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Clan Jusmia


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Agate Tomes

Tome Volume number one: 

Jusmia History. 




Pre-historic||Era before ash||


The Jusmia existed within the domain of Malin for a brief period. Before  traveling with the Maehr. 


There, they lived simple lives as Mali of tradecraft. Though at this time, the families were not yet Jusmia. Ancient Jusmia ancestry is referred to as Wau'vaek. They themselves are long extinct. Though their legacy lives on in Jusmia. 


They made small boats, carts and wagons by trade. 





Ancient history||Era of ash||: 


The era of ash came after the Maehr became Mali'ker. Where Velulaei would lead them down into the depths of the mountain. Creating Magara'lin. A labyrinth of underground expanses, towering spire buildings. Far temples where the devoted prayed and praised. 


The Wau'vaek mostly forgo their name and old ways. Turning to the hard stone. They carve a great hall for themselves in the city. Two Mali'ker come forward and claim the mantle as the head of their clan. Jus and Mia. 


Clan Jusmia is born. Four sects are created and distributed to the four children of Jusmia. In order of birth, they are. 


Agate Jusmia. 


Carnelian Jusmia. 


Ruby Jusmia 


Garnet Jusmia. 


The sects are assigned tasks to ensure the clans furtherment. Spiritual Ancestralism, Or Vau'nauq, called by the Jusmia. Began to spread early in the clans history. 


This practice was started by Agate, quiet and dedicated to his work. He began his praise of the spirits through Jevex. Carnelian was quick to follow. Always following around his older brother. 


Agate Sect was made of skilled workers. Who spent days practicing their trade. Learning new skills on their own in order to complete the task ahead of them. 


Carnelian Sect spread worship of the spirits and their own ancestors. Time drew on in Magara'lin. The Jusmia created, and follow a belief called Agatism.


Ruby Sect created the first laws, upheld trade, kept track of supplies and resources. Acted as a commission office for the Jusmia. Handled the storing and care of written information. In addition to handling clan finance.


Garnet Sect are tasked with the protection of Jusmia, from outsiders and traitors to the clan. These are the only Jusmia allowed to burn Jusmia written word. The act of book burning became slightly popular, as worship of other gods was stripped from the clan. 


During the fall of Magara'lin, what population of the clan survived, boarded what boats they had and sailed off. Most of the Carnelian Sect was gone. With few remaining with the majority of the clan, a small few families of this Sect manage to escape Magara'lin, and follow the rest of the Ker population, with Renelia. 


Most, traveled across the sea into the large chain of isles beyond the elven domain. Where they found Reza'jer. The pale isle. 





Distant Past||Reza'jer||:



The Jusmia set their anchors to a green isle of high pale mountain ridges, few flat valleys, dark Rocky beaches, jagged rock rises and damp caves. They traveled to the heart of the isle. Creating their first city, Wau'naer. Where they would turn fields to crop, hunt and herd. Explore and create their old halls beneath the surface.  


The natural mineral beneath is pale, later acknowledged as limestone. Dolomite is used as a flux for iron smelting. 


Soon enough outposts of wood across the isle turned to stone. Light towers rested on its rough and dark shore. Mines were created to extract ore and hollow out caverns. 


Here, the Jusmia govern themselves. Agate created the Ruby Senate. Each Sect would have a number of representatives based on their population and function.  Laws were created and upheld. 


Time went on, and more of the first born died. Agate was the only one left before the first hundred years. Others would step forward to lead the four sects. 


Fiau Jusmia: Second head of Ruby


Kel'okma Jusmia: Second head of Garnet.


Neaqna Jusmia: Second head of Carnelian. 


Agate took his seat at the center of the isle. In a deep  aquifer. His spires trail down into the depths from the roof. Shrines are scattered about the rock shores down below and above. This underground complex is called Agi'nat. 


Kel'okma lives in a fortress on the sea. The isle has only one cove. A small rock, big enough to be settled upon. Became the home of Garnet. Who created Fort Garnet, which over-looks the cove. 


Fiau lives upon what fields the isle had. Creating farms, whilst living beneath the ground. Which allowed more of the land to be used for crops. 


Neaqna lives atop of Agates Agi'nit. In a settlement called Makimer. Which looks over the farms on the fields below it. From this settlement of stone walls, rest a large temple. Across the mountain tops, are spread paths of stone to towering totems and shrines. 





History||Entering modern Reza'jer||: 


Agate passes, and his second wife takes his mantle. Kou Jusmia starts to send small populations of the Garnet and Ruby Sect to sail the seas and bring news of an outside world. Lost populations of Jusmia are identified and sent back to Reza'jer unless given enough reason not to be. 


Contact with foreign bodies is outlawed at first, this falls out of practice soon after. Few trade ships sail once in a pale moon to gather material to bring back to Reza'jer. Foreign lands are classified as raw frontier. Travel from Reza'jer is forbidden to Jusmia unless stated otherwise. 


Travel to  Reza'jer by non-Jusmia is done through invitation only, a rare occurrence. 


Ancestoralism is reborn, with most Jusmia in Stargush, the practice of praising the Wau'vaek dies out almost entirely.  


Genthuraz becomes the predominantly praised spirit of the Jusmia, who is sought for guidance and advice on how to better appease the spirit whilst gaining more effective means of production, to bulk the industrialization. 


Modern History||Vau'nauq reborn||


Great statues of the first four Jusmia are built upon each cardinal point of this isle. Worship during this time intensifies.  Grand games, festivals and competitions are held. To the spirits and ancestors  every ten to twelve years. This practice is called Vau'loz. 


The Agate Sect creates small islands of dirt on the waters of Reza'jer to held more crops. Watch towers, roads, and light houses are constructed. Aside from the occasional raid from pirates, Reza'jer rests still. 





Reza'jer is a small isle located in the chain of islands that barrier Arcas and elven Axios. Clan Jusmia fled from Magara'lin into what would become Raza'jer. Raza'jers population is now a mix of dark elven clans, with the majority comprised of Jusmia. The isle is shaped like a hammer, with high rocky cliffs and green mountainy hills. Which creates a barrier around the isle.  Most of the Dark Elven clans not of Jusmia live in Wau'naer, the capital. Whilst the sects hold their own halls across the land.


Ruby Record


All living Jusmia are subject to the following laws.


On Murder and Kinslaying


  1. Murder

    1. Kinslaying is the most heinous of all potential crimes and will be treated as such. Without a writ of Disownment and subsequent Letter of Retribution, the murder of another Jusmia is to be treated as one of the most foul crimes to be committed. 

      1. Should a Jusmia kill one of their kin, they will be immediately captured and taken before the Ruby Court to be judged. 

      2. If the crime is proven, the Jusmia is to be beheaded by a member of the Ruby Sect, or the closest relative of the victim. Their bodies are not to be burned, and their corpses fed to the wolves.

      3. If the crime is committed by a non-Jusmia they are to be hunted down and brought before the Ruby Court and given a trial. Should they be proven to be guilty, they are to be fed to the wolves.

    2. Murder of a Minor

      1. In the eyes of the Jusmia, a minor is considered to any descendant that is still an adolescent of their kind. 

      2. The murder of a child is to be treated as the most heinous crime that could be committed by any. The accused will be brought before the clan and judged immediately upon capture.

      3. Should the accused be proven guilty of the crime, they are swiftly killed in the quickest way possible, or given to the defending parties family to be dealt with according. 

      4. Should a non-Jusmia commit this crime they are to be brought before the Jusmia and given a trial. Should they be proven to be guilty, they are to be disemboweled and fed to the wolves. (In the case of true, self defense, forgiveness is granted.)

    3. Murder of Non-Jusmia

      1. The Jusmia is to be judged by the injured party, if deemed guilty by both the clan and the defending party, they are to be branded and cast from the Jusmia forever marked as a murderer. What happens to them after this is not the concern of the clan.


“On Thievery and Destruction of property


  1. Thievery

    1. Thievery is a cowardly and unneeded act, and those found practicing it will be punished in relation to the size of the item stolen. Children, no matter what is stolen, are to have the back of their hands beaten with thin reeds.

      1. Small items, such as a wristwatch or other small objects are to be treated as a minor offense. An item with little value, or sentimentality, leaves the aggressor to be flogged five times. Valuable objects of this size, sentimentally or financially, leaves the law-breaker to be branded on their neck.

      2. Medium sized objects, such as weapons and armor, are to be treated and judged by the Ruby Council. Should the accused be proved guilty, are to be branded on the face so that everyone knows of their crimes.

      3. Large objects, such as horses, are to be treated and judged by the Ruby Council. Should the accused be proven guilty, they are to be branded on the face and have a hand of their choice removed.

      4. In the eyes of the law, Destruction of property is seen as a more criminal charge of thievery, and will be treated as if it were a stolen large object.


“On Heresy and the Ancestors


  1. Heresy

    1. Outside of Kinslaying, forsaking the Ancestors is the most intimate and horrific crimes any Jusmia could commit. Heresy is defined by the Ruby Law as practicing voidal magics, Defecting to Xan, Defecting to Canonism, Xionism. Defecting to Druidism, or turning to Dark Magics.

      1. If proven to be heretics, the Jusmia in question is to be dealt with by the Garnet Sect through means of their own discretion. Their name will forever be struck from the record, and they will forever stray from the path of the Ancestors.

      2. Should a heretical Jusmia survive and choose to return to the true path, the Carnelian Head will be given the freedom to choose what to do with the guilty party.


“On Marriage 


  1. Marriage

    1. In of the Jusmia, Marriage is a sacred bond between two (or more) willing participants who have been courting for a minimum of Seven Elven days

      1. The union must be Priest Officiant with a minimum of two witnesses to be valid in the eyes of the clan.

      2. Should the married pair despite to split, they must each individually speak to the Priest Officiant or Head of Clan Jusmia for it to be valid in the eyes of the clan.

      3. Marriage to any voidal magi, or deity magic user, dark spawn, undead, inferni. Should the marriage partner not intend to forsake their ways for the spirits, marriage is not allowed. Should the pair elope, they will subject to trail, and in most cases, be sacrificed to Carnelian. 

      4. Jusmia are not allowed to take the name of their partner. The partner must marry into the clan and complete rite of adoption. 


On Assault



  1. Assault is defined in the Ruby Record as a harmful physical act committed by one without cause, a call to a duel, or for pleasure. Harming another Jusmia is a horrific action, nor should any Jusmia take to harming outsiders for the sake of their own pleasure.

    1. Should the accused be proven guilty by the Ruby Council, the affected party will have the option to request punishment that may be allowed or disallowed by the Ruby Judge. 

    2. If the injured party is permanently harmed, the offender is to have the same done to them (i.e the guilty cut off the ear of another, they will have their ear cut off once proven guilty)

    3. Transgression against or from a Jusmia will be dealt with in accordance to both Jusmia laws and defending parties own regulations. 


Jusmia Code of Honor

  • Jusmia are not to bring direct harm to one another, in extension of this, Jusmia are not to plot against the Clan or bring harm to records. Jusmia children that violate this law are lightly beaten with thin reeds, never beyond the point of light bruising. Adult Jusmia will receive two violation warnings if they are found stealing, or aiding foreign personnel to bring harm to the clan, or in any shape or form plotting to bring harm to the clan. The third warning is the swing of the axe, to sever the head fully from the body. 


  • All Sects must adhere to the following: Resources are not to be denied or hoarded by one sect, even if said Sect is far away from others. Should a population of Jusmia move, they are expected to send reports on their movements and the area's around them. No Sect is to keep information from one another, as all information is to be sent to the Ruby Sect for process and review. Carnelian are to give copies of any scripture or religious writings to the Ruby Sect. The Ruby Sect must distribute these copies to the clan in addition to keeping copies for over all record collection. The Garnet Sect must file and report all crimes and violations against the clan and within the clan. Any altercation is to be reported and dealt with. The Garnet Sect are only to kill Jusmia if no other option is present. The Garnet Sect is expected to keep the level of purity expressed from the Carnelian. To this, only the Garnet sect may burn records of Jusmia information. The Garnet sect may only do so if they have solid evidence that burning the information is needed to maintain clan integrity. The Garnet Sect must only give word to the head of the clan should the Garnet have to burn any information. The Clan leader is expected to judge them based on their statements and proceed forward. The Agate clan are to remain safe, travel to far lands may be revoked should the clan believe your life to be in danger. The Agate are the clans most valuable asset. Other Sects are expected to defend the Agate to the very last. Or escort the Agate to safety. The Agate are required to up-keep a healthy diet, this will result in more harvest going towards feeding the Agate. 


  • Dark Magic, Voidal Arts, Blood magics, druidic magic, Xanite magic, or any other deity related magic that does not link back to the spirit realm is outlawed. Any violation is to result in the death and permanent removal from all records of said Jusmia or Jusmias guilty of the charge.
  • Amendments

“Circa 1700-1745


  1. The age of mali adulthood is defined to fifty-years of age. 


  • Original Record Drafted by Ruby Jusmia

  • Orally Dictated by Ritu Jusmia

  • Written by Teynei Jusmia

  • Revised by Qudlia Jusmia






Vau'nauq: The practice of devotion to elemental, immortal, and ancestral spirits. 



 This began during the travels of the Maehr. Spreading through the clan from parent to child, friend to friend. Vau'nauq is described as the first walk before the journey to final rest beyond Kors gate. 


In modern times, Vau'nauq enforces Maehr Malz upon the clan. As Maehr Malz serves for currency among Jusmia in the realm beyond. Earning your way in this life, lays the path for the next step. 



Certain actions bring a gain or loss of Maehr Malz. 


Actions that bring loss. 


  • Cold hearted murder of one or more, self-aware being. [Costs: Half of the entirety of Maehr Malz]

  • Stealing. [Costs: Ten Maehr Malz] 

  • Skimming through a book and not reading it clearly. [Costs: Fifty Maehr Malz] 

  • Putting half effort into any project. [Costs: Fifty Maehr Malz] 

  • Failure to perform daily rituals to each of the four ancestral sects of Jusmia. [Costs: Half of total Maehr Malz]

  • Lying. [Costs: Thirty Maehr Malz.] Lying to another Jusmia [Costs: Half of total Maehr Malz] 

  • Betraying allies [Costs: Half of total Maehr Malz] 




Actions that bring gain

  • Spiritual praise [Gain: Five Maehr Malz] 

  • Ancestral praise [Gain: Five Maehr Malz]



Daily Rituals



Daily rituals


Vu'bre: Rise from slumber, light four candles. Keep candles away from wind, ideally underground. As the sun shifts from the horizon, just barely touching, put out one candle. Repeat the process as the sun shifts to the center of the sky and when dusk falls. Finally when night comes, the last candle is put out. 


(Families tend to have a Vu'breq, which is an underground chamber, designed for this exact practice.) 




Agi'hua: Light your Aga'il, find a quiet place. Until the candle fully burns, sit down with your head bowed towards the flame. Eyes closed, remain silent during this. Once the flame is no more, or ceases to be from outside means, you may rise. 


(The Aga'il is a candle designed for this ritual. It is made of red wax. With the wick running down to a stand, carved from any mineral. Though any candle, or wick that take to flames for extended periods is accepted.) 





Gen'Vau: One needs an altar, a shrine of Gentharuz or idol. Silver powder(or any metallic dust) is to be carefully burned before the shrine/altar/shrine. As it burns, two candles are lit. 


The metallic powder must be burned in a bowl designed souly for the use of the Gen'Vau. This bowl, if not etched with personal family Jusmia symbols, ancestors, or practice, is to be etched with the marks of each great Jusmia ancestor. 



Gaa: This ritual dance is performed with flaming torches, poy, or incense. The dance is to take place after dinner. Families will partake in this act together, others do it alone. The dance is simple, the flames are moved across the chest without burning yourself in a horizontal direction. Next, the feet are twisted in  and out four times, and the knees bend each time. As the knees bend, the flames are to be directed up over the head, before the arms are brought out to the sides and suddenly forward. 


Now, on the last knee bend down, the legs are moved forward two paces, back three, to the left twice, and once to the right. As you move in any direction during this part of the process, send out the flames in t

hat direction. The dance ends with the flames being tossed down, and snuffed by hand or water rapidly after.

The dance has a tempo of ‘One-tay Two-tay-Three-Tay-Four-tay.’ Counting the rhythm in your head or having a drum on stand by can help.





 It is said that Agate had the power to fragment his soul and place it into Jusmia, giving them his compuser, his thoughts, and his peace. This belief still goes on, long after his death. Jusmia that follow Agatism are called Agatist. They perform simple rituals, and maintain shrines to Agate. 


They believe that Agate places a piece of himself into each Jusmia willing to believe so, keeping this steady, cool and collected. These Jusmia make their work a priority, and enforce a strict set of codes on the other Jusmia. Agatist Acolytes are not allowed to show their face to other Jusmia (Outside ones wedded partner, own parents, and direct spawn.), nor are they allowed to refer to themselves as their names. The acolyte remains this way for two years, performing simple chores about temples, cleaning shrines, maintaining livestock. 


Upon graduation, the Acolytes are initiated into the order though a powerful act called the blood bond. The Jusmia are given but a knife, and little clothes. The Acolytes are sent into a deep part of the forest. Where they must remain for a year, surviving. It is critical for the Jusmia here to work closely together to  survive. This teaches the Acolyte that other Agatist are one in the same. Agatist greet each other with open arms, a, more, alarming trait of the belief is a taboo ritual even other Jusmia frown upon.

This practice is called Kor’Vaun. Simply put, ritual suicide. All Agatist, if they are able to, pass this way. If not, they end up in Stargush like any other Jusmia.

If they are reaching the end of their life, become sick, or near death. The Agatist travels to a proper shrine of Genthuraz. The shrine, in this case, always has a massive, deep, burning pit of logs. The Agatist takes a knife, and runs it across their throat. (Or a local priest does it for them). Then, they fall into the flames. Sacrificing themselves to Genthuraz to be reborn as a spirit in his Immortal Realm until time, or it, ceases to be. 



Vau'loz: Vau'loz is started by the selection of a Game Master, who will act as an referee, and Task Masters.  After these are selected, a grand brazier is fashioned. 


Once each Task Master has selected an area, created their competition(Or game, task, etc). The Game Master will light the brazier. 


This will officially declare the state of Vau'loz. Vau'loz is not complete until each Task Master has selected their own victor.


Victors, are typically granted audience into the realm of the spirit they competed for. Runner ups gain material prizes. 



 Task Masters:


Task Masters are assigned to create tasks, oversee competition, and rewards for a single spirit.  Should a spirit have a champion, it is natural that the title of Task Master falls upon them.


(Example: Votars Task Master would need to find game beforehand, stake out hunting grounds and lead challengers to them. They will be in charge of deciding how one wins the task.) 


(Example: Ghorzas Task Master would need to make a pathway that spans for miles. Commonly, a marathon is held for Ghorzas. Where runners may be on their feet for weeks.) 


Vau'loz Rules: Breaking of these may cause disqualification. 



  • Killing a fellow competitor. 

  • Cheating at a task. 

  • The use of any magic as a competitor.

  • Threatening/Bribing/Blackmailing a Task Master or Game Master. 

  • Any form of sabotage against another competitor. 



Sect Lore






Agate Sect


Ancient Depiction of Agate, First Born, Caring hands of Jusmia. The grand taskmaster. 


                                      The Agate Sect is considered the most valuable assets to the whole of Clan Jusmia. Though, the Agate Sect may contain members of other Sects. The Agate is Jusmia that practices an active trade. Be it, bartering, Carpentry, cooks, fabric weavers, masons, hunters, blacksmithing to even simple tasks as housekeeping, and raising the young. Many bards, dancers, merchants, and entertaining Jusmia find themselves here. Many Jusmia may find themselves shifting between Agate sect work and their birth sect.  


The Agate is expected to act with intelligence. With some of the Agate being forbidden to leave safe harbor if the bulk of the clan believes their life is at risk. For they are too valuable to the basic needs of life.  Though unless directly stated, The Agate are expected to keep their skills in mind when exploring foreign lands. 


Agate that practice medicine or more advanced medical treatments are revered above the standard Agate. These members of the clan are to be protected at all costs, especially if they are equipped with the knowledge of how to deliver a child as safe as possible. 


Where the rest of Clan Jusmia exists, are the Agate. In modern days, the Agate heavily influence and control inner Jusmia culture. Primarily through a sub religion called Agatist. (A-gat-ist). In which, the worshiper devotes themselves fully to the work of Agate. Tending and caring, guiding the Jusmia passively. Worshipers devote themselves to the spirits, and teaching of Jusmia ancestral. The secondary and primary factor of this faith, is the belief that Agate has placed a piece of his spirit into each member of the Agate, that they are one with him and he is one with them. 


Agate Prayers.


I am one with Agate. 


Agate is I, and I am Agate. Soon all of Jusmia shall see the elders will. As Carnelian had, as the rest forever shall. 





Carnelian Sect


Ancient Depiction of Carnelian, Devout of Stargush, The Maehr. 



                                      The Carnelian Sect is comprised of religious Jusmia that dedicated themselves to the spirits as Veluari and the others did. Coming to find praise in Genthuraz, who helps guide Jusmia to this day. This Sect keeps the spirituality of the clan and its members. Helping ensure each Jusmia will reach the ancestral plain. Though it goes without saying that Carnelian enforces overall spirits worship.


It is from the remnants of this sect that the tale of Jus and Mia filters back to the surface, the first of Jusmia, the very ker the clan came from. Those within the Carnelian dedicated their entire lives to the spreading of spiritual worship. Offering comfort and support to the other sects of this clan.  With a few traveling upon ancient caravans. The vast majority of the Carnelian remain within marked Jusmia territory. It was these Jusmia that would help bring the clan to the will of the first Dark Elven Primarchs. 


Most of the Carnelian fell during the Azul heresy, for they made prime targets as followers of the spirits. With a few managing to escape, it is said the Carnelian sent off a family of their own, with a bound scroll. Giving them a boat to sail far away. This scroll would be transcribed upon a journal. Which was passed down to find its way into the hands of a growing Carnelian population. 


The Carnelian would ensure the clan sects listen to the will of the spirits. Learn of the great, know the dark, respect and fear, the evil. To  give proper worship to the spirits. In modern times, these Sect members are devote spiritual  worshipers. Spending their entire lives devoted to the spirits. 



Carnelian Prayers

Carnelian, who tunneled through the flesh of the mighty Bregthar, taught us the sight of Gentharuz. Grant me clarity through these trying times. To see the end of this tunnel and walk fully through Kors gate. Keep Kezt at heart and ward back the tides of Izus. Carnelian, be my guiding light.  


Carnelian, forgive those that know not. Let us remember our words first, and step forth to the wamrth of Isuz. To give the hope and name of the spirits. Show them Ublulhar and lift their spirits ever higher. 


Maehr, devote of the Primarchs. Guide me through these dark tunnels, let me hear the whispers of Bregthar. Ghorza push my feet foward. 


Great Carnelian. Witness my devotion, show our kin the way, forever. 


Carnelian bless this humble temple. 


Carnelian prays that Ghorza smiles upon this place. (Used in reference to outside settlements.)






Ruby Sect


 Ancient Depiction of  Ruby, beacon of Jusmia, the great recorder.


                    The Ruby Sect of Clan Jusmia over see's the clans funds, trade, written word, in addition to handling outside clan relations and internal relations. These Jusmia wrote the first laws of the clan. The Ruby Sect once held an entire chamber of trade manifest, land records, trade agreements, ledgers. They were known for their recording of the world around them, and habit to write documents several times for safe keeping. Most of the Rubys sect writing was lost in the burning of the clans hall. Aside from the Agate, the Ruby Sect remains the most populated. Littered with merchants and other Agate. This Sect tends to favor the following spirits. Ghorza, Velkumezt, Jevex, Kezt, Ixli, and Gentharuz.


These kin traveled by caravan, having kept a few original documents. With three fundamental laws most sacred. The Ruby Sect sends envoys out towards the remaining members of Clan Jusmia. 


The Ruby Sect enforces and assures the need of the Three Tenets of Jusmia. The Ruby Sects acts as senate to the other Sects and primarily, Clan Head.  In recent times, the Ruby has fallen in line with Agate and Carnelians broad, vast worship and respect of spirits. Though these clan members often push for the praise of Genthuraz, Velkumezt, and Jevex often. The Ruby Sect still acts as a senate for the clan head, and judges of court. 

Ruby Prayers.


Ruby, great scribe of Theruz. Clear my mind, and show me your path. Open onto me the will of Velkumezt, and grant civility to those around me. Let it fill my very being. 


By Ruby you’ve been granted with the Scribes hand! (Used in reference to esteemed Authors.)


Ruby, hollow my skull and silence these idles thoughts. Grant me connection to the great lord Jevex, and keep my hands busy and mind quiet. 


For the will of Ruby, and betterment of Jusmia. By Ixlis name, By Theruz, give me balance of knowledge.





Garnet Sect


Ancient Depiction of Garnet, Vindicator of Jusmia


The Garnet Sect is comprised warrior Jusmia’s, with a primary focus on maintaining the security and integrity of the clan. They typically serve as peacekeepers and records show that they used to act as armed guards for Jusmia caravans.


  Little is known of the Garnet Sect to the rest of the clan. These Jusmia were tasked with dealing with unseemly guest, and rogue Jusmia. A rogue Jusmia was a member of the clan that attempted to go against the clan’s codes and laws. During the days of Azuls heresy, the Garnet Sect defended their home, only to lose it in the process. Thoug

e burnt. With only a few pieces grabbed before flames brought the hall down and devoured all it could. 


After the collapse of Magara’lin city. The Garnet sect would see their kin home. Who traveled where they could. Then in then turn away themselves.  Since then, the Garnet Sect has remained distant from their kin. For even after the horrors of Azul his taint lingered. The Agate they traveled with turned against them. Giving way their purity in exchange for most heretical blood magics. 


Recently, the Garnet has emerged victorious over the heretical kin. Burning all mentions of the once kin. To fully remove the trace of taint. Slowly, these Jusmia look to the world now, worried how their kin is fairing. Each member of the Garnet Sect knows atleast the following spirits. Eques, Dazkur, Vulka, and Kaas. These members of the clan have the least pressure to broaden spirit worship, but can often be shunned as a result of this. 


Garnet Prayers

By Dazkur and Garnet, we shall hold these walls with all of our might! Know no fear, and keep Kezt at heart, for if we fall, we dine with the greatest of us all! 


Garnet demands I offer my blade for this cause. May the blade of Jusmia never seek me in the lands beyond for betraying Eques. 


Garnet and Kezt shriek in anger, offer them a swift and painless end! 


By Garnet, this is a nice fort. 






Spiritualist may enter the clan of Jusmia without needing to be born of the blood. Through a rite to determine their place among us. 


The adopted are taken to moonlight, where they are required to speak of their dedication to Jus and Mia. The adopted must take on the task all Jusmia have, to reach Star'gush'Struh, and see Jus and Mia themselves. During this process, the Adopted is adorned in former clan colors should they be apart of a separate clan. Clan less adopted  are adorned with green. 


The adopted is escorted to a body of freshwater. Where they shall swear to live as if they had been raised in the halls of Jusmia. Once they devote themselves, the adopted shall plunge into the water, to rid themselves of the former paint. 


When they are dry and emerge from these waters, the adopted is painted in amber, reds, and yellows for the remainder of the night. Which is spent in celebration. The Jusmia will remain Sectless until completing a Sect trail or being given the mantel by the Head of Clan Jusmia. 




From here, the adopted is given further tasks. To find a Sect to devote themselves too. Each Sect is over seen by a Sect head. This acts as an overseer of the clan-head, and manager of their own Sects resources, tasks, and deals. 


Agate: Agate status can be earned from having vital information that will benefit the clan, primarily in trade-arts. Hard workers, miners, stone masons, carpenters, butchers, chefs, etc are primary candidates for this Sect. The Agate trail will consist of  the construction of a building/frame work/delivering resources/Butchery/Chef work,  to show they are a good candidate for the Agate.  The selection of the Head of Agate, is approved by the clan leader or the majority of this Sect/Jusmia population. 


Garnet: Garnet status can be earned from proving your skill in combat with other descendants , dark mages, and abnormal wildlife or magical beasts. Soldiers, warriors, able hunters and former or current mercenaries serve the best chance in gaining this sects title. The Garnet trail will always consist of combat, against each other, another creature, or large monster. Former military veterans are ideal candidates for this Sect.  The selection of Head of Garnet is approved by the clan leader or the majority of this Sect/Jusmia population. 


Ruby: Ruby Status can be earned by proving your worth with the pen, verbal word, and mind. Scholars, librarians, poets, politicians, merchants, writers,Doctors, herbalist  and judges are ideal candidates for this Sect. The trails of Ruby will consist of proving ones mind, in form of writing, creating, or presenting,  an amendment or addition or creation within current Jusmia Ruby regulations. Or offering an informational document on medicine, law, metallurgy, or blueprints.   The selection of Head of Ruby is approved by the clan leader or majority of this Sect/Jusmia. 


Carnelian: Carnelian Status can be earned by proving your worth through spiritual faith. Priest, converters, and spiritualist make ideal candidates for this Sect. The trails of Carnelian will consist of knowing, all six elemental spirits, most immortal spirits, all Jusmia ancestors. An alternative, is preforming a great deed for a spirit. (This deed can not result in the harm of another). 






Marriage with a Jusmia must between a Mali'ker that is faithful to the spirits and ancestors. With the rare exception of validated spirit worshippers being welcome to marry into the clan. 


When marrying a Jusmia, you become apart of the clan. One must first gain the approval of the clan to marry one within it. Should you prove worthy, you may then approach the Jusmia in an attempt to take their hand in marriage. If the Jusmia agrees, a wedding is to be held. During this, a member of the Carnelian Sect must be present to bless the wedding. 


Those soon to be married must swear themselves before the ancestors, of those who came before, give praise to the spirit of love, Isuz , and announce joint dedication to Luara before exchanging personal vows. After these vows are spoken, amber cloth is tied to each Mali'kers wrist before they are allowed the first kiss.



OOC Info 







The most Iconic eye color of Clan Jusmia is that of the amber color, as it holds genetic dominance over the bloodline. Such hues, closer to reds or yellows are not un-common. But not all of the Clan share this eye color. 


Hair Color.

The genetically dominate  trait when it comes to the hue of ones hair is Ivory to ashen colors. Shades of grays and whites. Darker hues are vastly un-common and typically come from a parent outside of Clan Jusmia. 


Males And Females.


Females that are descendants of this blood line are naturally taller and broader than their male counter parts. And hold more natural muscle mass than the males from a younger age.   The average female Jusmia is between 5’11 to 6’3 feet. T


Males are smaller than their female counter parts but tend to mature mentally quicker. The average male Jusmia is between 5’8 to 6’1 feet. 






Contact Iros#2743, Once_A_Zoner#6312, and Bethinwonderland#3240 to play a Jusmia

Edited by ThatFunkyBunch
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