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Purity through Sacrifice

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A thesis by Acolyte Urzog


Vanity plagues the world GOD has given us. Narcissism is unchecked across the world, and self absorption pollutes the minds of the impressionable young. The sin of this world is continuing as the faithful blind themselves with vanity. The pursuit of worldly possessions is inhibiting our ability to praise GOD as we should, because GOD is all we should strive for, to serve him is one of the greatest thing one of his children can do. Purity can only come to use if we become more modest in our thoughts and create a closer relationship to GOD free of sin and vanity. I myself, a humble servant of all-mighty GOD would advise all children of GOD that wish to be closer to him to take the vows and put on the modest robes of the clergy, or those that wish to protect the Mother Church to take the sword and join the Order of Exalted Owen. Humility in all things is what we should want in the lives GOD has given us.



Vaytyne plagez duh wurlduh GUD haz geveen uz. Narcizzizm iz unchecduh acrozz duh uzg, agh zeelf abzorption pullutez duh mindz uf duh imprezzionul yung. Duh zin uf diz uzg iz cuntinoing az duh feethfull bluwnd temzelez wit vaytyne. Duh purzuit of uzgly pozezhunz iz unhibuhtung ur abiluty tu preeze GUD az wee shuhld, bezuze GUD iz all wee zhud ztrive fer agh tu zerve hum iz one uf duh greetezt thung one uf hiz kubz cun do. Purutee cun onlee cum too uz uf we beecwom mur moduhzt un ur touhtz und creatuh a clozur reelathunzhip tu GUD free uf zin agh vaytyney. Mi, uh humble zervant uf all-mity GUD wuld advize all kubz of GUD tat wizhuh tu bee clozur tu hum tu take duh vowz agh put un duh modest robez uf duh clurgee, ur tose dat weeshuh tuh prutec duh Momo Chrchuh to takee duh zult agh join duh Ordur uf Ewaltud Oween. Humelete un all tingz iz wut we zhud wan un duh livez GUD haz geevun uz.

The lust for fortunes and power is lesser than the want to serve our one true GOD.

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Agustin Bishop Cordoba runs to meet with his colleague, Urzog, holding presents for the fashionable and handsome Uruk!

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Father Brown welcomes his friend to the church with a smile and a joyous laugh "Welcome home, Urzog!"

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