics for the average LotCer's brain to process.


Isaac you're literally the first person to give proper feedback and any feedback on most any of the lores I drop and I love you for it even if I disagree with some of it.


I was thinking Conjured Lightning could have its own pre-determined properties unlike natural lightning - sort of like.. a mana lightning?


What sort of Out of Combat uses could a "Mana Plasma" have you think?

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Despite being relatively new to the server in comparision to most of the players expressing their opinions under this lore post, i must say that i have spent quite a while researching lightning rewrites myself and so far, this is the only one that i truly think that has enough potential to bring something like lightning evocation back.

 Nonetheless, i do believe and agree with some of the people commenting, that even though you have put effort into trying to ease and lower the capability of abusing a magic this blandly used for primarily crp in most cases, you haven’t exactly fixed the main issue with this magic: this being how easily this magic can be used to overpower the rest (powegaming, etc)— like i said, this has great potential and i think that if you choose to modify and adjust the main idea around this lore to fit rp in all senses besides merely killing/crp, you’ll most likely revive the magic :))


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1 hour ago, Circelia said:

this being how easily this magic can be used to overpower the rest (powegaming, etc)


Lightning Evocation Downsides:

-3/4 spells will disconnect you on use giving you a terrible headache keeping you from reconnecting for a whole emote.


-The two most powerful spells you absolutely *cannot move at all* and *cannot lose focus* or you blast yourself with your own evocation and stun yourself. This means you can throw a pebble of all things at someone and it'll down them while they're taking their sweet time making a bolt.


-All of these spells alone can really only be used at most 2-3 times.


-Requires a whole slot just for 4 spells


-Requires you to spend 4 months mastering a different evocation alone just to get lightning evocation


-Cannot be enchanted easily and your enchantments will 50% of the time explode on you


-Cannot use tools to avoid shocking yourself you'll blow up your own tools.


-All of these spells have insane tells, its quite obvious when someone's casting. 



What you get:


1 shock spell that requires you to grapple someone


1 Spell that will injure someone badly.


1 Spell that deafens people in an aoe


1 spell that will do a 3x3 powerful strike but either kill you or render you unconscious right after


Please explain to me how this is powergamey, I'd like some genuine feedback.

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5 hours ago, Tox said:


Lightning Evocation Downsides:

-3/4 spells will disconnect you on use giving you a terrible headache keeping you from reconnecting for a whole emote.


-The two most powerful spells you absolutely *cannot move at all* and *cannot lose focus* or you blast yourself with your own evocation and stun yourself. This means you can throw a pebble of all things at someone and it'll down them while they're taking their sweet time making a bolt.


-All of these spells alone can really only be used at most 2-3 times.


-Requires a whole slot just for 4 spells


-Requires you to spend 4 months mastering a different evocation alone just to get lightning evocation


-Cannot be enchanted easily and your enchantments will 50% of the time explode on you


-Cannot use tools to avoid shocking yourself you'll blow up your own tools.


-All of these spells have insane tells, its quite obvious when someone's casting. 



What you get:


1 shock spell that requires you to grapple someone


1 Spell that will injure someone badly.


1 Spell that deafens people in an aoe


1 spell that will do a 3x3 powerful strike but either kill you or render you unconscious right after


Please explain to me how this is powergamey, I'd like some genuine feedback.


Firstly, all these redlines I truly see to be fit for a magic that has always been to know a big impact on general CRP. However, it just seems like you have not added as much spells that may contribute to casual rp in a non-combat way (other than, i suppose, merely creating lightning sparks) since all these redlines are basically just being used to justify a once again overpowered and broken magic. Like some peopel have addressed earlier, you haven't exactly made this lore any that different from the other rewrites that have been denied in the past, yet I think it has great p0tential if you do decide to minimalize the amount of raw power and strength one could possibly get through this magic.


I'm perfectly fine with most of the redlines listed and i think they are a brilliant way to stop people from attempting to abuse this magic in any way, shape or form IRP-- but if you truly want to bring lightning evocation back, i think you are gonna have to expand the lore a bit in order to be able to be an actual, quality functioning magic and not a mere tool to get easy kills. Despite requiring a T5 MA on either air or fire evocation, I think that allowing lighting evocationists to potentially kill people with any spell (including those of t5 proficiency) is not really it because it would literally be the only thing to attract the playerbase. It basically holds barely no use in rp other than combat.


So, in conclusion, the possibility of this lore being powergamed by players IRP is not the main issue but the intention for this lore-- it's the high chance of people using a magic easily considered overpowered or broken without actually providing meaningful rp to anything besides CRP.

I'd say to try and expand the spell arsenal of this lore, at least non-combat wise, in order to fit and be able to contribute quality and impact to RP.


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5 minutes ago, Circelia said:

without actually providing meaningful rp to anything besides CRP.


I understand what you're saying here but I disagree considering 2/3 of the roleplay on this server is combative in the form of not only PVP roleplay but Events as well. A good portion of Evocations are literally made for killing - its supposed to be a tool for narrative. Like saying we shouldn't have cool swords because they're only used for CRP.


Plenty of other magics out there that already add to the "Slice of Life" and theres plenty of Magics for CRP too, but Lightning has always been apart of Voidal Magic for a very long time and this is a rather simple compromise - costly but thus available for those who like the aesthetic for their personas. 

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I completely agree with you. I believe that lightning evocation could be brought back since most of the magics that already exist on the server include a vast variety of combative moves/spells and that, this magic should not be any different.

Nonetheless, you do have to understand that (from what i've been seeing myself) most of the LOTC playerbase doesn't even want to consider bringing this lore back because of the experiences they may have struggled with in the past due to how "broken" this magic was and could potentially still be.


Not to mention that even though, you have added several redlines to justify the arsenal's raw strength, it's still lacking meaningful impact on anything other than combat RP. 


Be free to adjust it, but i'd say to AT LEAST add a bit of flavorful variety and ideas for impactful lightning evo. casual RP that may attract a variety of players and not just those that would like to play a magic known for killing, crp, etc.

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"this spell is super difficult to pull off bro trust me" isn't all that great of an excuse to cast powerful spells. If a pebble is all it truly takes to stop the most powerful spells, you may as well just axe that redline and say "ooc consent is required for this spell to hit its target". Let's face it, the only way you're gonna pull off the big spells in this is via heavily scripted events (such as someone wanting to PK) or ooc bullshittery through the mage's part. 


"this takes a LOT of mana to cast" also isn't very good until ST write a concrete, thorough post regarding EXACTLY how mana works and how much active mana can be used by someone at any given time, not to mention how much active mana a mage/normie has to begin with.


The biggest blunder in this, however, is that lightning evocation insists on the fact that it is real lightning, when it very much shouldn't be advertised as such. Understanding how lightning works requires a deep, comprehensive understanding of how electricity itself works. The way I see it, lightning evo either needs to stay shelved, or it needs to be written in a way that blatantly states THIS IS NOT REAL ELECTRICITY. Because, let's face it, it's not real electricity. People don't roleplay intensive nerve damage upon being struck. People don't roleplay the potential brain damage sustained from prolonged electrical exposure. People don't roleplay the potential anathemas or the numbness or the scalding burns or the paralysis (correctly.) They just get zapped, flop around a little, maybe tense up, maybe they act a bit "stunned", but in reality, anyone involved in an electrical attack irl, aside from tiny little shocks, normally need to go to an ER immediately due to the potential complications a powerful electrical current arcing through your body can cause. You can get the insides of your organs burned and barely have a mark on your bare flesh. How the **** you gonna roleplay getting out of that healthily with medieval medicine? You don't. An abscess forms inside of you around the area of the burn, you get an infection, suffer organ failure, and you ******* die. 


When using electricity as a weapon, you are either trying to stun someone, or you are trying to kill them. There is no in between. Either say lightning evocation ISN'T electricity, just a mimicry of it, and outline specifically what it does, or nerf it down to a basic support magic.


Take this as your base spell: "My lightning attack looks like electricity, but it actually just feels like you're being punched with something really hot. Your character will have bad burns and possible bruising from the impact, but those are the only issues the spell itself will create for your character." And then progress it upwards from there. 


Or, alternatively, use real electricity for the spells, outline a basic electricity 101 lesson on your lore page, and have the magic consist of mostly support spells with one or two high level damaging spells. Shocking fingertips, tazing blast, whatever the **** you would call a spell that inflicts short term paralysis, and then having "lightning calldown" as your T5 damaging spell. But don't make it ridiculously easy to block or ridiculously easy to stop. It's useless putting in a spell if no one can use it outside specific circumstances or through bullshittery. Don't make it an instant kill, but do stress that if the strike is successful, the average person is going to be out of the fight and in a hospital. That's how real electricity works. It's either barely going to be an inconvenience, or it is going to stun you, or it is going to take you out of a fight if it doesn't kill you. 


Not trying to sound like a ****, and I do enjoy reading what you put on a piece of paper, tox. There's a good few things I enjoy about this magic, such as a basic properties section which kind of sorta outlines how the lightning behaves. Unfortunately, I just think electricity is just too complex of a thing to trust in the hands of the LOTC playerbase. You have wannabe electricians who say they won't get tased because they saw a video of a guy who could tank a taser, you have actual electricians who see something emoted at them, roll their eyes because it's not realistic, and then take the hit because they don't want to give a science lesson, and you have the mages who think electricity is the ultimate PK magic and believe nothing will stop them (which is kind of true, to be fair). Electricity is just too easy to powergame or misunderstand, and such is always going to be something hanging over Lightning Evo's head. 

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3 hours ago, AlphaMoist said:

"this spell is super difficult to pull off bro trust me" isn't all that great of an excuse to cast powerful spells. If a pebble is all it truly takes to stop the most powerful spells, you may as well just axe that redline and say "ooc consent is required for this spell to hit its target". Let's face it, the only way you're gonna pull off the big spells in this is via heavily scripted events (such as someone wanting to PK) or ooc bullshittery through the mage's part. 


"this takes a LOT of mana to cast" also isn't very good until ST write a concrete, thorough post regarding EXACTLY how mana works and how much active mana can be used by someone at any given time, not to mention how much active mana a mage/normie has to begin with.


The biggest blunder in this, however, is that lightning evocation insists on the fact that it is real lightning, when it very much shouldn't be advertised as such. Understanding how lightning works requires a deep, comprehensive understanding of how electricity itself works. The way I see it, lightning evo either needs to stay shelved, or it needs to be written in a way that blatantly states THIS IS NOT REAL ELECTRICITY. Because, let's face it, it's not real electricity. People don't roleplay intensive nerve damage upon being struck. People don't roleplay the potential brain damage sustained from prolonged electrical exposure. People don't roleplay the potential anathemas or the numbness or the scalding burns or the paralysis (correctly.) They just get zapped, flop around a little, maybe tense up, maybe they act a bit "stunned", but in reality, anyone involved in an electrical attack irl, aside from tiny little shocks, normally need to go to an ER immediately due to the potential complications a powerful electrical current arcing through your body can cause. You can get the insides of your organs burned and barely have a mark on your bare flesh. How the **** you gonna roleplay getting out of that healthily with medieval medicine? You don't. An abscess forms inside of you around the area of the burn, you get an infection, suffer organ failure, and you ******* die. 


When using electricity as a weapon, you are either trying to stun someone, or you are trying to kill them. There is no in between. Either say lightning evocation ISN'T electricity, just a mimicry of it, and outline specifically what it does, or nerf it down to a basic support magic.


Take this as your base spell: "My lightning attack looks like electricity, but it actually just feels like you're being punched with something really hot. Your character will have bad burns and possible bruising from the impact, but those are the only issues the spell itself will create for your character." And then progress it upwards from there. 


Or, alternatively, use real electricity for the spells, outline a basic electricity 101 lesson on your lore page, and have the magic consist of mostly support spells with one or two high level damaging spells. Shocking fingertips, tazing blast, whatever the **** you would call a spell that inflicts short term paralysis, and then having "lightning calldown" as your T5 damaging spell. But don't make it ridiculously easy to block or ridiculously easy to stop. It's useless putting in a spell if no one can use it outside specific circumstances or through bullshittery. Don't make it an instant kill, but do stress that if the strike is successful, the average person is going to be out of the fight and in a hospital. That's how real electricity works. It's either barely going to be an inconvenience, or it is going to stun you, or it is going to take you out of a fight if it doesn't kill you. 


Not trying to sound like a ****, and I do enjoy reading what you put on a piece of paper, tox. There's a good few things I enjoy about this magic, such as a basic properties section which kind of sorta outlines how the lightning behaves. Unfortunately, I just think electricity is just too complex of a thing to trust in the hands of the LOTC playerbase. You have wannabe electricians who say they won't get tased because they saw a video of a guy who could tank a taser, you have actual electricians who see something emoted at them, roll their eyes because it's not realistic, and then take the hit because they don't want to give a science lesson, and you have the mages who think electricity is the ultimate PK magic and believe nothing will stop them (which is kind of true, to be fair). Electricity is just too easy to powergame or misunderstand, and such is always going to be something hanging over Lightning Evo's head. 


Incredibly based reply and full of facts

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