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totally not making this because of @ShannonLeighor anything


i'm bored af idk ask me ****

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Favorite memory from LotC?


Favorite character you've played?

Favorite season?


Why do we continue to submit ourselves to this hellish place?

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why are you british

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How are you doing today?


Do you pronounce it chewsday?


When do we get to RP again? D:


What is one of your favorite book(s) and why is that your favorite?


Who would you say is one of your favorite players on the server and why is it me?

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why do you people call grilled cheeses toastys? makes no sense


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where my son at

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31 minutes ago, ShannonLeigh said:

Favorite memory from LotC?


Favorite character you've played?

Favorite season?


Why do we continue to submit ourselves to this hellish place?


If I had to choose - Vailor era Savoy. The Dukes War, the Ashen Dawn, just generally vibing and having fun with my friends in game and on teamspeak despite all the turmoil. It's an experience that I don't think I could ever re-capture.


This is a really difficult tie between Peter Amadeus de Sarkozy and Robert Foltest Helvets. Peter had a fantastic arc whilst he was alive and I roleplayed with some really sublime roleplayers and defo has some unforgettable experiences even though his arc got cut short. Robert was definitely my most complex character in my mind who also had some fantastic interactions. Even though his arc went in a totally different direction than planned I wasn't displeased with a thing really.


Summer. Booze and the sun, what else can I say?


For we are damned for eternity.

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what's your writing inspiration ?
what got you into lotc ?


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In your opinion who is the best coat of arms maker on the server?

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how has becoming british changed your life?


where’s my money


what is your favorite dessert? do you like banoffee pie?


can you cook?


did you watch cailou as a child?


why is the ocean blue this is a quiz question answer it


are you a girlboss. if so why?

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Proddy, my boy.


Why do you smell so bad?


When will you make Franjo: Cultural Learnings of Almaris?


Where are my 32k mina, renaissance man?

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7 minutes ago, Lionbileti said:



not for u xoxo


9 minutes ago, xanarrchy said:

why are you british


why are you a brummie??


9 minutes ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

why are you copying my good friend shannonleigh


Because I'm an unoriginal hack.


5 minutes ago, UnBaed said:

How are you doing today?


Do you pronounce it chewsday?


When do we get to RP again? D:


What is one of your favorite book(s) and why is that your favorite?


Who would you say is one of your favorite players on the server and why is it me?


A lot lot better. Still very up and down but that's more to do with stuff in my personal life that needs rectifying than LoTC related things.


Yes, it is indeed pronounced 'chewsday'. We created your language so this is undisputed fact.


Whenever you want because I enjoy your roleplay.


To be honest with you I don't read a lot of books. Last book series I read and thoroughly enjoyed were the A Song of Ice and Fire books. I loved them because there were so many more interesting characters, plotlines, events etc etc that got cut out of the books. Definitely worth a read if you were disappointed with the shows conclusion.


It's definitely you - though I do miss my good Savoyard friend NiceGuyNorman. Hope he's doing well.


8 minutes ago, rukio said:

Why are you like this lol


hi rukio bye rukio


7 minutes ago, venclair said:

what's your writing inspiration ?
what got you into lotc ?



Tbh man I don't really have one. I kind of just learned how to roleplay from an amalgamation of people. Some people think my roleplay is really good but I think I'm very rusted compared to years ago idk.


I just love storytelling in a diverse, organic, living-breathing world where your consequences matter.


Soon... (tm)


7 minutes ago, TJBMinecraft said:

In your opinion who is the best coat of arms maker on the server?


There is only one king of arms...


7 minutes ago, capiital said:

how has becoming british changed your life?


where’s my money


what is your favorite dessert? do you like banoffee pie?


can you cook?


did you watch cailou as a child?


why is the ocean blue this is a quiz question answer it


are you a girlboss. if so why?


It's kind of **** ngl, I just get bullied for my accent every time I step into a VC.


You'll get no money from me : )


Victoria Sponge Cake is pretty based, I like cheesecake too.


I can cook toast and instant ramen.


I fear I did not.


The ocean is blue because water absorbs colors in the red part of the light spectrum. Like a filter, this leaves behind colors in the blue part of the light spectrum for us to see. Theocean may also take on green, red, or other hues as light bounces off of floating sediments and particles in the water. (from google lal)


Honourary girlboss I guess.


5 minutes ago, Quantumatics said:

Proddy, my boy.


Why do you smell so bad?


When will you make Franjo: Cultural Learnings of Almaris?


Where are my 32k mina, renaissance man?


I weigh 500 pounds IRl and sweat profusely.




Don't be greedy my lad.

17 minutes ago, Dyl said:

where my son at


chillin and killin and infinitely drillin

18 minutes ago, googoogawwa said:

why do you people call grilled cheeses toastys? makes no sense



Because you toast them?

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