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Encyclical Letter - Those Teachings of Divine Inspiration


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Addressed to the Bishops, Priests, Deacons,
and the Laymen of the Church of the Canon
On the Necessity for Canonist Education



HIS HOLINESS JUDE II, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD.




The next generation, taught not by the secular but by those teachings divinely inspired.

“And so I shall guide you in a theater of virtue, 
and the virtuous shall not live except by My Word.”
(Virtue 1:7)



Most Beloved Brethren, Health and Pontifical Benediction.


It is God, the Most High; the Most Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent (Spirit 1:1) Who is all-knowing and Who, in His nature ever omnibenevolent, endows upon the faithful of Creation the potent wisdom divinely inspired. This wisdom is the basis for all things good for its source is the all-good and the source of all good things, that which has bestowed upon His Creation the virtues and the goodness of the soul, only to be perverted by the Enemy. It is this wisdom which is paramount to our societies, those of Our Canonist Princes, for it is that wisdom which is, as stated prior, the basis of all things good that mold those nations of Canonist creed into ones befitting that label of Canonist, forever identified not by name alone but by the virtue of the society and more importantly, those individuals which it encompasses. 


It has been Our goal, throughout and ever still now in the sixth year of Our Pontificate, to stress the necessity for the Lord in all things; and yet, in such a modern day and age where apathy to the immoral action of the unrepentant sinner runs rampant, it is a task of great challenge to bring once more into the concerns of the faithful the issues of iniquity, relativism, secularism, and so on which eat away at the very foundations of Canonist society. However, to restore all things in God, measures must be taken to see this challenge overcome. To do this, we must organize our nations from the ground up in the way which God did ordain and such a foundation is that which God delivered to us through His first Prophet, “And so I shall guide you in a theater of virtue, and the virtuous shall not live except by My Word.” (Virtue 1:7).


“The Wisdom of God”


In millennia past did God create the planes of existence and so too did this spark the creation of that which would deny Him: the Enemy who spoke unto God in sickening defiance of the omnipotent Lord, “And Iblees replied ‘For you name us as servants, and I shall devise of no virtue until I am your equal.’” (Gospel 1:23) However, the Denier too said this, “And now my touch is the touch of the Void, and it is with all things in your creation.” (Gospel 1:24)  It is this curse, engendered by those words spoken by Iblees, which has plagued us, His Creation, with those temptations and sins contradictory to His design. 


Those temptations are the inception for the necessity of His wisdom, for it is we, whose free will has been corrupted, that need the guiding hand of His word to be drawn into the fold, molded once more into that which He did ordain the nature of things; that which is good, brought forth into life through His Goodness. The very necessity for His wisdom is interwoven in the necessity for salvation; eternal salvation or everlasting union with God. In fact, it is salvation which relies solely upon His wisdom, for if it is in our natural nature to sin (Gospel 1:24), then it is only through His wisdom that we may be corrected and made worthy of that which entails the virtue of the individual. 


“Canonist Education”


As We have reflected upon God’s wisdom and its key role in the eternal deliverance of salvation, We now reflect upon the necessity for Canonist education over that of the secular world, using not the teachings of fallible ideology born of man but of the infallible and single truth of God: His wisdom. As said prior, to restore all things in God, a necessary facet of such a movement is to instill the Canonist morals and values of the faith from the foundation upwards throughout all of those nations of which the Church encompasses; for to restore is to build and to ensure that such a restoration endures, it must be built on a strong foundation.


As many have, We consider the foundation of our societies to be the next generation and so, to see to it that the Canonist faith and the virtue of which We preach finds itself at the heart of those nations, We do believe that to have those that shall inherit the Empires and Kingdoms of Canonist conviction receive a proper, Canonist education is paramount to the restoration of God in all things and the insurance of salvation among those of the Canonist faith. After all, it is the wisdom of God which we know molds us into those of virtue, for it is the virtuous who shall live by nothing else except His Word. 


This is the importance of Canonist education, for it is not spoiled purely by the fallible but instead ensures the endurance of the Canonist life tenfold in the coming years, decades, and centuries. It molds our children and their children and their children after into virtuous men and women who see the wealth of virtue and the necessity to see Him in themselves, in their households, and in the societies in which they live. It is they, the generations to come, which shall be the movers and the shakers and to see to it that they are learned in Canonist values is to see the world made in God’s image not just now but too, in many years forward. 


So, to find those words of Scripture in the classes of our children is to mold them into those that shall mold the world, not solely motivated by the secular world nor of any secular ideology but first and foremost, of the faith of the Lord. It is to see them impacted with values which shall last a lifetime and ensure their eternal souls in, what We pray, a century to come. It is too to see the souls of the nation in which they reside enduring in Canonist faith, the people of years to come, always willing God to be in each and every hall of governance and of leadership, securing the light of God in places which can so easily become dark and depraved in His absence.


“The Canonist and the Secular”


Yet, We wish to clarify that Our intention is not to demean or discredit the secular education of which many of Our Canonist nations promote, for the sciences and certain philosophies not necessarily of the Church are nevertheless of great value to the progression of Creation on God’s path moving forward. However, what We do demean, discredit, and vehemently deem abhorrent is the philosophy of relativism which, in the absence of Canonist education, permeates throughout our societies and does not raise but harms the next generation of which shall inherit those nations of the one true faith and the many souls within them. The philosophy of relativism teaches that such things as morality are derived from man and it’s societies and cultures and are not absolute, ideas in contradiction to the Church’s doctrine on such matters. 


It is this philosophy which leads to the horrors of the feared modern day and age where the people shall not live by the morals derived from God, those absolute and infallible, but instead purely of their culture which are, as man is, imperfect. It is Our point that an education purely secular permits such a philosophy to spread like a plague for it is not founded upon the one truth but upon those truths that man finds convenient. It is this fact which makes a secular education, deprived of God’s wisdom, which is a dangerous thing, one apathetic to the plights which God recognizes and instead, either consciously or unconsciously concerned with creating a rift between religious and secular.


For this reason, balance is necessary, for while the secular ideas are useful, they are deprived of good when deprived of God. It is a balance between that of the secular sciences and so on, melded with the Canonist doctrine and that truth of the Merciful, Singular, and Omnipotent Lord which is necessary to see our nations lifted up in light and made tools for God’s Plan and not tools for Iblees; for God did create us, planting in each of our hearts the seeds of love, of hope, of joy and all that we hold dear, yet it is Iblees who did curse us with sin and therefore, damnation and death. It is with the education born firstly of God and His Word, then secondly of man which will be able to fulfill His plan. Education born firstly of those virtues and morals built upon a foundation of truth and secondly upon the observances and thoughts of those great men and discoverers. 


This is why We call upon the educators to heed Our words and begin to mold the curriculum, if lacking, into one born firstly of God’s Word, lest the next generations drive the societies of man away from God instead of to Him and therefore, away from salvation. It is His Word which delivers us and the inventions, beliefs, and machinations of man mean little before and with God. So, while not neglecting those ideas and innovations of the secular world, We too call upon all to never neglect the Word of God and implore them; nay, demand that they admonish those who do. Instruct our youth in God and all shall be worthy of salvation, for it is the next generation which is our foundation and a faithful youth shall make our restoration all the more enduring. 


Written in and published from the Holy See of Providentia, given to all Our flock on the twelfth of Tobias’s Bounty, in the year of our lord, 1813, the sixth of Our Pontificate.






Sanctitas, Papa Iudaes Secundus


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"Another great work published by his Holiness, clarity for all." spoke Robert de Bourdon, signing the Lorraine as he sat in his study and read the text beneath the dim candlelight.

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"Perhaps we must set up institutions which aim to provide a solid Canonist education, which preserves this balance which our Pontiff has laid out." Suggests Philip.

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