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The Summer Edict of 365 ES





Issued by


On this 11th day of Vzmey and Hyff 365 ES




The Royal Duma is one that has been everchanging, adapting and molding itself after the times in which it exists. When it comes to adapting to the times, no voice is better to hear than the voice of the Royal Duma itself. Indeed, since 359 ES, the Royal Duma has passed a vast amount of Advisory Bills, many of which particularly address the Royal Duma itself.


As spring turns to summer, and the fields near Karosgrad are grown and plentiful, where the farmers reap the products of their labour, so must the Duma reap the products of their own labour. The Crown thus seeks to address the following Advisory Acts: The Eligibility to Vote Advisory Act of 359 ES, the Vote of No Confidence Advisory Act of 362 ES, the Duma Reconstructure Advisory Act of 362 ES, as well as the Succession Advisory Act of 359 ES and the Royal Succession Advisory Act of 362 ES.


In heeding the advice of the Duma, as presented in the aforementioned Advisory Acts, the Crown decrees that the following amendments shall be made to the Haurul Caezk:


Section 103: Succession of the Crown, shall be amended to:


103: Succession of the Crown

103.01: The heir to the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska shall be the Grand Prince or Grand Princess of Kusoraev;

103:02: Upon the death of the incumbent Crown, the Crown shall pass to their son or daughter, a son taking precedence over a daughter, and where there are several children of the same sex the elder child taking precedence over the younger child;

103.021: If one of the incumbent Crown’s children has died, the issue of the deceased shall take their place in accordance with lineal descent;

103.03: If the incumbent Crown has no issue entitled to succession, the Crown shall pass to their brother or sister, with precedence for the brother, and where there are several siblings of the same gender the elder sibling taking precedence over the younger sibling;

103.031: If one of the incumbent Crown’s siblings has died, the issue of the deceased shall take their place in accordance with lineal descent;

103.04: If the incumbent Crown has no siblings or their issue entitled to succession, the Crown shall pass to their nearest collateral, with precedence for a male, and with precedence for the elder over the younger;

103.041: If one of the Crown’s collaterals has died, the issue of the deceased shall take their place in accordance with lineal descent;

103.05: The above provisions on the Royal Succession shall apply in the event of abdication;

103.06: In the absence of a clear successor the Royal Duma may convene to select the Crown from the line of Barbanov by majority vote;

103.051: Only those of direct and recent descent from the bloodline of Barbanov may be elected to the throne.


Section 210: The Royal Duma, shall be amended to:


210: The Royal Duma:

210.01: The Royal Duma shall be the legislative body of the Aulic Government;

210.02: The Royal Duma shall be comprised of:

210.021: Every Haeseni Peer or an appointed representative;

210.023: Seven elected Royal Aldermen Seats;

210.024: One elected Grand Maer Seat;

210.025: The Lord Palatine of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska;

210.03: Those who sit on the Royal Duma shall be Members of the Duma;

210.04: All Members of the Duma must be at least fourteen years of age;

210.041: Peers below the age of fourteen shall be represented on the Royal Duma by the Regent of their estate or an appointed agent;

210.042: Candidates must be at least fourteen years of age to run for an elected position;

210.05: The Royal Duma shall meet once every year, subject to reasonable and infrequent exceptions;

211.051: The Crown may, at the advice of the Speaker of the Duma, elect to suspend the Royal Duma during times of crises;

210.06: A quorum of nine Members of the Duma must be met for a sitting of the Royal Duma to be called to session;

210.07: Any seat of the Royal Duma left vacant for three consecutive sittings of the Royal Duma without proper reasoning shall be suspended until deemed fit by the Crown;

210.071: Royal Aldermen and Grand Maer Seats of the Royal Duma are entitled to vote in absentia, having one Saint’s Day to do so after the session.


Section 211: Elections to the Royal Duma, shall be amended to:


211: Elections to the Royal Duma

211.01: Elections to the Royal Duma shall be held every four years by the Speaker and the Palatine;

211.02: Elected positions shall be seven Royal Aldermen seats and one Grand Maer;

211.04: Royal Aldermen

212.041: Royal Aldermen, or Alderwomen, shall be elected by popular vote and charged with representing the views and ideals of the wider Haeseni public;

212.042: Royal Aldermen, or Alderwomen, may be of either common or noble birth;

211.04: Grand Maer

211.041: The Grand Maer shall be elected by majority vote as the popular candidate charged with representation of all Haeseni people and city affairs;

211.042: The Grand Maer shall serve both on the duma and in city affairs, communicate with the Queen’s Council, and solidify communications between the people and the government;

211.043: The Grand Maer may be of either common or noble birth;

211.044: Haeseni Peers may not serve as Grand Maer;

211.05: Local Fiefdom Elections

211.051: The Patriarch of a Haeseni noble house are granted the right to hold local elections to elect a representative to replace him in the Royal Duma;

211.052: The Patriarch is granted the right to appoint any Haeseni subject as a representative for their house in the Royal Duma.

211.06: Eligibility to Vote

211.061: To vote in elections to the Royal Duma, one must be fourteen years of age, and have permanent residence within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.


Section 212: Functioning of the Royal Duma, shall be amended to:


212: Functioning of the Royal Duma

212.01: Members of the Duma may submit bills to the Royal Duma that must be passed by majority vote;

212.02: Bills of the Duma may be Advisory Acts or Legislation;

212.03: Advisory Acts

212.031: Advisory Acts are published as advisory to the Crown and the Aulic Council from the Royal Duma and enshrining the sentiment of the Haeseni people, requiring nor seeking any legal effect;

212.032: The Crown may request an Advisory Act from the Royal Duma;

212.04: Legislation

212.041: The Duma may pass legislative bills with the intent to legislate on any matter barring the functioning and composition of the military, any matter pertaining to the Jura I Krawn, or any of the Aulic Offices including the composition of the Duma;

212.042: Once passed with a majority vote, a legislative bill shall require assent from the Crown to become binding law;

212.05: Petitioning the Royal Duma

212.051: A subject of the Kingdom may petition the Duma during a session with the consent of the Speaker of the Duma;

212.052: Petitioners may not introduce a bill, unless it is endorsed by a Member of the Duma;

212.06: Summons and Votes of No Confidence

212.061: The Royal Duma may summon Aulic Councillors and question them on the conduct of their respective Office;

212.0611: A majority vote is required to summon an Aulic Councillor for questioning;

212.0612: The only exception to this is the Royal Inquisitor, who may summon Aulic Councillors at their own discretion;

212.062: The Royal Duma may issue a Vote of No Confidence against an Aulic Councillor, voicing their lack of confidence in their ability to fulfill the responsibilities of their Office appropriately;

212.0621: A two-thirds majority vote is required to issue a Vote of No Confidence against an Aulic Councillor;

212.07: The Royal Inquisitor

212.071 The members of the Royal Duma may nominate a candidate within its peers to be elected as the Royal Inquisitor. Whomever gets nominated has to be approved by the Lord Speaker, a vote is then cast to appoint this role officially;

212.072 The Royal Inquisitor shall be tasked with the right to summon any Aulic Councillor at his own discretion and afforded four opening questions to these at the beginning of any Duma session;

212.073 After each question the floor shall be opened for Debate on the discretion of the Lord Speaker;

212.074 The Royal Inquisitor may at any given time yield his question to any other member of the Duma;

212.075 The Lord Speaker is given the right to revoke any Royal Inquisitor of his title and command the Duma to nominate another member for this position.




His Royal Majesty, Henrik II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of  Korstadt and Rothswald, Count of Chatnik, Nenzing, Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Kaunas, Alban, Reza and Markev, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Thurant, Rytsburg, Venzia, Essenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera




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