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An Oracle's Rest


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No sleep. Even in death, no sleep. Upon her shaded isle she laid, nestled among soft grasses and earth, intertwined in the roots of a large tree that covered her isle. When she first arrived in this Emerald Dream, she took the time to speak to the ones that she wished to speak to. With old friends, she reconnected. But never in one place she stayed, until she found this isle within the lands of eternal light. A small island within the middle of a lake, whose tree cast its branches across the lakes perimeter. Across the water she swam, and rested on the shore awhile while she dried. There was no rush, no haste needed in these things. Not anymore. Never again. She found a spot sheltered by roots from the wind, where the soft grasses made a gentle bed to rest upon. For the first time in decades, she would have a sleep free of the pain that gripped her day to day. So finally, the old Oracle laid down, and tried to let her eyes fall down to rest.


But there was no sleep. Even in death, no sleep. While the pain was gone, it was her mind that still raced. Questions flew by in her head that haunted her even now. 


Will they remember me? Will they remember my lessons? What if they fall? Will they give in?


Awaiti sat upright with a jolt, wiping at her eyes wearily. She folded her hands together, bowing her head some as she breathed in and out slowly, catching herself in this downward spiral. She remembered the lessons that she herself had learned from many. And so she spoke them to herself, to soothe her mind.


“I am gone, but my touch still lingers upon the world. My likeness may fade, and my lessons forgot, but my people will find their way, with or without me. Perhaps they will stumble. Perhaps they will fall. But each time they fall, they will rise again, born anew. Such is the cycle as it is. Where life goes, death follows. Where death goes, life too follows it. They are inseparable. United.”


The anxieties soon smoothed as she repeated this to herself, the words soothing her ears and mind. And the weary ame’ laid herself back down, and shut her eyes.


And finally, in death, there was sleep.



OOC:((Hey guys just a little post about Awaiti finding some peace in the eternal forest, something I wrote after I woke up today. enjoy chieferinos. Oh also all of this is in the eternal forest so this is p much an isolated event


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