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The Resignation of Gail


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The city of Talon's Port glistened in the light that shone from the nearby harbor. The streets were full of life from the wedding that had occurred earlier that day, and the noises of seabirds mingled with those of the jungle. The Council of Talon's Port had just adjourned their meeting, and Gail limped to the main square, crutches set beneath his arms. Laboriously, he climbed to the second floor of the Alley Alehouse and stood by the edge of the small balcony, setting his crutches aside and instead leaning on the flaking metal railing. A light breeze moved the aging man's hair as he cleared his throat quietly before he spoke.

"Citizens of Talon's Port-- I have served this city for my entire life-- dedicated every ounce of my being towards it, and wished to see it succeed. Ever since our humble beginnings within the old city of Talon's Grotto, and since the time I was brought to serve beneath Sovereign Goldblight, I have seen our city come to life... I've seen it prosper over the years, and I've seen it fall into disrepair, but we have persevered. Every time somebody thought the city was on the brink of collapse, someone brought it back, and each time it grew stronger than the last.

But... these years of leadership has tired me. I had accepted this position in Talon's Grotto, while our population was still small, and was unprepared to lead a city of the magnitude that Talon's Port has become. Even still, though, I've done my best through the years, and tried to be a compelling leader. Whether it worked... that's for you to decide."

Gail cracked a light smile at his words before clearing his throat once more and readjusting his position on the edge of balcony, shifting over slightly,

"But, I've decided, on my own accord, that my time as Sovereign should come to a close. I've accomplished what I wanted to for the city in my tenure here. Talon's Port has became the city I always dreamed it to be. As the human I am, I'm growing old-- growing near to the end of my life. I believe it's time to pass the torch of leadership to somebody with years of life left within them, somebody who can continue forging a path of greatness for the city. I'm lowering myself to a position of stewardship, and spending my last years in peace. The new Sovereign is not yet decided, and the vote will be held in the council soon.

May Talon's Port see much prosperity in the future."

At that, Gail Cordius grabbed his crutches and lightly pushed himself up from the edge of the balcony, limping away towards his home as the breeze rustled the tall, jungle trees around the city-- feeling almost as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.

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Upon hearing the news of Gail finally retiring, the older woman comments, "So, Gail....are you ready for those drinks I owe you in Vertias?" She lightly chuckles with a tired smile resting over her visage!

Edited by StrongBear
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Aeline Cordius listened her husband, a sigh of relief escaping her as the stress was finally lifted from him. She walked with him home and gave a small kiss on his cheek "you did so much for them Gail...everyone of Talon's Port is grateful for you"

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Eletha Avery sweats thinking Gail was going to jump from the balcony. "Well it's fitting he steps down as I leave the council" She'd muse

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Minto would lean against his staff heavily, listening to Gail's words to the people in silence. "Yeh 'ave done more fer teh city t'an one could ever ask fer" he'd give a solemn hum, wandering what the future might hold for the city.

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