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Historical Theatre Act of Akritos


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Recently, I have written a 'Shakespeare-Formulated' poetry-theatre act in a google document; Here I am to share it with you on a much more accessible way so you and many others can read it at any time! Enjoy!

- sashimichopped


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Note that this is a fictional poem and has no relation to the in-real life greek culture except for several names being used!







For the prologue scene of the act





From where the sand of the desert came,

Trabzon was made a state,


Akritian swords and arms, unified once again at an Akritian gate,


Ancestors smiling upon us, while the enemies face us with hate

As we run into battle, the enemy knows their fate,


We fight for our King, our glorious King, no matter what danger is occuring,


The army is conquering! See them, warriors of the King, the enemy will not win,




A commander, carrying the name Dracontas,

The genius who lead the Army of Akritos to what it was,


In the name of his Majesty Justinian Komnenos, we draw our swords into battle,

The Kingdom of Akritos, we march until sundawn,


People of Akritos, have nothing to fear, 

God is on their side, Who is to them, the most dear,


The Lord Almighty shall protect us against the Turkin, who are there in the dark lurking.


Steadfast we are for the safety of our kin, as it is them, for who we shall win.




A C T  I.

SCENE I at a meeting joined by the King, Princes and Princesses, Ministers, Commander of the Varangian Guard, Akritian noblemen and Attendants spectating the meeting from seats.


Nobleman Andino. O' my King, the dangers of the Turkin do become greater and greater,

It is I, a nobleman who is the most passionate hater, 

Of the heretics who worship the Deceiver, 

influenced by the Daemons, they are the biggest danger our people have ever faced,

Us, as devout Canonists have a distaste, to those who our spies have traced.

Our armies may have minimized their numbers, yet their army may strike us with weapons that make the sound of thunder,

Allow the Turkin people to feel the feeling of hunger, no mercy must be shown,

Conquer their lands, of which is not their own,

Let our courageous soldiers fight, so they may make our enemies groan,

It is us, proud Akritians, who shall make our names known,

Our power has been shown, and we shall not tolerate the enemy who is trying to oppose and overthrow.


King Justinian Komnenos. What power would the starvation of Turkin people give us my lord? That is the question, which may allow rumors to be heard?,

How can you say that I am King, when you speak of ideas to me which may cause the tons of children dying? 

I am saddened, to hear one of my wise noblemen speak of this act of murder,It sounds like you, Lord Andino, allows bloodshed and is its greatest supporter,

For this, may not be tolerated in our Kingdom, mercy must be shown to the innocent,

As not all solutions have to be militant, but a balance as the innocent shall not be imprisoned.

Commander Georgios Dracontas The I. The ideas of Lord Andino are outrageous,

The man himself almost seems shameless, perhaps even brainless, 

Yet in his proposal, there is no greatness, rather hateful feelings,

Deceitful scum, allowing innocent blood to be shed

Allowing suffering, is the exact opposite of our church teachings.


Princess Cassia Komnenos. The fighting between these noblemen, is an absolute disgrace,

You all sound like you are prepared to throw away your duty, the safety of our people,

But instead, you decide to replace your duty with cruelty, and become unruly,

Listen to my father, the King, as it is he who shall be the one negotiating with the enemy.


Commander Georgios Dracontas The I. My princess, of course we are all concerned about the King his safety, 

The monarchy may not be left without security, against the threat that many of us are seeing with difficulty,

The one monarchy that is the oxygen that we breathe, and the one thing which empowers our belief,

We may not tolerate ourselves and our beliefs, to steal the lives of people like a mysterious thief, 

Hence my proposal, to solve this war which is filled with blood and the wasting of men,

Through diplomacy, not with the bloodshed of the innocent or with the intentions of a liferobbing thief. 

I summon you, soldiers of Akritia,

To pick yourselves up and prepare for battle, as we shall march to the enemy encamped outside our walls,

God shall be with us, in defeating this threat to our monarchy,

We spare the innocent women and children who are with them, as one who surrenders must be spared,

What a Hell it must be, for one to survive without their kin,

Hence the compassion I show for the women,

Who have their husbands in a war, as one does not have the opportunity to raise their children,

Subjected thus, I shall protect these people as if they were one of us.




For the continuing of the second act.




The noblemen of Akritos, fighting for a solution to bloodshed,


Rumors of starvation might have been heard,


The Turkin might oppose us, but we do not fear,


Commander Dracontas allowed himself to be heard,


Our glorious King, King of Akritos, hear our cries for your safety,


May God save you from the wrath of the Turkin’s infidelity, 


Bloodshed they have caused, but we are not afraid,


Us Akritians do not face our enemies with hate,


As it is God who shall judge them when they are at The Seven Skies its gate,


Oh glorious Akritos may your prayers be heard, For your army is so glorious and great


As it is your soldiers who shall be defeating the enemy and wipe their name from the face of the Earth!





A C T  II.


SCENE II  encamped outside the built fort of the Akritians, there would be a meeting taking place between the two emissaries sent by both parties, a rather dangerous atmosphere would surround the place.


Turkin-Bey Basil Karamanoglu. O, you Akritians, how dare you come to my camp to discuss matters of which is a danger to my people, as it is you, Akritians,

Who took an evil man as a nobleman and pupil,

You have but mistook me all this while, as it is I, Bey of the Karamanoglu

Who shall have the blood of his kill in battle,

As I shall cut your soldiers as if it were cattle, nothing more but a simple animals,

Hence why I decline this offering of peace, as how much blood will spill is in your Emperor's hands,

And so, this is almost like Iblees his dance towards us mortals,

As it is him who also fights until humanity disbands.


Emissary Alexander Agathangelou. You, Leader of the Turkin, surely knows God is on our side,

You seem to think, you can change the tides of the sea,

While in reality, you are a human like all of us gathered here,

We all live and die, even the ones who are to us the most dear,


Canonist-Priest, Father Constantin. O, you folk of the Desert,

The ancestors you share, must be disappointed on your quarrel,

As it is not good for sons of the Kharasi Desert to become immoral, nor does it do good for one who has a family, brothers, and sisters,

Because of this war, you all might become unbelieving figures,

God his intention by creating you, was to make peace,

This must be the point, where you brothers must cease,


Emissary Alexander Agathangelou. Father, these heathens have been a danger to our people,

We offer reason, we have no intentions of war, as it is us surrounded and oppressed by war and gore,

As it is them who have their swords covered in blood, and smile upon its stains,

It is all of us, who have the same blood flowing through our veins,

The Turkin, decided to march to our fort and encamp, 

And it is us, Akritians, who shall leave them with an eternal stamp of defeat,

Hence why we go back to our fort, preparing for war,

And will never meet,

As it is us, who shall go to war,

And together, we shall taste the grief, aforementioned; we are not life-robbing thieves,

As it is the Turkin who are the thieves of our;

Land, cities, towns,

The land of us, Akritians,

A land of which silence is never heard of, 

Clattering swords, useless bloodshed,

One day, when the tables are turned,

The Turkin shall be punished; by death, a declaration of war,

As they shall be retreating to the cave they come from, and when Turkin shall obey the Akritian law.






Commander, Georgios Dracontas The I


King, Justinian Komnenos


Nobleman, Andino


Princess, Cassia Komnenos


Turkin-Bey, Basil Karamanoglu


Emissary, Alexander Agathangelou


Canonist Priest, Father Constantin


Princes, Augustus & Loukas


Janissary-Guard, Osman Özenoğlu



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A young Sarkozy lad puts the piece in his bookshelf, keeping it to read at a later time excitedly.

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A young Basrid still wonders why fictional history is being invented upon the theatre stage to justify the relevance of a modern family. He shook his head, returning to the dusty tomes he had unearthed regarding the history of the North Rhenyari, which very clearly spoke of the Diogenoi and Palaiologoi as the historical rulers of Akritos, and not the make-believe King Justin.

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Note: I posted this for OOC Media and Creativity no In-Character purposes were involved whatsoever in here except for the original post.


Original post can be found here:



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