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[Diary Entry #13] A Letter to the Fragmented


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[!] The following contents were written in a smooth and elegant handwriting, ink drawn from golden sea-gleam paint some sort of sharp pen. [!]


Dear 伊邪那美,


Under kindled flames of vermilion red, I watched in awe, a pair of broken souls reunited as one.


For eons to come, follow stories of love and romance, fragmented souls drifting aimlessly in the wind, and by chance, finding their long forgotten halves, either fitting or bound to be forever broken. I find it amusing how the description of love can be so vague, that there are only so few words that are capable of describing such an astounding anomaly; and yet, also lack the capability of expressing such a strange event. For a while I’ve wondered to myself, what difference is there between the love shared between friends and the love shared between a couple. It is an undying trust, a want, a lust, to forever grow and continue on with that special person; through hardships and through death, to follow until the end of time. A friendship is bounded by a series of set rules, you may follow closely but do not drift too close. And yet love has a way of destroying bits of that boundary, throw yourself into the fire and be burned by the embers of passion for the person you wish to live eternity with.


It makes me question many things. I have an answer to an old burning question, to which, has unfortunately given birth to several more questions that have yet to be answered.


Lately, I’ve been thinking about father. Many times has he run amok, chastity taken from many women with all their rings bounded to one man, him. For a man as broken as he, is he forever broken? Irreparable? The amount of times he has had children, is he as forever empty as a bottomless pit? And for those women, was he enough of a fragment to fix the broken piece of their puzzle? Or was father that fragment that broke the piece to solve their puzzle, leaving them in a shattered form to share the burden with him? Curious.


I wonder, this bittersweet feeling in my chest, who does it belong to?
I wonder, will I share this broken curse with many others like my father once did?
I wonder, will I find a someone who will break me instead?


'Till Next Time,

Beowulf  神闇

Edited by GammaRose
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