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A Missive to Leah Kelmenour


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A letter would be penned by a young mali’aheral, and would then arrive to another ‘aheral that appeared quite similarly to that of the writer. The writing was neat and the cursive flowed nicely. The parchment in which the words rested upon was clean and a soft beige like color, but appeared to have slight creases, likely from the travels it endured to arrive to the recipient. 



“Dear Leah Kelmenour, 


I hope this letter finds you quickly. I’m in no hurry in life, it’s rather slow moving but I’ve come to enjoy such, I simply wish to hear back from you soon. It doesn’t seem I’m much of a good daughter if I fail to send you even a short letter from time to time, and I apologize greatly for that. 


As much as I may try, I’m not much of a writer I don’t think, but I’m not sure that matter much when I only wish to know how you’re doing. The last I saw of you was around ten years ago if my memory doesn’t fail me, back in Providence. To fill you in shortly, I’ve since left Oren and my many jobs there to settle anew with my daughter and the young mali’ame you’ve met a handful of times now. Mayilun  and Anduin are well, as am I, and we seem to be settling nicely in our new home. 


Upon this year’s Deep Cold, only next Saint’s Day, I wish for you to come visit my family and I if at all possible. We’ll be holding the first Town Assembly within the land we’ve newly settled, which we’ve chose to name Veritas. There will be plenty of food, drinks, and people to meet and talk to, including myself of course. 


I wish you love and peace, and I can only hope to see you there. 


With much love, your daughter,

Annabelle Kelmenour”



Attached to the bottom of the letter appeared to be a small flower. It was a purple sort of blue color, and the petals seemed to fall off its stem upon the touch. Another addition would also be added to the end of the writing, directions to the before-mentioned land of Veritas. 


Easthub, towards Urguan, [X- 1558, Z- 541]


Excuse any formatting issues, this was written from my phone, I’ll fix it when I get a chance hehe


If you are not @Itz_Cookie, the person who plays Leah Kelmenour, you’re character would have no knowledge of this letter and you should not respond under this post. 


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[!] Somewhere within the lands of Almaris an aging 'aheral began to smile at the missive she recived moments before. Her pale eyes scanned over the seemingly perfect condition of the letter whilst preparing to write a letter to her daughter. 

With a quil dipped in dark inc, Leah Kelmenour began to write - the cursive flowed within the shaky hand of the elfess - however it was still rather beautiful and unique. 

"My dearest Annabelle, 

The slowless of life is that where most find joy, however it comes to be boring from time to time. Im glad to have recived a letter from you but feeling is not one sided - I am very much ashamed of myself for leaving without sending word to yourself and your family. And for your memory remains well, it has been quite close to that time since we've last saw eachother. 

I've been well however, traveling throughout these new lands with nothing but a mere satchel filled with a variety of things - food, a journal, some inc, quills, ect. My mind always trails back to you and your dearest daughter none the less, as well for words cannot describe how much joy I gained upon first laying eyes on Maylin. She fairs a perfect mix of yourself and Anduin and goes so far from the word beautiful.

I wish you well on the creation of your new lands, Veritas is quite a peculiar yet extraodinary name for such. I assume as you recive this letter I will have started my journy to such place - without being stopped I should make it in time to attend the event you've planned for yourself and the people of this new place. 
I hope to see you soon, my dear, till then ~ walk well.


Leah Kelmenour"                                



[!] Found within the envelope of the returning letter would be an aging petal of the blue/violet tinted flower floating within a vile of a honey scented, transparent, solid connected to a silver chain by a tiny screw within the cork. Also hanging from said cork would be a thin, flattened metal disk reading "AAK" - the innitals of such a darling 'aheral

Edited by Itz_Cookie
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