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The Pact of the Scorpion and the Kraken, 20 S.E


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The Pact of the Scorpion and the Kraken




Year 20 of the Second Age

The following pact has been drafted to serve toward the interest of better relations and an avenue towards more open diplomatic channels between the Sovereign State of Talon’s Port and the War Nation of Krugmar.

The Talon’s Port Council represented by Sovereign Vivian Maelstorm, and The Wargoth Council led by the Dominus-Rex Bazur of Krugmar hereafter agree to the following terms in hopes of furthering friendship between the two nations and ensuring a prosperous future for the individuals of each city.


Article I - Neither party will take hostile action against the other, whether this be in the form of raids, war declarations, or otherwise.

Article II - The Sovereign State of Talon’s Port guarantees lawful protection for the citizens of Krugmar while within the boundaries and surrounding lands of the city.

Article III - The War Nation of Krugmar guarantees lawful protection of the citizens of Talon’s Port while within the boundaries and surrounding lands of the city.

Article IV - Attacks from third parties residing within Talon’s Port or Krugmar will not be considered acts of aggression, but must be dealt with by the government of the offending parties residence.

Article V - Guilds or mercenary companies stationed within Talon’s Port will be subject to legal prosecution if offending the pact in city limits or on citizens of either city.

Article VI - The pact will remain in effect for 10 years, expiring in Year 30 of the Second Era. The pact may be renewed at the time of expiration by the consent of both parties.

Article VII - If either signatory is found to be in violation of any part of the pact, all articles shall remain in effect and the situation will be resolved through diplomatic means.

 Article VIII - The workers of Krugmar are given free access to the Talon’s Port mines once it becomes available for use.

Article IX - A tax-free stall will be provided to the Wargoth Council for Krugmar goods to be sold within the Sovereign State of Talon’s Port, and exempt from activity sweeps so long as it is maintained.

Article X - The Sovereign State of Talon’s Port is expected to pay 150 mina per week until the end of this agreement, to which both councils may decide what steps to take as aforementioned in Article VI.




Vivian Maelstorm, Sovereign of the Depths, 8th Sovereign of Talon’s Port



Bazur, Rex-Dominus of Krugmar


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