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Kortrevich Routae Parcif

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Kortrevich Routae Parcif

Kortrevich Brings Aid

14th of Wzuvar and Byvca, 365 ES


Viscounty of Krusev, Haense

Krusevian farmhands travel towards Karosgrad, bringing wagons of grain.


While food reserves have been made freely available to the people of the Grand City of Karosgrad by our routinely stocked donation boxes, the recent attacks on the capital call for greater effort. Orders have been given to the fine workers of our lands to begin packing a caravan with much of our grain stores and to be promptly delivered as to cushion the fresh wound of our Highlander people. 


We implore the other Great Houses of this Kingdom to follow suit, as the struggles of the people are the struggles of us all.


Lastly, with the final results of the batte making the troll’s ambitions clear, House Kortrevich requests the Lord Marshal to send his engineers to Krusev in an effort to protect the breadbasket of Haense.





THE HONORABLE, Jan Otto Kortreivch, Viscount of Krusev, Baron of Koravia




Credits to @Quinn275 for writing the post!


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Friedrich Barclay looked over missive with a nod "They'll have my men, though I hope this won't all come out of the HRA's pocket." He'd say to himself with a sigh as he looked at the amount of wood the Army had left. Friedrich would then move off to quickly begin to bird his men and women.

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Sir Viktor Kortrevich sits by the bedside of his son Rickard as he lays in comatose, bells ring outside of Krusevgrad announcing the fourteenth name day of the heir to House Kortrevich. An announcement calling for the end of regency and without the passing or waking up of Rickard, the House of Kortrevich officially saw its fifth patriarch, Viscount Jan Otto Kortrevich. As he relaxes in the vineyards of Krusev, a missive lands by his feet with the Kortrevich seal embossed over it; as he opened the seal he simply smiled and uttered; 'With Duty, Come Honor.'

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