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Hierarchy of the Brothers of Virtue


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The Brothers of Virtue


Hierarchy of the Brotherhood






An Initiate to the Brothers of Virtue is an individual seeking to aid in the endeavors of the Brotherhood. Whether it be for coin, honor, or the thrill of adventure, an Initiate serves to fulfill much of the Brotherhood’s grunt work until being recognized. Despite the lack of prestige offered to an Initiate, they are stately welcomed at their Brothers’ sides.


Initiates do not have specific, set requirements to meet before joining. The only expectation is that the Initiate possesses a lawful code of moral righteousness. Unless an Initiate openly expresses faiths that oppose the Precepts, they will be welcomed following their initiation process.


Initiation Process

The process of initiation for the Brothers of Virtue does not require that a feat of strength is boasted, nor any unnecessary voyages to prove one’s worth. When an Initiate meets a Justiciar to discuss their joining of the Brotherhood, there is only one requirement: answers.


Initiates will be asked a series of questions from their interviewer. These questions vary among each assessor, but they often pertain to similar themes and ideas. Should the Initiate’s responses align with the Brotherhood, the Justiciar will welcome them to the cause. An initiate’s entry is entirely at the discretion of their interviewer.


If the Brotherhood welcomes an outsider, they are to swear an oath of loyalty and commitment to the Precepts of the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood’s cause. The Initiate’s recognition as a member of the Brothers of Virtue is displayed by a gray tatter– an ornamental, fabric tag that is to be integrated into a Brother’s attire. It is a symbol of their oath that continues to change along their journeys as a Brother of Virtue.



Despite being unfamiliar with the organization, an Initiate of the Brotherhood is given access to a few services and opportunities. These benefits include:

  • Contracts

    • Involvement in a majority of contracts

    • Sufficiently paid for contracts completed

  • Services

    • Free drink and rest within the hall



To earn a better reputation and rise within the Brotherhood’s ranks, an Initiate is expected to participate in Brotherhood gatherings, rallies, and contracts. Considering their recent entry to the Brotherhood, Initiates are limited on what contracts they enlist for. Prestigious and important contracts are reserved for Brothers while much grunt work is reserved for the Initiates. It is through the persistence of tedious contracts that an Initiate is respected, and eventually, granted the rank of Brother.

Through consistent participation in the Brotherhood’s affairs, an Initiate will eventually be acknowledged for their service and be promoted to a Brother.



Initiates are granted a gray tatter for their service to the Brotherhood. It remains as a sole representation of their future alongside the Brotherhood: hazy, uncertain, gray. However, it is a present acknowledgment nonetheless.





After witnessing the guild’s purpose through contracts and service, an Initiate will be promoted to the rank of Brother. The rank deems a previous initiate as an equal to the Brothers they serve alongside.


To stand as a Brother under the coat of yellow and white is representative of a number of things. It is a display of their commitment to serving within the Brotherhood, acknowledgment for their skills that have aided their Brothers’ cause, and an acceptance of the Precepts of the Brotherhood.



Brothers are given access to most of what the Brotherhood has to offer. This includes:

  • Contracts

    • Brothers are permitted to enlist in all contracts

      • Unless otherwise stated, but this is not frequent

    • Brothers receive greater compensation on contracts


  • Services

    • Access to all Brotherhood utilities and services

      • Profession workstations

        • Forge

        • Sawmill

        • Tanning rack

        • Various other work-orientated stations

      • Brotherhood archives

      • Access to Brotherhood armory

        • Suitable supplies and equipment for contract use

          • Before an enlisted contracted

      • Free rooming, drink, and food

      • Repair services

        • For damaged weapons, armor, etc.


  • Opportunities for further Brotherhood involvement



When an initiate dedicates themselves to Brotherhood affairs, upholds the Precepts of the Brotherhood, and displays true willingness to serve under the banner of yellow and white, they will receive recognition in the form of an honorable title- Brother

To receive recognition beyond an initiate and earn the title of Brother contributes another like-minded individual to the collective group sworn to service and virtue.

To receive the rank of Brother, an initiate must actively rally with their Brothers through contracts and gatherings while following the Precepts of the Brotherhood. When the Brotherhood acknowledges the Initiate for their achievements, it is done so with the promotion to Brother.



A Brother carries a tatter of yellow to display their dignified presence within the Brothers of Virtue. The Brotherhood’s primary color, yellow, is held by each Brother that composes the group’s ranks. 



Grand Brother


Grand Brothers act as true leaders to their comrades and “flag-bearers” of the Precepts. 

A Grand Brother will often act lead and direct contracts by offering decisive strategies and conducting plans to lead their Brothers to success, while directly participating in the efforts on the forefront. 


In addition to acting as a commander to their companions, a Grand Brother will be consulted by Justiciars and acts as a representative to their Brothers. Justiciars may ask a Grand Brother to step up and conduct an act that would otherwise be left for Justiciars, whether to test their mettle or to ensure victory.



A Grand Brother serves beyond that which their Brothers do. With such service, the Grand Brother is given opportunities that exceed the accessibility of their Brothers.

  • Contracts

    • Stand as leaders/directors on contracts

    • Grand Brother receive greater compensation for contracts


  • Services

    • Receive equipment for contracts that exceed the Brotherhood’s general supply quality


  • Management

    • Can apply for positions that would otherwise be handled by a Justiciar

      • For example, a Grand Brother could host trainings and rallies

    • General involvement within Brotherhood management and offer direction



While serving with the Brotherhood and engaging in its many efforts, some members may commit themselves beyond that of a mere Brother. Through a display of true loyalty, noble sacrifice, and moral understanding, a Brother will be recognized for their contributions to the Brotherhood. Above all else, an unyielding allegiance to the Precepts of the Brotherhood must be exhibited by those who desire commendation beyond a Brother’s.


If a Brother were to exceed the expectations laid forth by the Justiciars, they may be worthy of recognition as a Grand Brother



Grand Brothers pridefully wear a bronze tatter to display the age and sacrifice they’ve given in the name of the Brothers of Virtue. While pertaining to attributes of age and rust, the bronze coloration depicts the wisdom and experience gained through unyielding service to the Brotherhood.





A Justiciar is a prime figure within the Brothers of Virtue and acts as a leader to the guild. Each Justiciar willingly forfeits themselves to the Brotherhood and is a paragon of honor, security, unity, justice, and virtue. A Justiciar is willing to sacrifice themselves for their Brothers and the cause, all under the virtuous banner of yellow and white. 


There are a limited, but undefined, number of Justiciars within the Brotherhood. Justiciars operate as a council to actively lead and direct the organization. The table of Justiciars each manages a separate branch of the Brotherhood with designated duties while collectively dedicating themselves to leading their Brothers. This collective cabinet of Brothers- titled Justiciars- are acting leaders for those that they guide. The contributions of each Justiciar continue to give the Brotherhood purpose and direction.



Justiciars are not appointed based upon their desire for the benefits listed below. Instead, the following benefits come in addition to the promotion of Justiciar:

  • Leadership

    • Directly leading and managing a branch of the Brothers of Virtue

      • The assigned position of each Justiciar is predetermined by existing Justiciars and the Grand Justiciar

    • Acting as a figurehead for the organization


  • Contracts

    • Conducting and operating Contracts for their Brothers


  • Services

    • All previous services offered to a Brother and Grand Brother

      • However, each service is amplified and improved upon the title of Justiciar



The Brothers of Virtue do not have a designated amount of Justiciars at one time, as they are appointed to provide for a particular aspect of the Brotherhood.


For example, a Justiciar exists to maintain the Brotherhood’s various contracts and distribute them accordingly among Brothers. In accordance with a Justiciar for contracts, there is also one to maintain the guildhalls and all the occurs within them. 


Justiciars are appointed by the collective group of Justiciars, with candidates being Grand Brothers chosen by the Grand Justiciar for consideration. Should the council of Justiciars agree with the Grand Justiciar’s selection through a majority vote, another Justiciar may be introduced to serve another branch of the Brotherhood.



Justiciars wear a crimson tatter to symbolize the blood they have shed for the Brotherhood’s cause. Furthermore, it symbolizes the blood they will continue to shed over the colors of yellow and white.



Grand Justiciar 


The Grand Justiciar stands as the leader of the Brothers of Virtue. Despite the prestigious title, a Grand Justiciar essentially acts as another Justiciar. However, the Grand Justiciar’s sole purpose within the table of Justiciars is to lead the Brotherhood, offer clear direction, and provide order for the Justiciars. In addition to standing as the lead Justiciar, the Grand Justiciar offers personal insight and support to the table of Justiciars during their various endeavors to ensure the guild continues a steady course of action.


While formally carrying the title of the Brotherhood’s guild master, the Grand Justiciar does not actively assert their authority over their Brothers. A Grand Justiciar remains a Brother all the same, in reference to the Bronze Creed of Unity.



The Grand Justiciar’s greatest benefit is leading the Brothers of Virtue. However, no particular or individual benefits coincide with this title.



To be promoted as the Grand Justiciar, the previous one must have either stepped down or perished. Only a Justiciar that has been tempered by the Brotherhood’s eternal pursuit of Virtue may rise to this title. 


The table of Justiciars opens the decision to their Brothers on electing a Grand Justiciar from the group of Justiciars. Once the Brothers have decided, the Justiciars reconvene to add their votes. With votes tallied, one Justiciar from the table is given the chance to lead the Brotherhood as their new Grand Justiciar.



The Grand Justiciar holds the sole tatter of amber- an allusion to their humble beginnings as a Brother of Virtue. Within the deep color of amber lies the principles the guild was founded upon. True, unwavering virtue.

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An old philosopher would firmly press his fist to his chest in salute, before hacking out loudly. 





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A forever ageing Justiciar holds her red tatter high within her house before slowly lowering herself onto a couch, letting out a deep sigh soon after.




Awesome boss! o7


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In a bedamned crypt in the frozen north, a certain Hound considers tendering an application to such a virtuous group...


And then laughs at its own humor, as noone else is around to do so.



Brotherpog Brotherpog Brotherpog 


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Love me the Brotherhood. Great job on the post!


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Audry Sanguine would be sorting through some boxes as she was moving into a home in Veritas. Whilst she looks through the items, bottles, bracelets, old notebooks, and random trinkets, she finds her bronze tatter from the brotherhood. She picks it up and lays it on her palm with a soft smile, looking forward to the next brotherhood get-together. She carefully places the tatter into her pocket before reaching to close the first of the multiple boxes.



Brotherhood epic yes yes


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