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The Traditions of House Vanir

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The Traditions of House Vanir

As penned by Viscount of Varna, Britannus Vanir 


Vanir c.o.a's






The most famous and well-practiced pastimes are their incredibly troublesome and stealthy raids. Ever so often they would appear out of thin air where they would pillage villages, fortresses, or even a city whilst taking captives and taking whatever loot they could muster. Though plunder was not restricted to gold; highly sought-after prizes included tools, seeds, livestock, slaves, and trophies. Within these raids Vanirs have been known to spare the lives of those they raid should they be deemed honorable, to which they’d often be taken as prisoners or maimed so that they may tell the tale of a great Vanir raid. As for plunder, the Vanirs do not see it as theft yet more so of an honorable deed done to win glory or wealth for oneself or family. The loot taken from the raid was often shared between members of the party. Though a cowardly theft of another Vanir’s rightful plunder is seen as the gravest crime, akin to murder. 


Honor duels:



Due to their hot-headed type nature, many disputes between Vanirs were solved with personal duels. This would range anywhere from a simple wrestling match or a bloody fistfight to a full-on trial by combat (exclusively permitted by the patriarch’s word only), these duels were seen as fairways to resolve disputes. If a Vanir was to lose he/she would admit his/her wrongdoing and makeup with the man/woman that he/she had just fought with, this would often cause a growing bond between them. Harboring resentment or ill will after the duel is severely frowned upon.


Trophy belt:


An important part of Vanir culture is that of the trophy belt to which is used to show off a raiders prestige and history of battle. After defeating a worthy opponent, a Vanir would take a trophy ranging from a weapon, cloak, or valuable and attaching it to their belt. The Patriarch of the family would often wear golden rings and chains on their person and belts as well, to distinguish himself as the leader.





The times of Harvest and Battle festivals were celebrated often by Vanirs, where they would praise their deities for a good year, and wish for luck in the next. These festivals were known to be filled with heavy drinking, dueling, swimming contests, and boat racing. Traders across the world would be welcomed for a few days only where they would be able to sell their goods or purchase materials.


The Coming of Age:



When a Vanir male or female becomes of age (14-18) they often are expected, if willing, to go out on their own voyage of pirating. The young and inexperienced Vanir will be expected to raid unknown territories so that they may experience the life of their ancestors of Vanaheim. When returning home they are expected to present the trophies and riches gained from their voyage to the Patriarch of the family. 


(Note: Writing a roleplay post filled with what they experienced upon the adventure is highly recommended)


A Vanir’s Funeral:



When a Vanir dies, a funeral feast is held to which they would raise a glass of ale or mead to the memory of the departed. After the feast, a ship burial is taken place at the family’s docks or at a coastline to the sea to which the corpse would be set upon a small boat filled with the Vanirs riches. As the boat floats away from the coast the Patriarch of the family is to shoot an arrow lit with fire upon it, setting it ablaze.




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Corbin enjoys reading about the Vanirs

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Brandon Vanir lofts an eyebrow from the even skies at the coming of age tradition recalling a very different one when he was Lord.

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