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[Cultural] -= Fate Cards =-


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The Fate Cards


The Deck of Fate is a deck of cards used by Seers and Diviners to connect with the energies of their surroundings and answer questions, see the future, and connect with energies around them. Of course, the legitimacy of the cards are entirely up for debate - but that does not stop those that use them. The deck is made up of 78 cards, each representing something both in the upright and in the reverse.


Major Arcana


The Fool - 1

Meaning: Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit, Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration
Description: The Fool depicts a presumably young Dark Elf standing atop a cliff and staring down. He has a bag slung over his shoulder and wears a wide, cocky grin.


The Magi - 2

Meaning: Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation, Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch
Description: The Magi depicts a High Elven woman dressed in white robes, both hands extended palm up towards the sky. Above said palms are round circular lights, glowing with Voidal energy.


The Green Priestess - 3

Meaning: Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice, Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings
Description: The Green Priestess depicts a Wood Elven woman sitting on the trunk of a tree with vines coiled around her legs.


The Empress - 4

Meaning: Upright: motherhood, fertility, nature, Reversed: dependence, smothering, emptiness, nosiness
Description: An Haenseti Queen dawned in the colors of Haense sits atop a throne made of gold, wielding a scepter in her left hand.


The Emperor - 5

Meaning: Upright: authority, structure, control, fatherhood, Reversed: tyranny, rigidity, coldness
Description: An Imperial Emperor is sat atop a throne of Gold. His stare is cold, and he wields a scepter in his right hand.


The Priest - 6

Meaning: Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics, Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches
Description: The Priest is a canonist priest kneeling with the Lorraine Cross in his hand. His head is bowed in prayer.


The Lovers - 7

Meaning: Upright: partnerships, duality, union, Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony
Description: The Lovers depicts two Farfolk locked in a lovers embrace.


The Chariot - 8

Meaning: Upright: direction, control, willpower, Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression
Description: The Chariot depicts an Adunian man riding on a chariot that seems to be spinning - whether by his choice or not is left up to interpretation. 


Strength - 9

Meaning: Upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus, Reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity
Description: Strength depicts a son of Krug splitting a log in two over his head.


The Hermit - 10

Meaning: Upright: contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance, Reversed: loneliness, isolation, lost your way
Description: The Hermit depicts an old man sitting before a wooden hut in the swamps, his aging features change when it’s moved - an optical illusion to make him look younger.


Wheel of Fortune - 11

Meaning: Upright: change, cycles, inevitable fate, Reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck
Description: The Wheel of Fortune depicts a golden woman with eight arms, each pointing in a different direction. A Massive wheel is situated in her lap, looking like a clock.


Justice - 12

Meaning: Upright: cause and effect, clarity, truth, Reversed: dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness
Description: Justice depicts a woman with a cloth wrapped around her eyes, one hand lifting up a golden scale.


The Hanged Man - 13

Meaning: Upright: sacrifice, release, martyrdom, Reversed: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice
Description: A Man is hanging upside-down from an Ashwood  tree, arms crossed over his chest and a peaceful expression on his face.


Death  - 14

Meaning: Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis, Reversed: fear of change, holding on, stagnation, decay
Description: Death is a figure standing by a river, likely an artists depiction of the Soul stream. The person is dressed in black robes that cover their entire form.


Temperance - 15

Meaning: Upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning, Reversed: extremes, excess, lack of balance
Description: Temperance depicts a Halfling lad standing before a crossroads - though the sign pointing towards each path is unreadable.


Iblees - 16

Meaning: Upright: addiction, materialism, playfulness, Reversed: freedom, release, restoring control
Description: Iblees depicts a stereotypical ‘Devil’ like figure made of ash. A Man and woman are on strings that extend from Iblees’ open palms.


The Tower - 17

Meaning: Upright: sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster, Reversed: disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering
Description: The Tower depicts just that, a massive High Elven tower that has begun to crumble towards the ground. 


The Star - 18

Meaning: Upright: hope, faith, rejuvenation, Reversed: faithlessness, discouragement, insecurity
Description: The Star depicts constellations shaped in an alchemical 


The Moon - 19

Meaning: Upright: unconscious, illusions, intuition, Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
Description: The Moon hovers over a large lake, an echo reflecting back up at it.


The Sun - 20

Meaning: Upright: joy, success, celebration, positivity, Reversed: negativity, depression, sadness
Description: The Sun hangs high in the sky, clouds hanging near but not close enough to hide the sun’s radiance.


Judgment - 21

Meaning: Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening, Reversed: lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing
Description: Judgement depicts a Dwarven King sitting atop his throne. His gaze is hardened as he stares down onto whoever has earned his ire.


The World - 22

Meaning: Upright: fulfillment, harmony, completion, Reversed: incompletion, no closure
Description: The World depicts a figure wearing a blank, white mask with a red hood. Hovering between his hands is a depiction of the World as it was known.


Minor Arcana

Because of the massive number of cards, the meanings behind each minor Arcana will be added after the initial post.



Ace of Wands - 23
Two of Wands - 24
Three of Wands - 25
Four of Wands - 26
Five of Wands - 27
Six of Wands - 28
Seven of Wands - 29
Eight of Wands - 30
Nine of Wands - 31
Ten of Wands - 32
Page of Wands - 33
Knight of Wands - 34
Queen of Wands - 35
King of Wands - 36


Ace of Cups - 37
Two of Cups - 38
Three of Cups - 39
Four of Cups - 40 
Five of Cups - 41
Six of Cups - 42
Seven of Cups - 43
Eight of Cups - 44
Nine of Cups - 45
Ten of Cups - 46
Page of Cups - 47
Knight of Cups - 48
Queen of Cups - 49
King of Cups - 50


Ace of Swords - 51
Two of Swords - 52
Three of Swords - 53
Four of Swords - 54
Five of Swords - 55
Six of Swords - 56
Seven of Swords - 57
Eight of Swords - 58
Nine of Swords - 59
Ten of Swords - 60
Page of Swords - 61
Knight of Swords - 62
Queen of Swords - 63
King of Swords - 64


Ace of Pentacles - 65
Two of Pentacles -  66
Three of Pentacles - 67
Four of Pentacles - 68
Five of Pentacles  - 69
Six of Pentacles - 70
Seven of Pentacles - 71
Eight of Pentacles - 72
Nine of Pentacles - 73
Ten of Pentacles - 74
Page of Pentacles - 75
Knight of Pentacles - 76
Queen of Pentacles - 77
King of Pentacles - 78



How to Use


Have the person receiving the reading roll 3d78, check the number that correlates and place it in the position of the spread you are doing. To determine its position, roll a 1d2 - 1’s are Upright and 2’s are Reversed. The reason behind this whole post is that card readers can press Ctrl + F to search for the correlating card quickly.


OOC Note



If interested in interpreting cards OOCLY or IRPLY feel free to shoot me a message/bird. For readings, please do the same! Fate Cards are not actually magical, and only read the energies present. They can be right or wrong, and are vague enough to apply to many different scenarios and situations. If you have an idea for what a card could look like, feel free to leave a comment! I would love to eventually have descriptions for each card. 



Tarot Meanings - https://labyrinthos.co/
Origin of Tarot - Tarot Wikipedia


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