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The Greyspine Convention


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"Praise Godan." commented Tatiana vas Ruthern from Greyspine, applauding Koeng Heinrik!

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"Fine, Maric! Moy will write a response, GODAN." the Ruthern closed the doors of her office in the Embassy. Her brother had talked to her for the past hour, trying to convince her. "What don't vy do for vyr borsas. Like this would've ever been problem in ve first place"

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7 minutes ago, Drew2_dude said:

Andrik Jan Baruch would nod with a smile after reading the missve! he'd turn to Ambassador Harren Ruthern with a smile, "We've done good work today lad! now, the Clergymen the Church will be safe from this conflict, and no one can declare it as a war of religions." 


"My wrist hurts!" retorted the young Ambassador, "But da, yam glad that we will continue to protect Godani and the clergy. The Church should niet be affected by war." With glee, he then hurried home to Greyspine, and waved the Convention proudly in Adalia's face. "LOOK, MOY NAMED IT AFTER OUR HOUSE." However, the young man was so excited, either by the contents of the Convention, or from the sight of his fiancée, that tumbled backwards down the stairs. @shay

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“I always liked Haense.” Remarked Anna with a smile, recalling fondly of the time she played Haeseni chess with the Queen Mother and the Rutherns. “I hope that young princess is well.”

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Friedrich Barclay simply nods his head in approval at the news, happy that the church was not to be disturbed during the war.

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2 minutes ago, ColdestPepsi said:

Friedrich Barclay simply nods his head in approval at the news, happy that the church was not to be disturbed during the war.

But while Friedrich's countenance remains stony and calm, his interior disposition finds itself in a very different state.




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A Young Aleksey Ludovar would hear of the great Koengs Speech, and nod approvingly
"Da, It is good he looks after those of the church, especially in times of great peril..." 

After a brief moment he would continue on his journey to the Lord Palatine's office.


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"It would appear no such protections are afforded to the peoples and princes of the Canonist world - a superficial political play," observes anthropologist and economist J. Fitzpeter.

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"Godan be good." Aleksandr comments upon reading the missive, signing the cross.

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5 minutes ago, Gusano said:

"My wrist hurts!" retorted the young Ambassador, "But da, yam glad that we will continue to protect Godani and the clergy. The Church should niet be affected by war." With glee, he then hurried home to Greyspine, and waved the Convention proudly in Adalia's face. "LOOK, MOY NAMED IT AFTER OUR HOUSE." However, the young man was so excited, either by the contents of the Convention, or from the sight of his fiancée, that tumbled backwards down the stairs. @shay

Adalia stood at the top of the stairs, rethinking her life choices up to this point as she so often did, the girl offering up a simple thumbs-up to the Ruthern who so badly needed life-alert.




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2 minutes ago, ARCHITECUS said:

"It would appear no such protections are afforded to the peoples and princes of the Canonist world - a superficial political play," observes anthropologist and economist J. Fitzpeter.

"It's a Fatherist world; we just live in it." remarks anthro-apologist and Greenpeace activist Robert E. Spiren.

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9 minutes ago, ARCHITECUS said:

"It would appear no such protections are afforded to the peoples and princes of the Canonist world - a superficial political play," observes anthropologist and economist J. Fitzpeter.


"An agreement to protect the pure Imperials hardly seems superficial to me. Perhaps if you spent less time bobying and more time in your studies, you'd realize that," commented Lukas Rakoczy on one of his volunteer trips to Providence.

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“And should they break this treaty, hmph.” Vahan looks over and reaches for his newly brandished sword. “We can’t expect god to do all the work.” He says as he places the sword in it’s scabbard.

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Caedric laughs a great laugh, resting after the great flight of Lobsters from Southbridge, he'd read the missive with a smile and say, "T'e Kingdom of Orenia loses one more potential out. T'e Eirik guides t'eir King of t'eirs, an' ours, it seems!"

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Vane facepalms "It is ridiculous that this missive even needs to be made, this has been a Norlandic policy since far before the war..." he says rolling his eyes "Another pat on the head for the sheltered Kingdom of Oren I suppose."

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