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Raising a Good Canonist Child: Part I: 0-5

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Dear Canonist Parents and Parents-to-be,


Your child is just starting it’s GOD-given life, and you must be so happy and proud. Know that GOD is also happy and proud of your child and it’s accomplishments. There are many major moments in a child’s life that happen within the first five years. Raising a child to be a good Canonist starts at birth. The first step is baptism, of course, but after that it can get a bit confusing. Don’t worry, for in this letter I will help direct you towards raising a Canonist child from birth to five years of age.


When your child is an infant, it seems hard to teach them about GOD, but at this age it isn’t about teaching, it is about experience. Babies are learning about the world through experience, and it is your job to make sure they learn about GOD as well. Sing them hymns and other church songs and pray near them while they are awake. Talk to them about GOD and his endless love, and bring them to church. Make sure GOD and the Church is an early part of their life. 


When your child is old enough to act on its own, but still trying to learn about the world, this is a crucial time to educate them about GOD. You must promote virtue by rewarding virtuous actions like: sharing a toy, waiting patiently for something, working hard on a piece of art, and being honest when they break something. Be careful when dishing out harsh punishments, some say that those punishments are the only way to make a child learn, but I find it hardens the child and makes them distant. 


Make sure a child learns it’s prayers, and make praying a family activity. Always bring your child to church, and make church something to look forward to by giving them a small treat afterwards. Teach your child the hymns of the faith, and sing them together at home or on walks. Make games that help them learn Canonist morals, and Canonist virtues.


These early years of your child life are so crucial to moral development. Make sure you teach your child about right and wrong, and most important of all, teach by interaction and example. Be the kind of person you want your child to be. 


GOD bless you,

Fr. Francis Brown

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