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Equal Footing


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I like how this post won't go anywhere because the oren mods are just gonna point and laugh at this post, and there doesn't seem to be any actual mod admin at the moment who could oversee this issue. I think generally mods shouldn't be affiliated with any nation, and instead they'd be a third-party on lotc, but that'd actually require tythus ltd to pay ppl which isn't happening by a longshot.

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8 minutes ago, Screecher said:

I like how this post won't go anywhere because the oren mods are just gonna point and laugh at this post, and there doesn't seem to be any actual mod admin at the moment who could oversee this issue. I think generally mods shouldn't be affiliated with any nation, and instead they'd be a third-party on lotc, but that'd actually require tythus ltd to pay ppl which isn't happening by a longshot.


That issue arises when staff in general, especially managers are heavily affliated with one group... There will always be some kind of natural bias, but allowing managers or even admins to be in leading positions like state council is just such a horrible idea. And mods that are part of the questioned group shouldn't be allowed make a judgement... I thought this was a rule already?

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amazing how swapping cobblestone for stone can get u kicked for pex abuse, but blatantly break multiple rules to help your buds and it's just "lol get CLOWNED pal"

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34 minutes ago, Laeonathan said:

That issue arises when staff in general, especially managers are heavily affliated with one group... There will always be some kind of natural bias, but allowing managers or even admins to be in leading positions like state council is just such a horrible idea. And mods that are part of the questioned group shouldn't be allowed make a judgement... I thought this was a rule already?

Nah. It's always been like this. And if you ask for a diff mod because you think it'd be more fair to have a mod that's not affiliated with either group it's considered 'mod shopping'

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Oh . . . Yikes- that emote. Uhm- Yeah that is a big . . . Yikes . . . 

Emotes like that, shouldn’t be so simple. It seems a bit low effort roleplay when to you think about it, mainly on the subject on doing spells and such.


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If the reverse had happened and raiders were teleported by staff to their targets, then everyone would be banned by now. This server spends so much effort coddling existing large playerbases that crud like this somehow doesn’t result in any staff getting removed from their positions for pex abuse. 


We should re-think all this, as we’ve been heading in the wrong direction for quite a while now.

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Not only were rules broken in favor of a side, so were redlines for lore. To my understanding, you're able to shift a group of people but the proper emote count is [Connection -> Anchor Placement/Focus -> 1 emote of Aura shrouding someone per person -> Teleportation]. Four emotes minimum. 


There are two variants of 'Group Teleportation' - Greater Teleportation and Group Teleportation.


Greater Teleportation is unable to be used to escape conflict and it only works to bring people to an SS pillar. The other follows the rules of standard Translocation - it has to be a spot that you can MCly get to - while requiring an extra emote per person shifted. Something that's not shown in the emotes or the RP.








Just as gross misuse of magic must be punished, so must incompetence as both lead to complications IRP and OOCly. I expect severe repercussions to be handed out due to this.





Me on my way to translocate to blacklist island



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It's appalling that the mods overseeing this situation both allowed this to slide and PEX-abused to favour one side over another - and they've coddled their large, biased playerbases to such an extent that they either tunnel-vision with regards to this chaotic spaghetti mess of extreme powergaming and magic abuse, and let it slide by because they don't notice it out of sheer incompetence, or don't know the first thing about Magic and can't use their common sense to think - "Hey, should I really be TPing these people?" 


To top this off, Mods have been extremely formal with me about their refusal to TP in the past, when I've asked if say, I could be teleported to x area because I have no clue how to get there, and they refuse nonetheless, telling me that they've got the eyes of the Managers and higher-ups looking down on them, with an alleged system in place that pings certain people when mods TP people, as it's obviously not been allowed in 99% of cases, especially in situations like these. And yet, it was done anyway. I won't mention the name of the individual who broke lore roles here because I'm against OOC targeting to that extent, but they should openly come here and state their wrongdoings in clear.


Aengoth has laid the case wide open. There's nothing that either the magic abuser, who I should note has been punished for previous mistakes taken to this level [whether or not they had anything to do with lore is beyond me, but the fact is still true], or the mods can do to defend themselves. That's why these mods in question aren't responding to this thread. The incompetency has to be punished, and these counter-intuitive rules that seem to give pity power to certain people reversed.

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Hail, friends.


Mistakes were made. We're working to resolve whatever problems arose from last night. None of the Moderation Team members mediating the event last night had direct affiliation with either groups. We have reintroduced and implemented strict procedures to disallow resolution of conflict, regarding members of their own settlements. As a team, it's important to propagate an environment of honest communication and confidence. 


It has become apparent that members of the Moderation Team had been misinformed until this point, in regards to server-rules and hindered in their vagueness, more-so during the verdict of PVP-lock. As an advocate for trial and error, both members involved will repeat all training courses available to them and the remainder of the Moderation Team will review our current rules for a better understanding of what we're expected to uphold. After spending hours searching through omni-logs, there was no evidence of PEX abuse and/or disregard for misbehaviour within our realm of jurisdiction, or from members of Moderation. Story Team has been informed of other player-events (reference) that occurred alongside the initial conflict, and will react accordingly.


I have been an avid contributor to genuine communication and I hope that I have made it an absolute standard that the Moderation Team must heed to equal expectations for ALL members of the server. If this hasn't been the case until now, it'll be rectified for better resolution of conflict, in the future. In conclusion, I understand and agree with all of these concerns. Your feedback is important and won't be dismissed, as it has been in the past.


Thanks @Aengoth for being so patient and considerate. 


Feel free to contact me on Discord @ ImCookiie#0666, for more information or concerns. Thanks!

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