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The Reality of Force


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Words can trick, mislead, even blind us- but not deeds. Remember, kinsmen, you are what is. Your actions are bound to the Totality; they play a small part in shaping the world into its present form. For what is the world today but the sum total of all our works, and all those of our ancestors? 


When you forge a new blade in the smithy, when you unleash terror upon a battlefield, when you hold a newborn cub in your arms- that, kinsmen, is Truth- Truth right before your eyes! Is there any doubt, deception, or ambiguity in actual experience? 


Only the tangible can be trusted, kinsmen. Force: the power to do- this alone is real. What makes things so? Making them so makes them so. What makes them not so? Making them not so makes them not so. A road is made by people walking it. The world belongs to the strong, to those who can act.


Some elves believe they have been cursed twice, that immortality is a burden too great to bear without succumbing to madness. But verily I say to you kinsmen, that the orcish race has been blessed twice. They say that bloodlust is damning because it turns us into monsters, without soul, conscience, or honor. But can fire not devour whole cities and still not be satisfied? Does it not take more lives in a day than the greatest warrior could hope to in a century? And yet, do we not call fire the great gift?  That which separates us from the beasts, that which we share with the dragons alone?



Like fire, our bloodlust can be befriended, tempered, but never tamed. Yes kinsmen, there will always be a wildness in you that escapes the jurisdiction of your mind. You will never be as docile as human soldiers in their neat little lines, or a spindly elf in his library. For you possess a power that they will never understand; even the best of them live only in shallow imitation of it. No other race is born for war - it can take half a lifetime to prepare a man, elf, or dwarf for that which an orc is ready, even craving, by their tenth year. 


And that is why they hide behind words. I have peered deep into the hearts of their historians, the veritable army of lawyers and scribes that hang off the sleeves of great men- and what did I find? Only fear, a deep and slavish fear. And worst of all- fear of that which they claim to serve: the truth! 


Visit a library, open a dusty tome, and any discerning reader will be struck by how much of what passes for their history are lies. Names, places, even entire wars are conjured out of thin air in service of the author’s agenda. Details are smudged, re-arranged, “tidied up,” in order to hide the truth, the terrible truth, that our distant kin have long forgotten but the sons of Krug have always known: Force is the final arbiter.  History becomes messier, and yet all at once more simple once you perceive this clearest of patterns which all their frenzied scribbling does its best to obscure. 


Thus the recent obsession with legal codes. When a people is no longer capable of honor, they turn instead to law.  But for all of their prattle, the structure that undergirds their societies is no different than it was when the Wandering Wizard walked among us. When you vote, you are borrowing authority guaranteed by the state, an institution that exists only as long as its armies keep foreign powers at bay. In other words, you are exercising force. 


Therefore, I say to you my kinsmen: hold fast to the ways of our people. Do not be impressed or deceived by the verbal edifices of other lands, for they are only so much breath and parchment. Pay your respects to the spirits and the ancestors, for they will guide you on the path to wisdom. And remember: it will be deeds, not words, that keep you walking on the way of Honor

Edited by Birdman
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