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Story Update - Nodes Changelog


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Hello everyone! We’re back with another ST update. The team has been hard at work so this time we’ve got lots to go over.


Mineral Node Patchnotes


To begin, we’ve made some changes to the mineral node system. We’ve changed the rates for which you’ll get different amounts of ore -- increasing the chance you get more ore, and lowering the chance you get less. The probability of getting any ore at all has stayed the same, too! Expect to see more minerals floating around now. If you’re confused as to what these numbers mean, remember that you roll out of 100 to determine the amount of ore you’ll be getting- Updated in the Material Compendium around now.  The other changes are as follows;


Rare (T3)
1 - 40 = nothing →  1 - 40 = nothing (Unchanged)
41-83 = 1 Ore →  41-80 = 1 Ore
84-90 = 2 Ore →  81-89 = 2 Ore
91-100 = 3 Ore →  90-100 = 3 Ore


Exquisite (T4)
1-50 = nothing →  1-50 = nothing (Unchanged)
51-85 = 1 Ore → 51-80 = 1 Ore
86-91 = 2 Ore → 81-90 = 2 Ore
92-100 = 3 Ore → 91-100 = 3 Ore


Legendary (T5)
1-60 = nothing → 1-60 = nothing (Unchanged)
61-89 = 1 Ore → 61-81 = 1 Ore
90-95 = 2 Ore → 82-91  = 2 Ore
96-100 = 3 Ore → 92-100 = 3 Ore

Aswell, we'll be introducing a new Group Harvesting system. People who approach nodes in expeditions or small groups will be rewarded for generating and doing rp, while those doing midnight-single hunts will not be receiving extra benefits. Of course, for both of these changes, we'll be monitoring nodes and see how things go. Those numbers are as goes-


1-3 Individuals - 1 Person rolls X (According to Tier) times.

4-6 Individuals - 2 People roll X (According to Tier) times.




Botany & Alchemy

It’s finally here! Those pesky nodes have been everywhere with no guide -- this document will outline the basics of the botany plugin, as well as which herbs are noded and which can be ‘found’ without a node. If you’re wanting more information about the individual herbs mentioned in this guide, you’ll have to go to their respective lore pieces.




Alchemy Guide

Following the botany guide, you’ll be pleased to know that Sybbyl and Sorcerio have released an alchemy guide! It should contain everything you’re looking for about the process. It can be found linked below.  It’ll outline how to go about learning alchemy, an explanation of the signs & symbols you find on herbs, and the different types of potions. Even if you’re not an alchemist, there’s a lot of useful information in this guide. Please keep in mind that you must go about learning alchemy in character. Solely because you have read this guide does not make you a master alchemist. You must follow the methods outlined in the guide to learn alchemy.





Alchemy Changes

Following up on the alchemy guide, there have been a few clarifications made to standardize things. These should help alchemists roleplay the process correctly, and finally put into words just how long it takes to do certain things. You’ll find how long it takes to identify signs and symbols at different tiers, as well as how to extract said signs and symbols. There’s been changes to medical packs, alchemic oils, and some of the core potions. Additionally, we’ve finally made descriptions for each powder that the signs and symbols are turned in to. We’re also going to be going through the individual pieces to clearly state which pieces need ST signatures, and which don’t. And finally, most importantly, Alchemy items have been limited to 3/day (standardized), Require Roleplay for signature, and can no longer be flasks for the purpose of two uses. There’s overall too many changes to outline directly in this post, so please check out the clarification list which is linked below!




More Nodes!
There’s new nodes to be found around Almaris! If you look hard enough, you might find yourself coming across some Blood Lotus, Murkshroom, or Aqua Nymph. Maybe you’ll even stumble upon Mushnoomen, Ponderlot,  or Diddyfunkle. If the search for nodes has got you down, though, we’ve also added much more spots to find some of the pre-existing nodes! Hopefully there’ll be more herbs to go around and have some fun with. 





Miscellaneous Changes

Pending Lore Submissions

There is a new rule pertaining to lore pieces. If a lore piece is accepted, the writers will have 30 days to submit it’s guide and/or changes which have been requested. If this does not happen, the lore piece will be denied.

The 30 days will begin after the day feedback returns. As always, if for some reason you cannot meet this 30 day deadline, please reach out to the ST and we will see what we can do for you.



Lightstones are now RP-Harvestable using the old system, on a global 7d cooldown. This will be until Vortex 1.0, when we can add manual nodes for all Tier 3s. 

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Yeah okay wait until my PK post to make them gatherable I see you Squak


jk pog and based


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haha rock

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-1. How the hell am I supposed to make fun of this? It's all just decent writing.

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Yet again the green tags are stifling my roleplay!

I want my legendary purple gear now!

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