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National Humanism: Dawn of a Movement


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We stand today at a Crossroads of history. At this Crossroads, we, the Human race, can decide what our fate in the world will be. At the end of one path lies weakness, disgrace and our demise. At the end of the other path there awaits us strength, brotherhood, honour and triumph!

At the Crossroads, we, the people of Haense, Oren and Norland are met with the dawn of a new movement. The National Humanism Movement, which seeks to avert Humanity from going down the path of weakness and instead steering our kin down the path of TRIUMPH!

I imagine you asking, my brethren, what entails this movement then? What does the action that will deliver us from tragedy hold in store for us? I will tell you exactly that in this pamphlet my strong brethren!



The tenets and ideals that make up the National Humanist movement are indeed quite simple, for they follow two very straight-forward principles: the forces of nature, and common sense. If in nature, a wolf spots a rabbit, he kills it to saturate his hunger. If in nature, there is a wasp amongst bees, the bees band together to kill said wasp in defense of the shared interest. If in nature, a weazel steals the food of a bear, the bear kills the weazel in the great competition that is life. The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of mice. THAT. That is common sense. We humans are one species, one that gets exploited and obstructed by the parasites and obstacles that are the lesser races. Only when we realize this, when we wake up and band together, can we achieve our full potential and triumph in the great  competition that is life. From this line of thought follow the following tenets:


Panhumanism: Humanity should be a united force, with humans from various nations working together in brotherhood stemming from the kinship that we form. If Norlanders, Haensemen, Orenians and humans from all other nations work together to achieve common goals, they shall form the most unstoppable force the world has ever seen and nothing will be impossible.

Anti-malinism: The sons of malin, the deviant, parasitic elvenkind, are the root of many of the evils of our society and thus it is of utmost importance that we rid our society of their vile influence. They are the wasps that have infiltrated the bee nests that are our cities, festering like a parasite off of the honey that us hard-working bees produce. The elven race is weaker in all aspects than the human race. By the forces of nature, they have no right to survive, nor reason to exist amidst the superior races. At the end of the day, the world would be done a favor if their existence is terminated.

White Rose Tradition: Centuries ago, a group of brave and valiant men laid the groundwork for much of this movement’s thought: the knightly Order of the White Rose. These righteous warriors stood for many ideals us humans should stand for: Strength, Brotherhood, Zealotry, and the will to cut down the lesser races of Elves and Orcs in the defense of the holiness of the Race of Man! It is this great Order that inspired the symbol for National Humanism: A white rose on a red background, only this time in the colours of the flags of the three nations of Humanity. Red from the flags of Norland and Oren, black from Norland and Haense, yellow from Haense and white from Oren. It is a symbol of unity between our kin, in the shape of the work done by great men before us.

Strong Leadership: Of course it is no secret that as it stands, there are many things that divide Humanity: religion, ethnicity, language and culture. Therefore, if Humanity is to unite and band together, we will need to do so under a strong leading figure, be it a monarch or an elected figure. He needs to be a man of authority and action that can rise to the occasion and be the one to give the order to charge toward victory!


If you wish to JOIN the National Humanism movement, ATTEND our events or SCHEDULE a speech or informational visit, send a letter to Osvald Brunswick ((Sander#0004)).

AVE HUMANUM!                                                         PERISH MALIN!

[[Disclaimer: After a GM suggested it imma add this disclaimer here; please keep in mind the difference between rp and ooc, this is meant to just be a thing for some brief political tension rp. It does not support or advocate any irl views, rather its a parody of said views that is meant to be mocked. Thanks for understanding!]]
[[PS: Please don´t think I´m a fascist...]]


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A certain pink-haired dark elf suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat. Her chest heaves violently as she stares around the darkened room. She turns and shakes her husband awake.


"The White Rose hasn't returned, has it?" she asks him breathlessly.


"No, dear," her husband grumbles before rolling back over. "You just had a nightmare. Go back to bed."


The pink-haired dark elf lies down on her pillow uneasily, unable to shake the frightening feeling that the sins of the her past would never stop coming back to haunt her.

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A Rochefortine man sits in silence within the wheat fields of Redenford as he ponders on this parchment declaring a White Rose revival, "What's up with these wretched Haeners taking up traditions of the Kaedrini of old.. they aren't even related to them?!"

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"Not zese people again. Weren't zey gone after ruining Ves?" Albrecht Euler notes "What do zey even want... Zey are the true plague for humanity!"

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A high elven soldierly fondly recalled the first-ever signing of the Crimson-Silver pact and the late great men whose signatures were laid upon it. Surely they were this author's betters,  he thought to himself.

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The obscenely attractive Princess Helen lies among a field of wild poppies, basking in the summering sun.


"Dearest me, how the time flies," she says, after a while. "It is nearly time for afternoon tea!"


At this, she stands, pulling up too her companion in Anna Henrietta, and the two return to the picnic that had been so meticulously made by their servantry.



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A member of the Society of Rhoswenii Histories and Traditions puts up a disclaimer underneath the poster,


"This organization has no affiliation with the Order of the White Rose and is not a suitable successor to the illustrious and ancient Knight's Order of the First Empire. True Rhoswenii and Kaedreni folk do not condone the appropriation of culture from one that has no lineage or claim to the Order. Please do not encourage this behavior under the banner of the Order of the White Rose. Thank you and have a good day."


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"This is a funny joke. Anyways. Back to my heathen tactics and my attempts of seduction on men's hearts to make them corrupt and evil." Alyssa would say with a sarcastic tone and small grin while speaking with her mother, Dele Seregon, within the walls of the small house her mother bought in the wintry capital of Haense- the city Karosgrad. After this, she would go over towards the fireplace and toss the notice into the flames, the 'aheral's grin only grew more after it was fully burnt, then walked back to the table to go on with drinking tea with her mother.


In the far east- a certain Lady Seneschal of the Augustine Court threw the paper into the trash right after getting it from a young and frail maid with much haste and speed- saying to the maid who gave the weird notice to her. "Humanism does not mean kill all elves- stupid men." After Madame von Braun's annoyed comment with her very annoyed expression, she would order the maid to leave the office in a calm and nice tone. Then after doing so, she would waddle back to her desk with her cane to start doing the paper work, ordered by the governess and princess imperial for the social season coming up.




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"We were born from the very ashes of the Old Kingdom of Oren. We are the heirs to Horen and have continued Him by this Empire." - Ex. Godfrey I Horen, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor.


After quoting this line from the Prophet Godfrey, Sir Charles Galbraith would state the following: "My dear friends, that is the real definition of Pan-Humanism. In other words, to be an Orenian means to be a Human. After reading this announcement of a new humanist movement, I simply cannot understand how those who have abandoned the Holy Orenian Empire or who have a different religion than the Canonist Faith can call themselves Pan-Humanists."

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Dele Seregon , in speaking to her eldest daughter, felt the phrase "nani the ****?" in her soul, long before she ever understood the words. She just smiles and nods along to her daughter's antics, sipping tea, and maintaining mild confusion as to why "Humanism" is a thing when there's hundreds of years of Elven Blood on the hands of men...

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Ruathar Indoren worries for his cousin living in Norland, as he would catch wind of the possible rise of evil threatening the life and peace of his family. "This must be a horrible nightmarish machination by a madman."

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"Humanum..?" remarks Ensign Fitzpeter with a squint to Lieutenant Puller. "It feels as if whoever wrote this lacks a good grasp on our language. A Dwarf, perhaps?"

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Vivaca Rutledge's eyes widen at the poster,  "It seems that racists and ethno-nationalist extremists are trying to give themselves a rebrand! Disgusting!" remarks the elderly woman, shaking her head 

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Deratrys, renowned troublemaker and, coincidentally, Norlandic elf, read over the missive with a hum. "Well, I do really hate elves." She stated to nobody in particular, beginning then to polish her kneecapping baton in preparation to commit some hate crimes for the hell of it.



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