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Vane cries, He wishes he was made of gold too

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The High Keeper looked baffled for about three seconds before sighing and tossing the missive to the wind. "Father, give me strength if this is about to turn into another four-Rexes-in-four-years ordeal."


Krelga let out a contemplative hum. "Da Rex wehnd agh turhn'd hizzelf intu uh gohlden ztatue? Dat'z preti zkahin' metal, azh myte blah."

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Arthas Ruric would not smile the sun's smile.

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Songs looked upon the golden statue of the Rex, a smile on her face as she would hit her chest with the side of her fist. 

"May Deh zpiritz gyde lat Zhot. Agh may we peep eechothur ahgayn ihn Deh Zpirit Rehlm. Rezt eazy mi friend." A single tear rolled down her cheek as she sighed softly.

Edited by Songs Jhet-Krask
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Kaluz would hear the news and simply begin making a batch of blunts in Rex Zhotz name stating "The Rex be flat, long liv duh Rex!"

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Barog sheds a tear for the Golden Statue that looked a lot like his favorite Rex. Preparing his klompin’ gear, the olog was ready to bring honor to the legend’s name.

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Lunah paused in the streets of Elysium as the new was shouted by the town crier. Blinking a few times she let out a soft sigh muttering under her breath, "Now who will teach me about orc customs." she mumbles softly then blinks again, "And who will be the new Rex?"

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Within the Ancient jungles of krug the ker rested his staff along his shrine of Kor. a soft bow following after he heard news of the rex's fall. though tears apparent, he had a glass of a very strong alcohol. and poured it onto the fire just bellow of the shrine in offering the flames roaring to life with such the strength of the drink. "Zhot, you yourself have turned the path to both Krugmar and it's allies from a ruinous path, My only regret is that I could not have a grand spar with you, to not be able to offer you the chance of a spirit walk to the land you now roam. But I am glad to help where i could, and proceed to do so in your honor. From orc and ker we may be different in race. But in stargûsh'stroh I can happily call you bruddah. I hope that in my next walk and those to come. That i see you in Krug's halls of eternal joy to share stories that can last eons! Goodbye my friend, and that I hope you smile down on Krugmar and the sanctum for an eternal prosper and i shall see you soon!"The ker shouted, his voice both booming and full of vigor as he raised the rest of the cup in the air before drinking the remain of the drink, though tears continued to fall for a lost friend. 

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A small goblin kub pondered for a moment; her fingers going up to scratch her equally small chin. The snaggle tusk maw that adorned her face cracked into a wild grin as she digested the news. . .


"Mi wunt tu bi guhld wen mi flat tuu! Yub. . mi bi da skariizt ztatu tu ebar lib! . .  Err, ztand? Mi nub gruk duh tehrminholigi." Tor'Lur rattled off the cackling laugh she had gotten from her father, letting her hand drop to her side once more. Though her plans to become a horrifying statue was promptly pushed aside, as the kub returned to retrieving her lost snaga. . . for the fifth time.


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Levian'Tol Grandaxe smokes the fattest joint. "Ah fock...... 'ah doubt tis will be teh end ov all ov tis."tenor.gif

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Brynaelda Grandaxe scurried through the house, juggling three gray children and loudly called, "DEAREST? Where'd we put uhm.. The smokes? Ye know, the smokes t'at Rex fella gave me? I think they're in the cabinet. Here, here. Ye take Okrikor, an' I will fetch 'em." Brynaelda passed off her chubbiest son to Grudgebeard, kissing each of them gingerly, before lighting the blunt and sitting it on the mantle respectfully. She coughed at the smoke a handful of times before mumbling, "I hope ye get lots of those uruk lassies ye were wooin', w'erever yer goin', friend."

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1 hour ago, Arashiha said:

Lunah paused in the streets of Elysium as the new was shouted by the town crier. Blinking a few times she let out a soft sigh muttering under her breath, "Now who will teach me about orc customs." she mumbles softly then blinks again, "And who will be the new Rex?"


Eugeo, sighing gently as he receives the missive from his orcish friends and allies would sigh gently in turn. Mumbling a prayer in the soul of the deceased Rex in finding his soul cherished by the spirits. He would then glance to Lunah, informing her in turn. "Whomever it may be, Krugmar will be forever embodied by Rex Zhot’Rax contributions to his people and community. He will be missed, as he is, here in Elysium" 

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Halvar Edvardsson would be sitting in his office looking over the missive as it reached him, a thoughtful frown plaguing him all throughout the reading. This would change however as he read the message sent to him, causing his frown to bend into a smile then further into a laugh. The aging monarch would grab ahold of his ale mug and raise it in honor of the golden rex, drinking down it down then after in his memory. "Safe travels on yer after journey friend."

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